{{ target: partial-component-common-style }}

#${prefix} backgroundColor(Color) = ‘transparent’

Background color of ${componentName}, which is transparent by default.

Color can be represented in RGB, for example 'rgb(128, 128, 128)'. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)'. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example '#ccc'.

{{if: ${needShow} }} Attention: Works only if show: true is set. {{/if}}

#${prefix} borderColor(Color) = ‘#ccc’

Border color of ${componentName}. Support the same color format as backgroundColor.

{{if: ${needShow} }} Attention: Works only if show: true is set. {{/if}}

#${prefix} borderWidth(number) = 1

Border width of ${componentName}.

{{if: ${needShow} }} Attention: Works only if show: true is set. {{/if}}

{{if: ${hasBorderRadius} }} {{use: partial-border-radius(prefix=${prefix})}} {{/if}}

{{ use:partial-style-shadow(prefix=${prefix}, needShow=true) }}

{{target: partial-border-radius}}

#${prefix} ${propName|default(‘borderRadius’)}(number|Array) = 0 The radius of rounded corner. Its unit is px. And it supports use array to respectively specify the 4 corner radiuses.

For example:

${propName|default('borderRadius')}: 5, // consistently set the size of 4 rounded corners
${propName|default('borderRadius')}: [5, 5, 0, 0] // (clockwise upper left, upper right, bottom right and bottom left)