{{target: component-timeline}}


timeline component, which provides functions like switching and playing between multiple ECharts options.

Here is an example:


Different from other components, timeline component requires multiple options. If the traditional way of ECharts option is called atomic option, then, the option used along with timeline should be call a compound option composed with multiple atomic options. For example:

// In the following example, baseOption is an *atomic option*, so as each item in options array.
// Each of the atomic option follows configuration introduced in this document.
        baseOption: {
            timeline: {
                data: ['2002-01-01', '2003-01-01', '2004-01-01']
            title: {
                subtext: ' Data is from National Bureau of Statistics '
            grid: {...},
            xAxis: [...],
            yAxis: [...],
            series: [
                { // other configurations of series 1
                    type: 'bar',
                { // other configurations of series 2
                    type: 'line',
                { // other configurations of series 3
                    type: 'pie',
        options: [
            { // it is an option corresponding to '2002-01-01'
                title: {
                text: 'the statistics of the year 2002'
                series: [
                    {data: []}, // the data of series 1
                    {data: []}, // the data of series 2
                    {data: []}  // the data of series 3
            { // it is an option corresponding to '2003-01-01'
                title: {
                    text: 'the statistics of the year 2003'
                series: [
                    {data: []},
                    {data: []},
                    {data: []}
            { // it is an option corresponding to '2004-01-01'
                title: {
                    text: 'the statistics of the year 2004'
                series: [
                    {data: []},
                    {data: []},
                    {data: []}

In the above example, each item in timeline.data corresponds to each option of options array.

  • Shared configuration items are recommended to be set in baseOption. When switching in timeline, option in corresponding options array will be merged with baseOption to form the final option.

  • In options array, if an attribute is configured in one of the options, then, it should also be configured in other options. Otherwise, this attribute will be ignored.

  • options in compound option doesn't support merge.

    That is to say, when calling chart.setOption(rawOption) after the first time, if rawOption is a compound option (meaning that it contains an array of options), then the new rawOption.options will replace the old one, instead of merging with it. Of course, rawOption.baseOption will be merged with that of old option normally.

  • ECharts3 doesn't support timeline.notMerge parameter any more, which implies notMerge mode is no longer supported. If you need this function, you may manage the option in your own program before passing to setOption(option, true).

  • Comparing ECharts 3 with ECharts 2, the definition location of timeline attributes are different. The one in ECharts 3 is moved to baseOption and is regarded as a seperate component, which is also compatible with the timeline definition location of ECharts 2. But it is not recommended to do so.

show(boolean) = true

Whether to show the timeline component. It would not show with a setting of false, but its functions still remain.

type(string) = ‘slider’

This attribute has only one valid value as slider by now. You don't have to change it.

axisType(string) = ‘time’

Type of axis, whose values may be:

  • 'value' Numeric axis, which is suitable for continuous data.
  • 'category' Category axis, which is suitable for category data.
  • 'time' Time axis, which is suitable for continuous time data. Compared with value axis, time axis is equipped with time formatting function and has a different method when calculating axis ticks. For example, for time axis, axis ticks may vary in choosing unit as month, week, date, or hour based on the range of data.

currentIndex(number) = 0

Indicates which is the currently selected item. For instance, if currentIndex is 0, it indicates that the currently selected item is timeline.data[0] (namely, using options[0]).

autoPlay(boolean) = false

Whether to play automatically.

rewind(boolean) = false

Whether supports playing reversely.

loop(boolean) = true

Whether to loop playing.

playInterval(number) = 2000

Indicates play speed (gap time between two state), whose unit is millisecond.

realtime(boolean) = true

Whether the view updates in real time during dragging the control dot.

controlPosition(string) = ‘left’

Position of the play button, whose valid values are 'left' and 'right'.

{{ use: partial-rect-layout( componentName=‘timeline’ ) }}

padding(number|Array) = 5

{{ use: partial-padding(componentName=‘timeline’)}}

orient(string) = ‘horizontal’

Orientation of the component, whose valid values are:

  • 'vertical': vertical layout.
  • 'horizontal': horizontal layout.

inverse(boolean) = false

  • Whether to put the timeline component reversely, which makes the elements in the front to be at the end.

{{ use: partial-symbol( prefix=‘#’, defaultSymbol=“‘emptyCircle’”, defaultSymbolSize=10, name=‘timeline’ ) }}


show(boolean) = true

Whether to show the axis. It can be set to be false to hide the axis line to make a different style.

{{ use:partial-line-style( prefix=“##”, name=“timeline “, defaultWidth=2, defaultColor=”‘#304654’” )}}


Label axis, emphasis is the highlighted style of text. For instance, text style in emphasis would be used when mouse hovers or legend connects.

position(string|number) = ‘auto’


  • 'auto': Automatic layout.

  • 'left': Put it along the left margin. It is valid when timline.orient is set as 'horizontal' .

  • 'right': Put it along the right margin. It is valid when timline.orient is set as 'horizontal'.

  • 'top': Put it along the margin of the top. It is valid when timline.orient is set as 'vertical'.

  • 'bottom': Put it along the margin of the bottom. It is valid when timline.orient is set as 'vertical'.

  • number: When it is assigned to be a a number value, it indicates the distance between label and axis. If it is set to be 0 , label would be at the same position with axis. Negative value is valid for the other side of the axis.

{{ use: partial-timeline-label( prefix=“##”, state=“normal”, textStyleDefaultColor=“‘#304654’” ) }}


{{ use: partial-timeline-label( prefix=“###”, state=“emphasis”, textStyleDefaultColor=“‘#c23531’” ) }}


{{use:partial-item-style-desc( name="timeline " ) }}

{{ use:partial-item-style( prefix=“##”, name=“timeline “, defaultColor=”‘#304654’”, defaultBorderWidth=1 ) }}


{{ use:partial-item-style( prefix=“###”, name=“timeline “, defaultColor=”‘#c23531’”, defaultBorderWidth=1 ) }}


Style of the selected item (checkpoint).

{{ use: partial-symbol( prefix=‘##’, defaultSymbol=“‘circle’”, defaultSymbolSize=13, name='timeline.checkpointStyle ' ) }}

color(Color) = ‘#c23531’

Color of checkpoint in timeline component.

borderWidth(number) = 5

The border-width of checkpoint in timeline component.

borderColor(Color) = ‘rgba(194,53,49, 0.5)’

The border-color of checkpoint in timeline component.

animation(boolean) = true

In timeline component, whether there is animation in checkpoint moving during the process of timeline playing and switching.

animationDuration(number) = 300

The animation duration of checkpoint in timeline component.

animationEasing(string) = ‘quinticInOut’

The easing effect of animation of checkpoint in timeline component. Refers to easing sample for different easing effects.


The style of control button, which includes: play button, previous button, and next button.

show(boolean) = true

Whether to show control button. false for hide all.

showPlayBtn(boolean) = true

Whether to show play button.

showPrevBtn(boolean) = true

Whether to show previous button.

showNextBtn(boolean) = true

Whether to show next button.

itemSize(number) = 22

Size of control button, in pixels (px).

itemGap(number) = 12

Interval between control button, in pixels (px).

position(string) = ‘left’

the location of control button.

  • When timeline.orient is set to be 'horizontal', 'left' and 'right'are valid.

  • When timeline.orient is set to be 'vertical', 'top' and 'bottom'are valid.


Icon of play status for play button.

{{ use: partial-icon-image-path }}


Icon of stop status for play button.

{{ use: partial-icon-image-path }}


Icon of previous button.

{{ use: partial-icon-image-path }}


Icon of next button.

{{ use: partial-icon-image-path }}

color(Color) = ‘#304654’

Button color.

borderColor(Color) = ‘#304654’

Color of button border.

borderWidth(number) = 1

Border width of button.


Button style in highlighted state (when it's hovered by mouse).

color(Color) = ‘#c23531’

Button color.

borderColor(Color) = ‘#c23531’

Color of button border.

borderWidth(number) = 2

Width of button border.


timeline data. Each item of Array can be a instant value. If you need to set style individually for a data item, the data item should be written as Object. In then Object, the attribute of value is numerical value. Other attributes, such as shown the examples below, could cover the attribute configurations in timeline.

as follows:

        value: '2005-01-01',
        tooltip: {          // enables `tooltip` to be displayed as mouse hovering to this item.
            formatter: '{b} xxxx'
        symbol: 'diamond',  // the special setting of this item's symbol.
        symbolSize: 16      // the special setting of this item's size.
        value: '2011-01-01',
        tooltip: {          // enables `tooltip` to be displayed as mouse hovering to this item.
            formatter: function (params) {
                return params.name + 'xxxx';
        symbol: 'diamond',
        symbolSize: 18

{{target: partial-timeline-label}}

#${prefix} show(boolean) = true

Whether to show the label.

#${prefix} interval(string|number) = ‘auto’

Interval of label. When it is assigned with a numerical value, such as 2, a label would show every 2 items.

#${prefix} rotate(prefix) = 0

Rotation angle of label, in which positive values refer to counter clockwise rotation.

#${prefix} formatter(string|Function) = null

{{use: axis-common-formatter-desc}}

{{ if: ${state} }} {{ use: partial-text-style( prefix=${prefix}, name=“timeline.lable.” + ${state}, defaultColor=${textStyleDefaultColor} ) }} {{ else }} {{ use: partial-text-style( prefix=${prefix}, name=“timeline.lable”, defaultColor=${textStyleDefaultColor} ) }} {{ /if }}