{{target: component-single-axis}}


An axis with a single dimension. It can be used to display data in one dimension. For example:


{{use: partial-component-id(prefix=“#”)}}

{{ use: partial-rect-layout-width-height( componentName=“grid “, defaultLeft=”‘5%’”, defaultTop=“‘5%’”, defaultRight=“‘5%’”, defaultBottom=“‘5%’” ) }}

orient(string) = ‘horizontal’

Orientation of the axis. By default, it's 'horizontal'. You can set it to be 'vertical' to make a vertical axis.

{{ use: axis-common( prefix=‘#’, componentType=‘singleAxis’, axisTypeDefault=“‘value’”, hasSplitLineAndArea=true, galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath}, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath} )}}

{{use: partial-tooltip-in-coords( galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath}, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath} )}}