{{target: component-grid}}


Drawing grid in rectangular coordinate. In a single grid, at most two X and Y axes each is allowed. Line chart, bar chart, and scatter chart (bubble chart) can be drawn in grid.

In ECharts 2.x, there could only be one single grid component at most in a single echarts instance. But in ECharts 3, there is no limitation.

Following is an example of Anscombe Quartet:


{{use: partial-component-id(prefix=“#”)}}

show(boolean) = false

Whether to show the grid in rectangular coordinate.

{{ use: partial-rect-layout-width-height( componentName=“grid “, defaultLeft=”‘10%’”, defaultTop=60, defaultRight=“‘10%’”, defaultBottom=60 ) }}

containLabel(boolean) = false

Whether the grid region contains axis tick label of axis.

  • When containLabel is false:
    • grid.left grid.right grid.top grid.bottom grid.width grid.height decide the location and size of the rectangle that is made of by xAxis and yAxis.
    • Setting to false will help when multiple grids need to be aligned at their axes.
  • When containLabel is true:
    • grid.left grid.right grid.top grid.bottom grid.width grid.height decide the location and size of the rectangle that contains the axes and the labels of the axes.
    • Setting to true will help when the length of axis labels is dynamic and is hard to approximate. This will avoid labels from overflowing the container or overlapping other components.

{{ use:partial-component-common-style(componentName=“grid”, prefix=‘#’, needShow=true) }}

{{use: partial-tooltip-in-coords( galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath}, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath} )}}