{{ target: partial-text-style }}

#${prefix|default(‘###’)} color(string)=${defaultColor|default(‘“#fff”’)}

The Color of the text.

#${prefix|default(‘###’)} borderWidth(number)=${defaultBorderWidth|default(0)}

The border width of the text.

#${prefix|default(‘###’)} borderColor(string)=${defaultBorderColor|default(‘#fff’)}

The border color of the text.

#${prefix|default(‘###’)} fontFamily(string)=‘sans-serif’

The font family of the text.

#${prefix|default(‘###’)} fontSize(number)=${defaultFontSize|default(12)}

${name}The font size of the text.

#${prefix|default(‘###’)} fontWeight(string)=${defaultFontWeight|default(‘normal’)}

${name}The font thick weight of the text.


  • 'normal'
  • 'bold'
  • 'bolder'
  • 'lighter'
  • 100 | 200 | 300 | 400...

{{ target: partial-label }}

#${prefix|default(‘##’)} show(boolean) = ${defaultShow|default(false)}

Whether to show the label.

#${prefix|default(‘##’)} distance(number) = ${defaultDistance}

Distance to the host graphic element.

The distance from the label to the graphic. In a 3D Scatter, this distance is the pixel value of the screen space. In other figures, this distance is the relative 3D distance.

{{ if: ${hasPosition} }} #${prefix|default(‘##’)} position(string) = ${defaultPosition|default(‘top’)}

The location of the label.


  • ‘top’
  • ‘left’
  • ‘right’
  • ‘bottom’

{{ /if }}

#${prefix|default(‘##’)} formatter(Function|string)

The formatter of the label content, which supports the string template and the callback function. In either form, \n is supported to represent a new line.

String template:

The model variation includes:

  • {a}: series name.
  • {b}: the name of a data item.
  • {c}: the value of a data item.


formatter: '{b}: {c}'

Callback function: Callback function is in form of:

(params: Object|Array) => string

The params is the single data set needed by formatter, which is formed as:

{{ use: partial-formatter-params-structure() }}

#${prefix|default(‘##’)} textStyle(Object)

The font style of the label.

{{ use:partial-text-style( prefix=${prefix|default(‘##’)} + ‘#’, defaultColor=${defaultTextColor}, defaultBorderWidth=${defaultTextBorderWidth}, defaultBorderColor=${defaultTextBorderColor}, defaultFontSize=${defaultTextFontSize}, defaultFontWeight=${defaultTextFontWeight} ) }}