{{ target: partial-environment }}

#${prefix|default(“#”)} environment(string) = ‘auto’

Environment map. Support for solid colors, gradual colors, URL of panoramic texture. The default is 'auto', which is used as the environment texture when light.ambientCubemap.texture is configured. Otherwise, the environment texture is not displayed.


// Configure as a panoramic texture
environment: 'asset/starfield.jpg'
// Configured as a solid black background
environment: '#000'
// Configured as a background with a vertical gradient
environment: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
  offset: 0, color: '#00aaff' // Sky color
}, {
  offset: 0.7, color: '#998866' // Ground color
}, {
  offset: 1, color: '#998866' // Ground color
}], false)