{{ target: echarts-instance }}


Instance created through echarts.init.


Group name to be used in chart connection.


(option: Object, notMerge?: boolean, lazyUpdate?: boolean)
(option: Object, opts?: Object)

Configuration item, data, universal interface, all parameters and data can all be modified through setOption. ECharts will merge new parameters and data, and then refresh chart. If animation is enabled, ECharts will find the difference between two groups of data and present data changes through proper animation.

**For example: **


**Attention: ** Setting configuration item using addData and setSeries of ECharts 2.x are no longer supported. setOption is used for all these cases in ECharts 3. Please refer to the above example.


Invoke approaches:

chart.setOption(option, notMerge, lazyUpdate);


chart.setOption(option, {
    notMerge: ...,
    lazyUpdate: ...,
    silent: ...
  • option

    Configuration item and data. Please refer to configuration item manual for more information.

  • notMerge

    Optional; states whether not to merge with previous option; false by defualt, stating merging.

  • lazyUpdate

    Optional; states whether not to update chart immediately; false by defualt, stating update immediately.

  • silent

    Optional; states whether not to prevent triggering events when calling setOption; false by defualt, stating trigger events.


() => number

Gets width of ECharts instance container.


() => number

Gets height of ECharts instance container.


() => HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLDivElement

Gets DOM element of ECharts instance container.


() => Object

Gets option object maintained in current instance, which contains configuration item and data merged from previous setOption operations by users, along with user interaction states. For example, switching of legend, zooming area of data zoom, and so on. Therefore, a new instance that is exactly the same can be recovered from this option.

**Attention: **Attribute values in each component of the returned option are all in the form of an array, no matter it's single object or array of object when passed by setOption. For example:

    title: [{...}],
    legend: [{...}],
    grid: [{...}]

Besides, the following style is not recommended:

var option = myChart.getOption();
option.visualMap[0].inRange.color = ...;

This is because getOption contains merged values which could be default values, and may overlaps future values. So, we recommend the following style when update part of configuration.

    visualMap: {
        inRange: {
            color: ...


(opts?: {
    width?: number|string,
    height?: number|string,
    silent?: boolean
}) => ECharts

Resizes chart, which should be called manually when container size changes.


  • opts

    Optional; which may contain:

    • width

      Specify width explicitly, in pixel. If setting to null/undefined/'auto', width of dom (instance container) will be used.

    • height

      Specify height explicitly, in pixel. If setting to null/undefined/'auto', height of dom (instance container) will be used.

    • silent

      Specify whether or not to prevent triggering events.

Tip: Sometimes charts may be placed in multiple tabs. Those in hidden labels may fail to initialize due to the ignorance of container width and height. So resize should be called manually to get the correct width and height when switching to the corresponding tabs, or specify width/heigth in opts explicitly.


(payload: Object)

Triggers chart action, like chart switch legendToggleSelect,zoom data area dataZoom, show tooltip showTip and so on. See action and events for more information.

payload parameter can trigger multiple actions through batch attribute.

**Attention: **In ECharts 2.x, triggering chart actions has a long operation path like myChart.component.tooltip.showTip, which may also involve with internal component organization. So, dispatchAction is used in this case in ECharts 3.

For example

    type: 'dataZoom',
    start: 20,
    end: 30
// Multiply actions can be dispatched through batch parameter
    type: 'dataZoom',
    batch: [{
        // first dataZoom component
        start: 20,
        end: 30
    }, {
        // second dataZoom component
        dataZoomIndex: 1,
        start: 10,
        end: 20


    eventName: string,
    handler: Function,
    context?: Object
    eventName: string,
    query: string|Object,
    handler: Function,
    context?: Object

Binds event-handling function.

There are two kinds of events in ECharts, one of which is mouse events, which will be triggered when the mouse clicks certain element in the chart, the other kind will be triggered after dispatchAction is called. Every action has a corresponding event. Please refer to action and events for more information.

If event is triggered externally by dispatchAction, and there is batch attribute in action to trigger batch action, then the corresponding response event parameters be in batch.


  • eventName

    Event names are all in lower-cases, for example, 'click', 'mousemove', 'legendselected'

    **Attention: ** ECharts 2.x uses attributes like CLICK in config object as event name. In ECharts 3, lower-case strings are used as event name to align with DOM events.

  • query

    Condition for filtering, optional. query enables only call handlers on graphic elements of specified components. Can be string or Object.

    If string, the formatter can be ‘mainType’ or ‘mainType.subType’. For example:

    chart.on('click', 'series', function () {...});
    chart.on('click', 'series.line', function () {...});
    chart.on('click', 'dataZoom', function () {...});
    chart.on('click', 'xAxis.category', function () {...});

    If Object, one or more properties below can be included, and any of them is optional.

        <mainType>Index: number // component index
        <mainType>Name: string // component name
        <mainType>Id: string // component id
        dataIndex: number // data item index
        name: string // data item name
        dataType: string // data item type, e.g.,
                         // 'node' and 'edge' in graph.
        element: string // element name in custom series

    For example:

        // ...
        series: [{
            name: 'uuu'
            // ...
    chart.on('mouseover', {seriesName: 'uuu'}, function () {
        // When the graphic elements in the series with name 'uuu' mouse overed, this method is called.

    For example:

        // ...
        series: [{
            // ...
        }, {
            // ...
            data: [
                {name: 'xx', value: 121},
                {name: 'yy', value: 33}
    chart.on('mouseover', {seriesIndex: 1, name: 'xx'}, function () {
        // When the graphic elements of the data item with name 'xx' in the series with index 1 mouse overed, this method is called.

    For example:

        // ...
        series: [{
            type: 'graph',
            nodes: [{name: 'a', value: 10}, {name: 'b', value: 20}],
            edges: [{source: 0, target: 1}]
    chart.on('click', {dataType: 'node'}, function () {
        // When the nodes of the graph clicked, this method is called.
    chart.on('click', {dataType: 'edge'}, function () {
        // When the edges of the graph clicked, this method is called.

    For example:

        // ...
        series: {
            // ...
            type: 'custom',
            renderItem: function (params, api) {
                return {
                    type: 'group',
                    children: [{
                        type: 'circle',
                        name: 'my_el',
                        // ...
                    }, {
                        // ...
            data: [[12, 33]]
    chart.on('click', {targetName: 'my_el'}, function () {
        // When the element with name 'my_el' clicked, this method is called.
  • handler

    Event-handling function, whose format is as following:

(event: Object)
  • context

    Optional; context of callback function, what this refers to.


(eventName: string, handler?: Function)

Unbind event-handler function.

**parameter: **

  • eventName

    Event name.

  • handler

    Optional. The function to be unbound could be passed. Otherwise, all event functions of this type will be unbound.


    // finder is used to indicate in which coordinate system conversion is performed.
    // Generally, index or id or name can be used to specify coordinate system.
    finder: {
        seriesIndex?: number,
        seriesId?: string,
        seriesName?: string,
        geoIndex?: number,
        geoId?: string,
        geoName?: string,
        xAxisIndex?: number,
        xAxisId?: string,
        xAxisName?: string,
        yAxisIndex?: number,
        yAxisId?: string,
        yAxisName?: string,
        gridIndex?: number,
        gridId?: string
        gridName?: string
    // The value to be converted.
    value: Array|string
    // Conversion result, in pixel coordinate system, where the origin ([0, 0])
    // is on the left-top of the main dom of echarts instance.
) => Array|string

Convert a point from logical coordinate (e.g., in geo, cartesian, graph, ...) to pixel coordinate.

For example:

In geo coordinate system, convert a point from latlong to pixel coordinate:

// [128.3324, 89.5344] represents [longitude, latitude].
// Perform conversion in the first geo coordinate system:
chart.convertToPixel('geo', [128.3324, 89.5344]); // The parameter 'geo' means {geoIndex: 0}.
// Perform conversion in the second geo coordinate system:
chart.convertToPixel({geoIndex: 1}, [128.3324, 89.5344]);
// Perform conversion in the geo coordinate system with id 'bb':
chart.convertToPixel({geoId: 'bb'}, [128.3324, 89.5344]);

In cartesian (see grid), convert a point to pixel coordinate:

// [300, 900] means [value on xAxis, value on yAxis].
// Notice, there might be more than one xAxis or yAxis in a grid, and each a pair of
// xAxis-yAxis constitudes a cartesian.
// Perform conversion in the cartesian consist of the third xAxis and the yAxis with id 'y1'.
chart.convertToPixel({xAxisIndex: 2, yAxisId: 'y1'}, [300, 900]);
// 使用 id 为 'g1' 的 grid 的第一个 cartesian 进行转换:
// Perform conversion in the first cartesian of the grid with id 'g1'.
chart.convertToPixel({gridId: 'g1'}, [300, 900]);

Convert a axis value to pixel value:

// In the xAxis with id 'x0', convert value 3000 to the horizontal pixel coordinate:
chart.convertToPixel({xAxisId: 'x0'}, 3000); // A number will be returned.
// In the second yAxis, convert value 600 to the vertical pixel coordinate:
chart.convertToPixel({yAxisIndex: 1}, 600); // A number will be returned.

In graph, convert a point to pixel coordinate:

// Since every graph series maintains a coordinate system for itself, we
// specify the graph series in finder.
chart.convertToPixel({seriesIndex: 0}, [2000, 3500]);
chart.convertToPixel({seriesId: 'k2'}, [100, 500]);

In a cooridinate system (cartesian, geo, graph, ...) that contains the given series, convert a point to pixel coordinate:

// Perform convert in the coordinate system that contains the first series.
chart.convertToPixel({seriesIndex: 0}, [128.3324, 89.5344]);
// Perform convert in the coordinate system that contains the series with id 'k2'.
chart.convertToPixel({seriesId: 'k2'}, [128.3324, 89.5344]);


    // finder is used to indicate in which coordinate system conversion is performed.
    // Generally, index or id or name can be used to specify coordinate system.
    finder: {
        seriesIndex?: number,
        seriesId?: string,
        seriesName?: string,
        geoIndex?: number,
        geoId?: string,
        geoName?: string,
        xAxisIndex?: number,
        xAxisId?: string,
        xAxisName?: string,
        yAxisIndex?: number,
        yAxisId?: string,
        yAxisName?: string,
        gridIndex?: number,
        gridId?: string
        gridName?: string
    // The value to be converted, in pixel coordinate system, where the origin ([0, 0])
    // is on the left-top of the main dom of echarts instance.
    value: Array|string
    // Conversion result
) => Array|string

Convert a point from pixel coordinate to logical coordinate (e.g., in geo, cartesian, graph, ...). This method is the inverse operation of convertToPixel, where the examples can be referred.


    // finder is used to specify coordinate systems or series on which the judgement performed.
    // Generally, index or id or name can be used to specify coordinate system.
    finder: {
        seriesIndex?: number,
        seriesId?: string,
        seriesName?: string,
        geoIndex?: number,
        geoId?: string,
        geoName?: string,
        xAxisIndex?: number,
        xAxisId?: string,
        xAxisName?: string,
        yAxisIndex?: number,
        yAxisId?: string,
        yAxisName?: string,
        gridIndex?: number,
        gridId?: string
        gridName?: string
    // The value to be judged, in pixel coordinate system, where the origin ([0, 0])
    // is on the left-top of the main dom of echarts instance.
    value: Array
) => boolean

Determine whether the given point is in the given coordinate systems or series.

These coordinate systems or series are supported currently: grid, polar, geo, series-map, series-graph, series-pie.

For example:

// Determine whether point [23, 44] is in the geo whose geoIndex 0.
chart.containPixel('geo', [23, 44]); // Parameter 'geo' means {geoIndex: 0}
// Determine whether point [23, 44] is in the grid whose gridId is 'z'.
chart.containPixel({gridId: 'z'}, [23, 44]);
// Determine whether point [23, 44] is in series whose index are 1, 4 or 5.
chart.containPixel({seriesIndex: [1, 4, 5]}, [23, 44]);
// Determine whether point [23, 44] is in series whose index are 1, 4 or 5,
// or is in grid whose name is 'a'.
chart.containPixel({seriesIndex: [1, 4, 5], gridName: 'a'}, [23, 44]);


(type?: string, opts?: Object)

Shows loading animation. You can call this interface manually before data is loaded, and call hideLoading to hide loading animation after data is loaded.

**parameter: **

  • type

    Optional; type of loading animation; only 'default' is supported by far.

  • opts

    Optional; configuration item of loading animation, which is related to type. Following shows the default configuration item :

default: { text: ‘loading’, color: ‘#c23531’, textColor: ‘#000’, maskColor: ‘rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)’, zlevel: 0 } ```


Hides animation loading effect.


(opts: {
    // Exporting format, can be either png, or jpeg
    type?: string,
    // Resolution ratio of exporting image, 1 by default.
    pixelRatio?: number,
    // Background color of exporting image, use backgroundColor in option by default.
    backgroundColor?: string,
    // Excluded components list. e.g. ['toolbox']
    excludeComponents?: Array.<string>
}) => string

Exports chart image; returns a base64 URL; can be set to src of Image.

**For example: **

var img = new Image();
img.src = myChart.getDataURL({
    pixelRatio: 2,
    backgroundColor: '#fff'


(opts: {
    // Exporting format, can be either png, or jpeg
    type?: string,
    // Resolution ratio of exporting image, 1 by default.
    pixelRatio?: number,
    // Background color of exporting image, use backgroundColor in option by default.
    backgroundColor?: string,
    // Excluded components list. e.g. ['toolbox']
    excludeComponents?: Array.<string>
}) => string

Exports connected chart image; returns a base64 url; can be set to src of Image. Position of charts in exported image are related to that of the container.


(opts: {
    // Specify which series the data will be appended to.
    seriesIndex?: string,
    // The data to be appended.
    data?: Array|TypedArray,
}) => string

The method is used in rendering millions of data (e.g. rendering geo data). In these scenario, the entire size of data is probably up to 10 or 100 MB, even using binary format. So chunked load data and rendering is required. When using appendData, the graphic elements that have been rendered will not be cleared, but keep rendering new graphic elements.


  • Currently, when a series is using dataset, it is not supported to use appendData.
  • Currently not all types of series supported incremental rendering when using appendData. Only these types of series support it: scatter and lines of pure echarts, and scatterGL, linesGL and polygons3D of echarts-gl.


Clears current instance; removes all components and series in current instance.


() => boolean

Returns whether current instance has been disposed.


Disposes instance. Once disposed, the instance can not be used again.