{{target: rich-text}}

Rich Text

Rich text can be used in labels of series, axis or other components. For example:




More examples: Map Labels, Pie Labels, Gauge.

Before v3.7, the style options was only able to applied to the whole label text block, and only color and font can be configured, which restricted the expressability of text descriptions.

Since v3.7, rich text has been supported:

  • Box styles (background, border, shadow, etc.), rotation, position of a text block can be specified.
  • Styles (color, font, width/height, background, shadow, etc.) and alignment can be customzied on fregments of text.
  • Image can be used in text as icon or background.
  • Combine these configurations, some special effects can be made, such as simple table, horizontal rule (hr).

At the begining, the meanings of two terms that will be used below should be clarified:

  • Text Block: The whole block of label text.
  • Text Fregment: Some piece of text in a text block.

For example: ~340x240

Options about Text

echarts provides plenty of text options, including:

  • Basic font style: fontStyle, fontWeight, fontSize, fontFamily.
  • Fill of text: color.
  • Stroke of text: textBorderColor, textBorderWidth.
  • Shadow of text: textShadowColor, textShadowBlur, textShadowOffsetX, textShadowOffsetY.
  • Box size of text block or text fregment: lineHeight, width, height, padding.
  • Alignment of text block or text fregment: align, verticalAlign.
  • Border, background (color or image) of text block or text fregment: backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, borderRadius.
  • Shadow of text block or text fregment: shadowColor, shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY.
  • Position and rotation of text block: position, distance, rotate.

User can defined styles for text fregment in rich property. For example, series-bar.label.rich

For example:

label: {
    // Styles defined in 'rich' can be applied to some fregments
    // of text by adding some markers to those fregment, like
    // `{styleName|text content text content}`.
    // `'\n'` is the newline character.
    formatter: [
        '{a|Style "a" is applied to this fregment}'
        '{b|Style "b" is applied to this fregment}This fregment use default style{x|use style "x"}'

    // Styles for the whole text block are defined here:
    color: '#333',
    fontSize: 5,
    fontFamily: 'Arial',
    borderWidth: 3,
    backgroundColor: '#984455',
    padding: [3, 10, 10, 5],
    lineHeight: 20,

    // Styles for text fregments are defined here:
    rich: {
        a: {
            color: 'red',
            lineHeight: 10
        b: {
            backgroundColor: {
                image: 'xxx/xxx.jpg'
            height: 40
        x: {
            fontSize: 18,
            fontFamily: 'Microsoft YaHei',
            borderColor: '#449933',
            borderRadius: 4

Notice: widthheight only work when rich specified.

Basic Styles of Text, Text Block and Text Fragment

Basic font style can be set to text: fontStyle, fontWeight, fontSize, fontFamily.

Fill color and stroke color can be set to text: color, textBorderColor, textBorderWidth.

Border style and background style can be set to text block: borderColor, borderWidth, backgroundColor, padding.

Border style and background style can be set to text fregment too: borderColor, borderWidth, backgroundColor, padding.

For example: ~700x300

Label Position

label option can be use in charts like bar, line, scatter, etc. The position of a label, can be specified by label.positionlabel.distance.

For example: ~800x400

Notice, there are different optional values of position by different chart types. And distance is not supported in every chart. More detailed info can be checked in option doc.

Label Rotation

Sometimes label is needed to be rotated. For example:


align andverticalAlign can be used to adjust location of label in this scenario.

Notice, align and verticalAlign are applied firstly, then rotate.

Layout and Alignment of Text Fregment

To understand the layout rule, every text fregment can be imagined as a inline-block dom element in CSS.

content box size of a text fregment is determined by its font size by default. It can also be specified directly by width and height, although they are rarely set. border box size of a text fregment is calculated by adding the border box size and padding.

Only '\n' is the newline character, which breaks a line.

Multiple text fregment exist in a single line. The height of a line is determined by the biggest lineHeight of text fregments. lineHeight of a text fregment can be specified in rich, or in the parent level of rich, otherwise using box size of the text fregment.

Having lineHeight determined, the vertical position of text fregments can be determined by verticalAlign (there is a little different from the rule in CSS):

  • 'bottom': The bottom edge of the text fregment sticks to the bottom edge of the line.
  • 'top': The top edge of the text fregment sticks to the top edge of the line.
  • 'middle': In the middle of the line.

The width of a text block can be specified by width, otherwise, by the longest line. Having the width determined, text fregment can be placed in each line, where the horizontal position of text fregments can be determined by its align.

  • Firstly, place text fregments whose align is 'left' from left to right continuously.
  • Secondly, place text fregments whose align is 'right' from right to left continuously.
  • Finally, the text fregments remained will be sticked and placed in the center of the rest of space.

The position of text in a text fregment:

  • If align is 'center', text aligns at the center of the text fregment box.
  • If align is 'left', text aligns at the left of the text fregment box.
  • If align is 'right', text aligns at the right of the text fregment box.

For example:


Effects: Icon, Horizontal Rule, Title Block, Simple Table

See example:


Icon is implemented by using image in backgroundColor.

rich: {
    Sunny: {
        backgroundColor: {
            image: './data/asset/img/weather/sunny_128.png'
        // Can only height specified, but leave width auto obtained
        // from the image, where the aspect ratio kept.
        height: 30

Horizontal rule (like HTML <hr> tag) can be implemented by border:

rich: {
    hr: {
        borderColor: '#777',
        // width is set as '100%' to fullfill the text block.
        // Notice, the percentage is based on the content box, without
        // padding. Although it is a little different from CSS rule,
        // it is convinent in most cases.
        width: '100%',
        borderWidth: 0.5,
        height: 0

Title block can be implemented by backgroundColor:

// Title is at left.
formatter: '{titleBg|Left Title}',
rich: {
    titleBg: {
        backgroundColor: '#000',
        height: 30,
        borderRadius: [5, 5, 0, 0],
        padding: [0, 10, 0, 10],
        width: '100%',
        color: '#eee'

// Title is in the center of the line.
// This implementation is a little tricky, but is works
// without more complicated layout mechanism involved.
formatter: '{tc|Center Title}{titleBg|}',
rich: {
    titleBg: {
        align: 'right',
        backgroundColor: '#000',
        height: 30,
        borderRadius: [5, 5, 0, 0],
        padding: [0, 10, 0, 10],
        width: '100%',
        color: '#eee'

Simple table can be implemented by specify the same width to text fregments that are in the same column of different lines. See the example at the mentioned above.