{{target: series-map}}



Map is maily used in the visulization of geographic area data, which can be used with visualMap component to visualize the datas such as population distribution density in diffrent areas.

Series of same map type will show in one map. At this point, the configuration of the first series will be used for the map configuration.

type(string) = ‘map’

{{use: partial-component-id(prefix=“#”)}}

{{ use: partial-series-name() }}

{{ use: geo-common( prefix=‘#’, inMap=true, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath}, galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath} ) }}

geoIndex(number) = null

In default case, map series create exclusive geo component for themselves. But geoIndex can be used to specify an outer geo component, which can be shared with other series like pie. Moreover, the region color of the outer geo component can be controlled by the map series (via visualMap).

When geoIndex specified, series-map.map other style configurations like series-map.itemStyle will not work, but cooresponding configurations in geo component will be used.

For example: ~600x400

mapValueCalculation(string) = ‘sum’

Value of multiple series with the same map type can use this option to get a statistical value.

Supported statistical methods:

  • 'sum'
  • 'average'
  • 'max'
  • 'min'


Show the symbol in related area (dot of series symbol). Available when legend component exists.

roam(boolean|string) = false

{{ use: partial-roam }}

{{ use: partial-seriesLayoutBy }}

{{ use: partial-datasetIndex }}


{{ use: partial-1d-data-desc(name=“map”) }}


The name of the map area where the data belongs to, such as 'China' or 'United Kingdom' .


The numerical value of this area.

selected(boolean) = false

Whether the are selected.


Style of item polygon


Color of the area. {{ use: partial-item-style(prefix=‘####’) }}


{{use: partial-label-desc}} {{use: partial-label( prefix=“###”, defaultPosition=“‘bottom’”, formatter=true, noAlign=true, noVerticalAlign=true )}}




{{ use: partial-item-style(prefix=‘####’) }}


{{use: partial-label( prefix=“####”, formatter=true, noAlign=true, noVerticalAlign=true )}}

{{use: partial-tooltip-in-series-data( galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath} )}}

{{use: partial-marker( prefix=“#”, seriesType=“map”, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath}, hasCoord=true )}}

{{ use:partial-silent( prefix=“#” ) }}

{{use: partial-tooltip-in-series( galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath} )}}