{{ target: series-lines3D }}


3D lines. Like the 2D [lines] (https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#series-line), it is used to represent the line data from the start point to the end point. More is used in geographic visualization.

Below is an example of a visual airplane flight using lines3D on globe.


type(string) = ‘lines3D’

{{ use: partial-series-name() }}

{{ use: series-common-coordinate-system( geo3D=true, globe=true ) }}

polyline(boolean) = false

If draw as a polyline.

Default to be false. Can only draw a two end straight line.

If it is set true, data.coords can have more than two coords to draw a polyline. It is useful when visualizing GPS track data.


The setting about the special effects of lines.

show(boolean) = false

Whether to show special effect. It is not displayed by default.

period(number) = 4

The duration of the special effect, which unit is second.

constantSpeed(number) = null

Whether the moving animation of the trail of special effect has a constant speed, which unit is dimensioned in 3D space. The period will be ignored when it is set to a non-null value.

trailWidth(number) = 4

The width of the trail of special effects.

trailLength(number) = 0.1

The length of trail of special effect. The values from 0 to 1 could be set. Is the percentage of the length of the line.


The color of the trail, which default is the same as the line color.


The opacity of the trail, which default is the same as line opacity.


The line style of the lines.

{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix=“##”, useColorPalatte=true, defaultOpacity=0.5 ) }}


A data array of 3D lines. Usually, each item of data can be a set of coordinates containing the start point and end point.

More than two coordinates can be supported when polyline is set to true. as follows:

data: [
        [120, 66, 1], // latitude, longitude and altitude coordinates of the start point
        [122, 67, 2]  // latitude, longitude and altitude coordinates of the end point

Sometimes you need to configure the name of the data item or a separate style. You need to write the latitude and longitude coordinates to the coords property, as follows:

data: [
        coords: [ [120, 66], [122, 67] ],
        // The value of data
        value: 10,
        // The name of data
        name: 'foo',
        // The style of line
        lineStyle: {}


An array of two or more latitude and longitude coordinates. When polyline is set to true, support more than two coordinates.


The value of data.


Style setting for single data (single line).

{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix=“###” ) }}

{{ use: partial-blend-mode() }}

{{ use: partial-zlevel }}

{{ use: partial-silent }}