{{ target: echarts }}


Global echarts object, which can be accessed after including echarts.js in script tag or through require('echarts') in AMD environment.


(dom: HTMLDivElement|HTMLCanvasElement, theme?: Object|string, opts?: {
    devicePixelRatio?: number
    renderer?: string
    width?: number|string
    height? number|string
}) => ECharts

Creates an ECharts instance, and returns an echartsInstance. You shall not initialize multiple ECharts instances on a single container.


  • dom

    Instance container, usually is a div element with height and width defined.

    **Attention: **If div is hidden, ECharts initialization tends to fail due to the lack of width and height information. In this case, you can explicitly specify style.width and style.height of div, or manually call echartsInstance.resize after showing div.

    ECharts 3 supports using canvas element as container directly, thus the canvas can be used somewhere else as image directly after rendering the chart. For example, canvas can be used as a texture in WebGL, which enables updating charts in real-time, as compared to using images generated with echartsInstance.getDataURL.

  • theme

    Theme to be applied. This can be a configuring object of a theme, or a theme name registered through echarts.registerTheme.

  • opts

    Optional chart configurations; which may contain:

    • devicePixelRatio

      Ratio of one physical pixel to the size of one device independent pixels. Browser's window.devicePixelRatio is used by default.

    • renderer

      Supports 'canvas' or 'svg'. See Render by Canvas or SVG.

    • width

      Specify width explicitly, in pixel. If setting to null/undefined/'auto', width of dom (instance container) will be used.

    • height

      Specify height explicitly, in pixel. If setting to null/undefined/'auto', height of dom (instance container) will be used.



Connects interaction of multiple chart series.


  • group Group id, or array of chart instance.

**For example: **

// set group id of each instance respectively.
chart1.group = 'group1';
chart2.group = 'group1';
// or incoming instance array that need to be linked.
echarts.connect([chart1, chart2]);



Disconnects interaction of multiple chart series. To have one single instance to be removed, you can set group of chart instance to be null.


  • group

    group id.


(target: ECharts|HTMLDivElement|HTMLCanvasElement)

Destroys chart instance, after which the instance cannot be used any more.


(target: HTMLDivElement|HTMLCanvasElement) => ECharts

Returns chart instance of dom container.


(mapName: string, geoJson: Object, specialAreas?: Object)

Registers available maps. This can only be used after including geo component or chart series of map.

Please refer to option.geo for usage.


  • mapName

    Map name, referring to map value set in geo component or map.

  • geoJson

    Data in GeoJson format. See http://geojson.org/ for more format information.

  • specialAreas

    Optional; zoomed part of a specific area in the map for better visual effect.

    **For example USA Population Estimates: **

echarts.registerMap(‘USA’, usaJson, { // Move Alaska to the bottom left of United States Alaska: { // Upper left longitude left: -131, // Upper left latitude top: 25, // Range of longitude width: 15 }, // Hawaii Hawaii: { left: -110, top: 28, width: 5 }, // Puerto Rico ‘Puerto Rico’: { left: -76, top: 26, width: 2 } }); ```


(mapName: string)

Get a registed map in the following format:

    // geoJson data of the map
    geoJson: Object,
    // special area, see registerMap() for more information
    specialAreas: Object


(themeName: string, theme: Object)

Registers a theme, should be specified when initialize the chart instance.

{{ use: echarts-graphic }}