{{ target: partial-line-style }}

#${prefix} color(Color) = {{ if: !${useColorPalatte} }} ${defaultColor|default(‘“#000”’)} {{ else }}‘self-adaptive’{{ /if }}

${name}Line color. {{ if: ${useColorPalatte} }} Color is taken from option.color Palette by default. {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${hasCallback} }} Supports callback functions, in the form of:

(params: Object) => Color

Input parameters are seriesIndex, dataIndex, data, value, and etc. of data item. {{ /if }}

{{ use: partial-color-desc() }}

#${prefix} width(number) = ${defaultWidth|default(0)}

${name} line width.

{{ use: partial-line-border-style( prefix = ${prefix}, name = ${name}, defaultType = ${defaultType} ) }}

{{ use: partial-style-shadow-opacity( prefix = ${prefix}, defaultOpacity = ${defaultOpacity}, defaultShadowBlur = ${defaultShadowBlur}, defaultShadowColor = ${defaultShadowColor} ) }}

{{ if: ${hasCurveness} }} #${prefix} curveness(number) = 0

Edge curvature, which supports value from 0 to 1. The larger the value, the greater the curvature. {{ /if }}