{{ target: series-scatter3D }}


3D scatter chart. It can be used to display data in grid3D, geo3D, globe using attributes such as size、color and so on.

This example is a 3D simplex noise drawn with a bubble chart.


type(string) = ‘scatter3D’

{{ use: partial-series-name() }}

{{ use: series-common-coordinate-system( cartesian3D=true, geo3D=true, globe=true ) }}

{{ use: partial-symbol() }}


Sets the style of scatter such as colors, strokes, etc.

{{ use: partial-item-style-scatter3D( prefix=“##” )}}


Sets the style of label.

{{ use: partial-label-scatter3D( prefix=‘##’, hasPosition=true ) }}


Graphics and labels are highlighted.


{{ use: partial-item-style-scatter3D( prefix=“###” )}}


{{ use: partial-label-scatter3D( prefix=“###” )}}


The data array of scatter3D. Each item in the array is a piece of data. Usually, this data stores each attribute/dimension of the data in an array. As Follows:

data: [
    [[12, 14, 10], [34, 50, 15], [56, 30, 20], [10, 15, 12], [23, 10, 14]]

For each item in the array:

  1. In grid3D ,the first three values of each item arex, y, z.
  2. In geo3D and globe ,the first two values of each item are longitude lng, latitude lat,

In addition to the default values for the coordinates, each item can be added with any number of values to visualMap the component for any other graphical property, such as color, etc.

{{ use: common-data-option-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-blend-mode() }}

{{ use: partial-zlevel }}

{{ use: partial-silent }}

{{ use: partial-animation }}

{{ target: partial-item-style-scatter3D }}

{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix=${prefix|default(‘##’)}, defaultOpacity=${defaultOpacity|default(0.8)}, hasCallback = ${hasCallback}, useColorPalette = ${useColorPalette} ) }}

#${prefix|default(‘##’)} borderWidth(number)=0 Sets the width of the border.

#${prefix|default(‘##’)} borderColor(string)=‘#fff’ Sets the color of the border.

{{ target: partial-label-scatter3D }}

{{ use: partial-label( prefix=${prefix}, defaultShow=${defaultShow}, hasPosition=true, defaultPosition=‘right’, defaultDistance=5, defaultTextFontSize=14, defaultTextColor=‘#000’, defaultTextBorderWidth=1, defaultTextBorderColor=“#fff” ) }}