{{ target: partial-axis-common-axis-line }}

#${prefix} silent(boolean) = false

Set this to true, to prevent interaction with the axis.

#${prefix} triggerEvent(boolean) = false

Set this to true to enable triggering events.

Parameters of the event include:

    // Component type: xAxis, yAxis, radiusAxis, angleAxis
    // Each of which has an attribute for index, e.g., xAxisIndex for xAxis
    componentType: string,
    // Value on axis before being formatted.
    // Click on value label to trigger event.
    value: '',
    // Name of axis.
    // Click on laben name to trigger event.
    name: ''

#${prefix} axisLine(Object)

Settings related to axis line.

##${prefix} show(boolean) = ${defaultShow|default(true)}

Set this to false to prevent the axis line from showing.

{{ if: ${componentType} == ‘xAxis’ || ${componentType} == ‘yAxis’ }} ##${prefix} onZero(boolean) = true

Specifies whether X or Y axis lies on the other's origin position, where value is 0 on axis. Valid only if the other axis is of value type, and contains 0 value.

##${prefix} onZeroAxisIndex(number)

When mutiple axes exists, this option can be used to specify which axis can be “onZero” to. {{ /if }}

##${prefix} symbol(string|Array) = ‘none’

Symbol of the two ends of the axis. It could be a string, representing the same symbol for two ends; or an array with two string elements, representing the two ends separately. It's set to be 'none' by default, meaning no arrow for either end. If it is set to be 'arrow', there shall be two arrows. If there should only one arrow at the end, it should set to be ['none', 'arrow'].

##${prefix} symbolSize(Array) = [10, 15]

Size of the arrows at two ends. The first is the width perpendicular to the axis, the next is the width parallel to the axis.

##${prefix} symbolOffset(Array|number) = [0, 0]

Arrow offset of axis. If is array, the first number is the offset of the arrow at the beginning, and the second number is the offset of the arrow at the end. If is number, it means the arrows have the same offset.

##${prefix} lineStyle(Object)

{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix = ‘##’ + ${prefix}, defaultColor = “‘#333’”, defaultWidth = 1, defaultType = “‘solid’”, name = “line style” ) }}

{{ target: partial-axis-common-axis-label }}

#${prefix} axisLabel(Object)

Settings related to axis label.

{{ if: !${hideShow} }} ##${prefix} show(boolean) = ${defaultShow|default(true)}

Set this to false to prevent the axis label from appearing. {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${hasLabelInterval|default(true)} }} ##${prefix} interval(number|Function) = ‘auto’

{{ use: partial-axis-interval( name = “Axis label”, isAxisLabel = true, componentType = ${componentType} ) }} {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${hasInside|default(true)} }} ##${prefix} inside(boolean) = false

Set this to true so the axis labels face the inside direction. {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${componentType} !== ‘angleAxis’ }} ##${prefix} rotate(number) = 0

Rotation degree of axis label, which is especially useful when there is no enough space for category axis.

Rotation degree is from -90 to 90. {{ /if }}

##${prefix} margin(number) = 8

The margin between the axis label and the axis line.

##${prefix} formatter(string|Function) = null

{{ use: axis-common-formatter-desc() }}

##${prefix} showMinLabel(boolean) = null

Whether to show the label of the min tick. Optional values: true, false, null. It is auto determined by default, that is, if labels are overlapped, the label of the min tick will not be displayed.

##${prefix} showMaxLabel(boolean) = null

Whether to show the label of the max tick. Optional values: true, false, null. It is auto determined by default, that is, if labels are overlapped, the label of the max tick will not be displayed.

{{ use: partial-text-style( prefix = ‘#’ + ${prefix}, defaultColor = “‘#333’” ) }}

##${prefix} color(Color|Function)

Color of axis label is set to be axisLine.lineStyle.color by default. Callback function is supported, in the following format:

(val: string) => Color

Parameter is the text of label, and return value is the color. See the following example:

textStyle: {
    color: function (value, index) {
        return value >= 0 ? 'green' : 'red';

{{ target: partial-axis-common-axis-tick }}

#${prefix} axisTick(Object)

Settings related to axis tick.

##${prefix} show(boolean) = ${defaultShow|default(true)}

Set this to false to prevent the axis tick from showing.

{{ if: ${hasAlignWithLabel|default(true)} }} ##${prefix} alignWithLabel(boolean) = false

Align axis tick with label, which is available only when boundaryGap is set to be true in category axis. See the following picture:

600xauto {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${hasLabelInterval|default(true)} }} ##${prefix} interval(number|Function) = ‘auto’

{{ use: partial-axis-interval( name = “axisTick”, componentType = ${componentType} ) }} {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${hasInside|default(true)} }} ##${prefix} inside(boolean) = false

Set this to true so the axis labels face the inside direction. {{ /if }}

##${prefix} length(number) = 5

The length of the axis tick.

##${prefix} lineStyle(Object)

Line style of axis ticks.

{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix = ‘##’ + ${prefix}, defaultWidth = 1, defaultType = “‘solid’”, name = “axisTick” ) }}

###${prefix} color(Color)

Color of axis label is set to be axisLine.lineStyle.color by default.

{{ target: partial-axis-common-minor-tick }}

#${prefix} minorTick(Object)

{{ use: partial-version( version = “4.6.0” ) }}

Settings related minor ticks.

Note: minorTick is not available in the category type axis.


  1. Using minor ticks in function plotting. ~600x350

  2. Using minor ticks in log axis. ~600x350

##${prefix} show(boolean) = ${defaultShow|default(false)}

If show minor ticks.

##${prefix} splitNumber(number) = 5

Number of interval splited by minor ticks.

##${prefix} length(number) = 3

Length of minor ticks lines。

##${prefix} lineStyle(Object)

{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix = ‘##’ + ${prefix}, defaultWidth = 1, defaultType = “‘solid’”, name = “minorTick” ) }}

###${prefix} color(Color)

Style configuration of minor ticks lines axisLine.lineStyle.color

{{ target: partial-axis-common-split-line }}

#${prefix} splitLine(Object)

Split line of axis in grid area.

##${prefix} show(boolean) = ${defaultShow|default(true)}

Set this to false to prevent the splitLine from showing. value type axes are shown by default, while category type axes are hidden.

{{ if: ${hasLabelInterval|default(true)} }} ##${prefix} interval(number|Function) = ‘auto’

{{ use: partial-axis-interval( name = “Axis splitLine”, componentType = ${componentType} ) }} {{ /if }}

##${prefix} lineStyle(Object)

{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix = ‘##’ + ${prefix}, defaultColor = “‘#333’”, defaultWidth = 1, defaultType = “‘solid’”, name = “splitLine” ) }}

###${prefix} color(Array|string) = [‘#ccc’]

The color of the splitLine, which could be set separately.

SplitLine color could also be set in color array, which the split lines would take as their colors in turns.


splitLine: {
    lineStyle: {
        // Dark and light colors will be used in turns
        color: ['#aaa', '#ddd']

{{ target: partial-axis-common-minor-split-line }}

#${prefix} minorSplitLine(Object)

{{ use: partial-version( version = “4.6.0” ) }}

Minor split lines of axis in the grid area。It will align to the minorTick

##${prefix} show(boolean) = ${defaultShow|default(false)}

If show minor split lines.

##${prefix} lineStyle(Object)

{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix = ‘##’ + ${prefix}, defaultColor = “‘#eee’”, defaultWidth = 1, defaultType = “‘solid’”, name = “minorSplitLine” ) }}

{{ target: partial-axis-common-split-area }}

#${prefix} splitArea(Object)

Split area of axis in grid area, not shown by default.

{{ if: ${hasLabelInterval|default(true)} }} ##${prefix} interval(number|Function) = ‘auto’

{{ use: partial-axis-interval( name = “Axis splitArea”, componentType = ${componentType} ) }} {{ /if }}

##${prefix} show(boolean) = ${defaultShow|default(false)}

Set this to true to show the splitArea.

##${prefix} areaStyle(Object)

Split area style.

###${prefix} color(Array) = [‘rgba(250,250,250,0.3)’,‘rgba(200,200,200,0.3)’]

Color of split area. SplitArea color could also be set in color array, which the split lines would take as their colors in turns. Dark and light colors in turns are used by default.

{{ use: partial-style-shadow-opacity( prefix = ‘##’ + ${prefix} ) }}

{{ target: partial-axis-type-content }}

Type of axis.


  • 'value' Numerical axis, suitable for continuous data.

  • 'category' Category axis, suitable for discrete category data. Category data can be auto retrieved from series.data or dataset.source{{ if: ${componentType} }}, or can be specified via ${componentType}.data{{ /if }}.

  • 'time' Time axis, suitable for continuous time series data. As compared to value axis, it has a better formatting for time and a different tick calculation method. For example, it decides to use month, week, day or hour for tick based on the range of span.

  • 'log' Log axis, suitable for log data.

{{ target: axis-common }}

#${prefix} type(string) = ${axisTypeDefault|default(‘value’)}

{{ use: partial-axis-type-content( componentType = ${componentType} ) }}

{{ if: ${componentType} !== ‘angleAxis’ }} #${prefix} name(string)

Name of axis.

#${prefix} nameLocation(string) = ‘end’

Location of axis name.

**Options: **

  • 'start'
  • 'middle' or 'center'
  • 'end'

#${prefix} nameTextStyle(Object)

Text style of axis name.

{{ use: partial-text-style( prefix = ‘#’ + ${prefix}, name = “axis name” ) }}

##${prefix} color(Color)

Color of axis name uses axisLine.lineStyle.color by default.

#${prefix} nameGap(number) = 15

Gap between axis name and axis line.

#${prefix} nameRotate(number) = null

Rotation of axis name.

#${prefix} inverse(boolean) = false

Set this to true to invert the axis. This is a new option available from Echarts 3 and newer. {{ /if }}

#${prefix} boundaryGap(boolean|Array)

The boundary gap on both sides of a coordinate axis. The setting and behavior of category axes and non-category axes are different.

The boundaryGap of category axis can be set to either true or false. Default value is set to be true, in which case axisTick is served only as a separation line, and labels and data appear only in the center part of two axis ticks, which is called band.

For non-category axis, including time, numerical value, and log axes, boundaryGap is an array of two values, representing the spanning range between minimum and maximum value. The value can be set in numeric value or relative percentage, which becomes invalid after setting min and max. **Example: **

boundaryGap: ['20%', '20%']

#${prefix} min(number|string|Function) = null

The minimun value of axis.

It can be set to a special value 'dataMin' so that the minimum value on this axis is set to be the minimum label.

It will be automatically computed to make sure axis tick is equally distributed when not set.

In category axis, it can also be set as the ordinal number. For example, if a catergory axis has data: ['categoryA', 'categoryB', 'categoryC'], and the ordinal 2 represents 'categoryC'. Moreover, it can be set as negative number, like -3.

If min is specified as a function, it should return a min value, like:

min: function (value) {
    return value.min - 20;

value is an object, containing the min value and max value of the data. This function should return the min value of axis, or return null/undefined to make echarts use the auto calculated min value (null/undefined return is only supported since v4.8.0).

#${prefix} max(number|string|Function) = null

The maximum value of axis.

It can be set to a special value 'dataMax' so that the minimum value on this axis is set to be the maximum label.

It will be automatically computed to make sure axis tick is equally distributed when not set.

In category axis, it can also be set as the ordinal number. For example, if a catergory axis has data: ['categoryA', 'categoryB', 'categoryC'], and the ordinal 2 represents 'categoryC'. Moreover, it can be set as negative number, like -3.

If max is specified as a function, it should return a max value, like:

max: function (value) {
    return value.max - 20;

value is an object, containing the min value and max value of the data. This function should return the max value of axis, or return null/undefined to make echarts use the auto calculated max value (null/undefined return is only supported since v4.8.0).

#${prefix} scale(boolean) = false

It is available only in numerical axis, i.e., type: ‘value’.

It specifies whether not to contain zero position of axis compulsively. When it is set to be true, the axis may not contain zero position, which is useful in the scatter chart for both value axes.

This configuration item is unavailable when the min and max are set.

#${prefix} splitNumber(number) = 5

Number of segments that the axis is split into. Note that this number serves only as a recommendation, and the true segments may be adjusted based on readability.

This is unavailable for category axis.

#${prefix} minInterval(number) = 0

Minimum gap between split lines.

For example, it can be set to be 1 to make sure axis label is show as integer.

    minInterval: 1

It is available only for axis of type ‘value’ or ‘time’.

#${prefix} maxInterval(number)

Maximum gap between split lines.

For example, in time axis (type is ‘time’), it can be set to be 3600 * 24 * 1000 to make sure that the gap between axis labels is less than or equal to one day.

    maxInterval: 3600 * 1000 * 24

It is available only for axis of type ‘value’ or ‘time’.

#${prefix} interval(number)

Compulsively set segmentation interval for axis.

As splitNumber is a recommendation value, the calculated tick may not be the same as expected. In this case, interval should be used along with min and max to compulsively set tickings. But in most cases, we do not suggest using this, out automatic calculation is enough for most situations.

This is unavailable for category axis. Timestamp should be passed for type: ‘time’ axis. Logged value should be passed for type: ‘log’ axis.

#${prefix} logBase(number) = 10

Base of logarithm, which is valid only for numeric axes with type: ‘log’.

{{ use: partial-axis-common-axis-line( prefix = ${prefix}, componentType = ${componentType} ) }}

{{ use: partial-axis-common-axis-tick( prefix = ${prefix}, componentType = ${componentType} ) }}

{{ use: partial-axis-common-minor-tick( prefix = ${prefix}, componentType = ${componentType} ) }}

{{ use: partial-axis-common-axis-label( prefix = ${prefix}, componentType = ${componentType} ) }}

{{ if: ${hasSplitLineAndArea} }} {{ use: partial-axis-common-split-line( prefix = ${prefix}, componentType = ${componentType} ) }}

{{ use: partial-axis-common-minor-split-line( prefix = ${prefix}, componentType = ${componentType} ) }}

{{ use: partial-axis-common-split-area( prefix = ${prefix}, componentType = ${componentType} ) }} {{ /if }}

#${prefix} data(Array)

Category data, available in type: ‘category’ axis.

If type is not specified, but axis.data is specified, the type is auto set as 'category'.

If type is specified as 'category', but axis.data is not specified, axis.data will be auto collected from series.data. It brings convenience, but we should notice that axis.data provides then value range of the 'category' axis. If it is auto collected from series.data, Only the values appearing in series.data can be collected. For example, if series.data is empty, nothing will be collected.


// Name list of all categories
data: ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
// Each item could also be a specific configuration item.
// In this case, `value` is used as the category name.
data: [{
    value: 'Monday',
    // Highlight Monday
    textStyle: {
        fontSize: 20,
        color: 'red'
}, 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']

##${prefix} value(string)

Name of a category.

##${prefix} textStyle(Object)

Text style of the category.

{{ use: partial-text-style( prefix = ‘##’ + ${prefix} ) }}

{{ if: !${noAxisPointer} }} #${prefix} axisPointer(Object)

axisPointer settings on the axis.

{{ use: partial-axisPointer-common( prefix = “#” + ${prefix} ) }} {{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-axis-interval }}

Interval of ${name}, which is available in category axis. {{ if: !${isAxisLabel} }} is set to be the same as axisLabel.interval by default.{{ /if }}

It uses a strategy that labels do not overlap by default.

You may set it to be 0 to display all labels compulsively.

If it is set to be 1, it means that labels are shown once after one label. And if it is set to be 2, it means labels are shown once after two labels, and so on.

On the other hand, you can control by callback function, whose format is shown below:

(index:number, value: string) => boolean

The first parameter is index of category, and the second parameter is the name of category. The return values decides whether to display label.

{{ target: axis-common-formatter-desc }}

Formatter of axis label, which supports string template and callback function.


// Use string template; template variable is the default label of axis {value}
formatter: '{value} kg'

For axes of time type: 'time', formatter supports the following forms:

  • String Templates: an easy and fast way to make frequently used date/time template, formed in string
  • Callback Functions: customized formatter to make complex format, formed in Function
  • Cascading Templates: to adopt different formatters for different time granularity, formed in object

Next, we are going to introduce these three forms one by one.

** String Templates **

Using string templates is an easy way to format date/time with frequently used formats. If it can be used to make what you want, you are advised to do so. If not, you could then consider the others. Supported formats are:

GroupTemplateValue (EN)Value (ZH)
Year{yyyy}e.g., 2020, 2021, ...例:2020, 2021, ...
Quarter{Q}1, 2, 3, 41, 2, 3, 4
Month{MMMM}e.g., January, February, ...一月、二月、……
{MMM}e.g., Jan, Feb, ...1月、2月、……
Day of Month{dd}01-3101-31
Day of Week{eeee}Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday星期日、星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五、星期六
{ee}Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat日、一、二、三、四、五、六

Templates of other languages can be found in the language package. Please refer to echarts.registerLocale to register a language.


formatter: '{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}' // gets labels like '2020-12-02'
formatter: 'Day {d}' // gets labels like 'Day 2'

** Callback Functions **

Callback functions can be used to get different formats for different axis tick values. Sometimes, if you have complex date/time formatting requirement, third-party libraries like Moment.js or date-fns can be used to return formatted labels.


// Use callback function; function parameters are axis index
formatter: function (value, index) {
    // Formatted to be month/day; display year only in the first label
    var date = new Date(value);
    var texts = [(date.getMonth() + 1), date.getDate()];
    if (idx === 0) {
    return texts.join('/');

** Cascading Templates **

Sometimes, we wish to use different formats for different time granularity. For example, in a quarter-year chart, we may wish to see the month name with the first date of the month, while see the date name with others. This can be made with:


formatter: {
    month: '{MMMM}', // Jan, Feb, ...
    day: '{d}' // 1, 2, ...

Supported levels and their default formatters are:

    year: '{yyyy}',
    month: '{MMM}',
    day: '{d}',
    hour: '{HH}:{mm}',
    minute: '{HH}:{mm}',
    second: '{HH}:{mm}:{ss}',
    millisecond: '{hh}:{mm}:{ss} {SSS}',
    none: '{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd} {hh}:{mm}:{ss} {SSS}'

Let's take day for example. When a tick value is 0 for its hour, minute, second, and millisecond, day level will be used to make formatter. none is used when no other level fulfills, which is for tick values with millisecond values other than 0.

** Rich Text **

The above three forms all support rich text, so it can be used to make some complex effects.


xAxis: {
    type: 'time',
    axisLabel: {
        formatter: {
            // Display year and month information on the first data of a year
            year: '{yearStyle|{yyyy}}\n{monthStyle|{MMM}}',
            month: '{monthStyle|{MMM}}'
        rich: {
            yearStyle: {
                // Make yearly text more standing out
                color: '#000',
                fontWeight: 'bold'
            monthStyle: {
                color: '#999'

The above example can also be made with a callback function:


xAxis: {
    type: 'time',
    axisLabel: {
        formatter: function (value) {
            const date = new Date(value);
            const yearStart = new Date(value);
            // Whether a tick value is the start of a year
            if (date.getTime() === yearStart.getTime()) {
                return '{year|' + date.getFullYear() + '}\n'
                    + '{month|' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '月}';
            else {
                return '{month|' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '月}'
        rich: {
            year: {
                color: '#000',
                fontWeight: 'bold'
            month: {
                color: '#999'