{{ target: partial-zr-graphic-elements }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}group(Object)

group 是唯一的可以有子节点的容器。group 可以用来整体定位一组图形元素。

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘group’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} width(number) = 0

用于描述此 group 的宽。


即便当宽度为零的时候,子节点也可以使用 left: 'center' 相对于父节点水平居中。

##${prefix} height(number) = 0

用于描述此 group 的高。


即便当高度为零的时候,子节点也可以使用 top: 'middle' 相对于父节点垂直居中。

##${prefix} diffChildrenByName(boolean) = false

自定义系列 中,当 diffChildrenByName: true 时,对于 renderItem 返回值中的每一个 group,会根据其 children 中每个图形元素的 name 属性进行 “diff”。在这里,“diff” 的意思是,重绘的时候,在已存在的图形元素和新的图形元素之间建立对应关系(依据 name 是否相同),从如果数据有更新,能够形成的过渡动画。


##${prefix} children(Array)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘group’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ }} #${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}path(Object)

可使用 SVG PathData 做路径。 可以用来画图标,或者其他各种图形,因为可以很便捷得缩放以适应给定尺寸。

参见例子: iconsshapes

关于制定尺寸、拉伸还是平铺,参见 layout

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘path’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, enableMorph = true, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

###${prefix} pathData(string)

SVG PathData

例如:'M0,0 L0,-20 L30,-20 C42,-20 38,-1 50,-1 L70,-1 L70,0 Z'

如果指定了 widthheightxy,则会根据他们定义的矩形,缩放 PathData。如果没有指定这些,就不会缩放。

可使用 layout 指定缩放策略。

参见例子: iconsshapes

###${prefix} d(string)


###${prefix} layout(string) = ‘center’

如果指定了 widthheightxy,则会根据他们定义的矩形,缩放 PathData。

layout 用于指定缩放策略。


  • 'center':保持原来的 PathData 的长宽比,居于矩形中,尽可能撑大但不会超出矩形。
  • 'cover':PathData 拉伸为矩形的长宽比,完全填满矩形,不会超出矩形。

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-xy( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-wh( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘shape’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ /if }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}image(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘image’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

###${prefix} image(string)

图片的内容,可以是图片的 URL,也可以是 dataURI.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-xy( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-wh( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}text(Object)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘text’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

###${prefix} text(string) = ''

文本块文字。可以使用 \n 来换行。

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-xy( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

###${prefix} font(string)

字体大小、字体类型、粗细、字体样式。格式参见 css font


// size | family
font: '2em "STHeiti", sans-serif'

// style | weight | size | family
font: 'italic bolder 16px cursive'

// weight | size | family
font: 'bolder 2em "Microsoft YaHei", sans-serif'

###${prefix} textAlign(string) = ‘left’

水平对齐方式,取值:'left', 'center', 'right'

如果为 'left',表示文本最左端在 x 值上。如果为 'right',表示文本最右端在 x 值上。

###${prefix} textVerticalAlign(string)

垂直对齐方式,取值:'top', 'middle', 'bottom'

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}rect(Object)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘rect’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, enableMorph = true, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-xy( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-wh( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

###${prefix} r(Array)

可以用于设置圆角矩形。r: [r1, r2, r3, r4], 左上、右上、右下、左下角的半径依次为r1、r2、r3、r4。


  • r 缩写为 1 相当于 [1, 1, 1, 1]
  • r 缩写为 [1] 相当于 [1, 1, 1, 1]
  • r 缩写为 [1, 2] 相当于 [1, 2, 1, 2]
  • r 缩写为 [1, 2, 3]1 相当于 [1, 2, 3, 2]`

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘shape’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}circle(Object)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘circle’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, enableMorph = true, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-cxy( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-r( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘shape’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}ring(Object)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘ring’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, enableMorph = true, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-cxy( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-rr0( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘shape’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}sector(Object)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘sector’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, enableMorph = true, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-cxy( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-rr0( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-angle( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘shape’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}arc(Object)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘arc’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, enableMorph = true, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-cxy( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-rr0( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-angle( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘shape’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( fill = ‘null’, stroke = ‘“#000”’, lineWidth = 1, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}polygon(Object)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘polygon’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, enableMorph = true, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-path-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘shape’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}polyline(Object)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘polyline’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, enableMorph = true, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-path-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘shape’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( fill = ‘null’, stroke = ‘“#000”’, lineWidth = 5, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}line(Object)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘line’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, enableMorph = true, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-x1y1x2y2( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

###${prefix} percent(number) = 1

线画到百分之多少就不画了。值的范围:[0, 1]。

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘shape’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( fill = ‘null’, stroke = ‘“#000”’, lineWidth = 5, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}bezierCurve(Object)


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type = ‘bezierCurve’, prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, enableMorph = true, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-x1y1x2y2( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

###${prefix} cpx1(number) = 0

控制点 x 值。

###${prefix} cpy1(number) = 0

控制点 y 值。

###${prefix} cpx2(number) = null

第二个控制点 x 值。如果设置则开启三阶贝塞尔曲线。

###${prefix} cpy2(number) = null

第二个控制点 y 值。如果设置则开启三阶贝塞尔曲线。

###${prefix} percent(number) = 1

画到百分之多少就不画了。值的范围:[0, 1]。

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘shape’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props }}

##${prefix} type(string) = ${type}

用 setOption 首次设定图形元素时必须指定。 可取值:

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-type-list( optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} id(string) = undefined

id 用于在更新或删除图形元素时指定更新哪个图形元素,如果不需要用可以忽略。

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘graphicComponent’ }}

##${prefix} $action(string) = ‘merge’

setOption 时指定本次对该图形元素的操作行为。


  • 'merge':如果已有元素,则新的配置项和已有的设定进行 merge。如果没有则新建。
  • 'replace':如果已有元素,删除之,新建元素替代之。
  • 'remove':删除元素。 {{ /if }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform( prefix = ${prefix}, type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ }} ##${prefix} transition(string|Array) = [‘x’, ‘y’]



  • Transform 相关的属性:'x', 'y''scaleX''scaleY''rotation''originX''originY'。例如:
    renderItem: function (params, api) {
        var coord = api.coord([api.value(0), api.value[1]);
        return {
            type: 'rect',
            x: coord[0],
            y: coord[1],
            shape: {
                x: 0,
                y: 0,
                width: api.value(2),
                height: 100
            transition: ['x', 'y', 'width']
  • 还可以是这三个属性 'shape''style''extra'。表示这三个属性中所有的子属性都开启过渡动画。例如:
    renderItem: function (params, api) {
        return {
            type: 'rect',
            shape: {
                x: api.value(0),
                y: api.value(1),
                width: api.value(2),
                height: api.value(3)
            // 表示 shape 中所有属性都开启过渡动画。
            transition: 'shape',
    renderItem: function (params, api) {
        return {
            type: 'rect',
            shape: {
                x: api.value(0),
                y: api.value(1),
                width: api.value(2),
                height: api.value(3),
                // transition 放在 shape 中,能只指定部分属性开启过渡动画。
                transition: ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height']

当 transition 没有指定时,'x''y' 会默认开启过渡动画。如果想禁用这种默认,可设定:

transition: [] // 一个空数组

看这个 例子

{{ /if }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ && ${enableMorph} }} ##${prefix} morph(boolean) = false



morph 设置为 true 后,还需按照如下规则,来形成形变动画:

每次走渲染流程是,自定义系列会自动比较(diff)新旧数据。在这个 diff 过程中,如果发现,一组旧数据项和一组新数据项的值相等(相等的规则是,name 相同,或者 transition 所指定的维度上的值相同),那么我们就找到了能形成形变动画的一对候选集。


  • 一对一(one-to-one):如果新数据组和旧数据组都各自只有一个数据项。
  • 一对多(one-to-many):如果新数据组中有多个数据项,旧数据组中只有一个数据项。
  • 多对一(many-to-one):如果新数据组中只有一个数据项,旧数据组中有多个数据项。


然后,自定义系列,会在新旧组中,寻找声明为 morph: true 的图形元素,并分配他们形成真正的一一映射的形变,或者分裂(separating),或者合并(combining)。


{{ /if }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘graphicComponent’ }} ##${prefix} left(number|string) = undefined

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-location-prop-desc-common( hv = ‘h’, prefix = ${prefix}, type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} right(number|string) = undefined

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-location-prop-desc-common( hv = ‘h’, prefix = ${prefix}, type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} top(number|string) = undefined

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-location-prop-desc-common( hv = ‘v’, prefix = ${prefix}, type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} bottom(number|string) = undefined

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-location-prop-desc-common( hv = ‘v’, prefix = ${prefix}, type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} bounding(string) = ‘all’


参见例子: ~500x500


  • 'all':(默认) 表示用自身以及子节点整体的经过 transform 后的包围盒进行定位。 这种方式易于使整体都限制在父元素范围中。

  • 'raw': 表示仅仅用自身(不包括子节点)的没经过 tranform 的包围盒进行定位。 这种方式易于内容超出父元素范围的定位方式。

##${prefix} z(number) = 0

z 方向的高度,决定层叠关系。

##${prefix} zlevel(number) = 0

决定此元素绘制在哪个 canvas 层中。注意,越多 canvas 层会占用越多资源。 {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ }} ##${prefix} z2(number) = undefined


##${prefix} name(string) = undefined

参见 diffChildrenByName。 {{ /if }}

##${prefix} info(*)

用户定义的任意数据,可以在 event listener 中访问,如:

chart.on('click', function (params) {

##${prefix} silent(boolean) = false


##${prefix} invisible(boolean) = false


##${prefix} ignore(boolean) = false


##${prefix} textContent(Object)

这是一个文本定义,附着在一个节点上,会依据 textConfig 配置,相对于节点布局。 {{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ }} 里面的属性同于 text。 {{ else }} 里面的属性同于 text。 {{ /if }}

##${prefix} textConfig(Object)

###${prefix} position() = ‘inside’

Position of textContent.

  • ‘left’
  • ‘right’
  • ‘top’
  • ‘bottom’
  • ‘inside’
  • ‘insideLeft’
  • ‘insideRight’
  • ‘insideTop’
  • ‘insideBottom’
  • ‘insideTopLeft’
  • ‘insideTopRight’
  • ‘insideBottomLeft’
  • ‘insideBottomRight’
  • or like [12, 33]
  • or like ['50%', '50%']

###${prefix} rotation(number)

textContent 的旋转弧度。

###${prefix} layoutRect(Object)

textContent 根据此矩形来布局位置。 默认是节点的包围盒。

    x: number
    y: number
    width: number
    height: number

###${prefix} offset(Array)

textContent 的偏移。

offsetposition 的区别是,offset 是旋转(rotation)后计算。

###${prefix} origin

origin 相对于节点的包围盒。 可以是百分数。 如果指定为 'center',则定位在包围盒中心。

只有当 position and rotation 都设置时,生效。

  • [12, 33]
  • 或如 ['50%', '50%']
  • ‘center’

###${prefix} distance(number) = 5

距离 layoutRect 的距离。

###${prefix} local(boolean) = false

如果 true 的话,会采用节点的 transform。

###${prefix} insideFill(string)

insideFill 可以是一个颜色字符串,或者空着。

如果 textContent"inside",它的 fill 会按这个优先级来选取: textContent.style.fill > textConfig.insideFill > “auto-calculated-fill” 在绝大多数场景下,“auto-calculated-fill” 是白色。

###${prefix} insideStroke(string)

insideStroke 可以是一个颜色字符串,或者空着。

如果 textContent"inside",它的 stroke 会按这个优先级来选取: textContent.style.stroke > textConfig.insideStroke > “auto-calculated-stroke”

“auto-calculated-stroke” 的规则是:

  • 如果
    • (A) fill 在 style 中被指定(无论是在 textContent.style 还是 textContent.style.rich 里)
    • 或者 (B) 需要画文字的背景(无论是定义在 textContent.style 还是 textContent.style.rich 里)
    • “auto-calculated-stroke” 都会为 null
  • 否则
    • “auto-calculated-stroke” 会和节点的 fill 相同,如果 fill 没有的话则为 null

###${prefix} outsideFill(string)

outsideFill 可以是一个颜色字符串,或者空着。

如果 textContent 是 “inside”,它的 fill 会按这个优先级来选取: textContent.style.fill > textConfig.outsideFill > #000

###${prefix} outsideStroke(string)

outsideStroke 可以是一个颜色字符串,或者空着。

如果 textContent 不是 “inside”,它的 stroke 会按这个优先级来选取: textContent.style.stroke > textConfig.outsideStroke > “auto-calculated-stroke”

“auto-calculated-stroke” 的规则是:

  • 如果
    • (A) fill 在 style 中被指定(无论是在 textContent.style 还是 textContent.style.rich 里)
    • 或者 (B) 需要画文字的背景(无论是定义在 textContent.style 还是 textContent.style.rich 里)
    • “auto-calculated-stroke” 都会为 null
  • 否则
    • “auto-calculated-stroke” 会为一个近似于白色的颜色,来区别于背景。

###${prefix} inside(boolean)

如果确定文本是在节点中的话,则此可设置为 true,避免 echarts 额外猜测。

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ }} {{ use: partial-custom-series-during( prefix = ${prefix} ) }} {{ use: partial-custom-series-extra( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘graphicComponent’ }} {{ use: partial-cursor( prefix = “##” ) }}

##${prefix} draggable(boolean) = false


##${prefix} progressive(boolean) = false

是否渐进式渲染。当图形元素过多时才使用。 {{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common }}

注:关于图形元素中更多的样式设置(例如 富文本标签),参见 zrender/graphic/Displayable 中的 style 相关属性。

注意,这里图形元素的样式属性名称直接源于 zrender,和 echarts labelecharts itemStyle 等处同样含义的样式属性名称或有不同。例如,有如下对应:

###${prefix} fill(string) = ${fill|default(“‘#000’”)}


###${prefix} stroke(string) = ${stroke|default(“null”)}


###${prefix} lineWidth(number) = ${lineWidth|default(“0”)}


###${prefix} shadowBlur(number) = undefined


###${prefix} shadowOffsetX(number) = undefined

阴影 X 方向偏移。

###${prefix} shadowOffsetY(number) = undefined

阴影 Y 方向偏移。

###${prefix} shadowColor(number) = undefined


{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘style’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-path-common }}

###${prefix} points(Array)

点列表,用于定义形状,如 [[22, 44], [44, 55], [11, 44], ...]

###${prefix} smooth(number|string) = undefined


  • 如果为 number:表示贝塞尔 (bezier) 差值平滑,smooth 指定了平滑等级,范围 [0, 1]
  • 如果为 'spline':表示 Catmull-Rom spline 差值平滑。

###${prefix} smoothConstraint(boolean) = false


{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-location-prop-desc-common }}


『父元素』是指:如果是顶层元素,父元素是 echarts 图表容器。如果是 group 的子元素,父元素就是 group 元素。


  • number:表示像素值。
  • 百分比值:如 ‘33%’,用父元素的{{ if: ${hv} === ‘h’ }}高{{ else }}宽{{ /if }}和此百分比计算出最终值。
  • {{ if: ${hv} === ‘h’ }}'center'{{ else }}'middle'{{ /if }}:表示自动居中。

{{ if: ${hv} === ‘h’ }} leftright 只有一个可以生效。

如果指定 leftright,则 shape 里的 xcx 等定位属性不再生效。 {{ else }} topbottom 只有一个可以生效。

如果指定 topbottom,则 shape 里的 ycy 等定位属性不再生效。 {{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ }}

###${prefix} transition(string|Array) = undefined

可以是一个属性名,或者一组属性名。 被指定的属性,在其指发生变化时,会开启过渡动画。 只可以指定本 ${hostProp} 下的属性。


renderItem: function (params, api) {
    return {
        type: 'xxx',
        ${hostProp}: {
            mmm: ...,
            nnn: ...,
            ppp: ...,
            qqq: ...,
            // 这两个属性会开启过渡动画。
            transition: ['mmm', 'ppp']

我们这样可以指定 ${hostProp} 下所有属性开启过渡动画:

renderItem: function (params, api) {
    return {
        type: 'xxx',
        ${hostProp}: {
            mmm: ...,
            nnn: ...,
            ppp: ...,
            qqq: ...,
        // `${hostProp}` 下所有属性开启过渡动画。
        transition: '${hostProp}',

{{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-xy }}

###${prefix} x(number) = 0


###${prefix} y(number) = 0


{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-cxy }}

###${prefix} cx(number) = 0


###${prefix} cy(numbr) = 0


{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-wh }}

###${prefix} width(number) = 0


###${prefix} height(numbr) = 0


{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-r }}

###${prefix} r(number) = 0


{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-rr0 }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-r( prefix = ${prefix}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

###${prefix} r0(number) = 0


{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-x1y1x2y2 }}

###${prefix} x1(number) = 0

开始点的 x 值。

###${prefix} y1(number) = 0

开始点的 y 值。

###${prefix} x2(number) = 0

结束点的 x 值。

###${prefix} y2(number) = 0

结束点的 y 值。

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-angle }}

###${prefix} startAngle(number) = 0


###${prefix} endAngle(number) = Math.PI * 2


###${prefix} clockwise(boolean) = true


{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘graphicComponent’ }} ##${prefix} onclick(Function)

##${prefix} onmouseover(Function)

##${prefix} onmouseout(Function)

##${prefix} onmousemove(Function)

##${prefix} onmousewheel(Function)

##${prefix} onmousedown(Function)

##${prefix} onmouseup(Function)

##${prefix} ondrag(Function)

##${prefix} ondragstart(Function)

##${prefix} ondragend(Function)

##${prefix} ondragenter(Function)

##${prefix} ondragleave(Function)

##${prefix} ondragover(Function)

##${prefix} ondrop(Function) {{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-transform }}

##${prefix} x(number) = 0

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} y(number) = 0

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} rotation(number) = 0

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} scaleX(number) = 1

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} scaleY(number) = 1

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} originX(number) = 0

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} originY(number) = 0

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( type = ${type}, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc }}

图形元素可以进行标准的 2D transform,其中包含:

  • 平移(依照 xy):默认值都是 0。右和下为正值。
  • 旋转(依照 rotation):默认值是 0。表示旋转的弧度值。正值表示逆时针旋转。
  • 缩放(依照 scaleXscaleY):默认值都是 1。这个值表示缩放的倍数。

另外,originXoriginY 指定了旋转和缩放的中心点,默认值都是 0


  • transform 中设定的坐标,都是相对于图形元素的父元素的(即 group 元素或者顶层画布)的 [0, 0] 点。也就是说,我们可以使用 group 来组织多个图形元素,并且 group 可以嵌套。
  • 对于一个图形元素,transform 执行的顺序是:先缩放(依照 scaleXscaleY),再旋转(依照 rotation),再平移(依照 xy)。

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-focus-blur }}

##${prefix} focus(string) = ‘none’

{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}


  • 'none' 不淡出其它图形,默认使用该配置。
  • 'self' 只聚焦(不淡出)当前高亮的数据的图形。
  • 'series' 聚焦当前高亮的数据所在的系列的所有图形。

##${prefix} blurScope(string) = ‘coordinateSystem’

{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}


  • 'coordinateSystem' 淡出范围为坐标系,默认使用该配置。
  • 'series' 淡出范围为系列。
  • 'global' 淡出范围为全局。

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ }} ##${prefix} emphasis(Object)


###${prefix} style(Object)

结构同 style

##${prefix} blur(Object)

{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}


###${prefix} style(Object)

结构同 style

##${prefix} select(Object)

{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

图形元素的选中状态,配置自定义系列的 selectedMode 时有效。

###${prefix} style(Object)

结构同 style。 {{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-type-list }}

image, text, circle, sector, ring, polygon, polyline, rect, line, bezierCurve, arc, group,

{{ target: partial-custom-series-extra }}

##${prefix} extra(Object)

用户可以在 extra 字段中定义自己的属性。extra 的往往会结合 during 一起使用。

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-transition( prefix = ${prefix}, hostProp = ‘extra’, optionPath = ${optionPath}, usageType = ${usageType}, hostName = ${hostName}, symbolVisit = ${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare = ${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ target: partial-custom-series-during }}

##${prefix} during(Function)

在动画的每一帧里,用户可以使用 during 回调来设定节点的各种属性。

(duringAPI: CustomDuringAPI) => void

interface CustomDuringAPI {
    // 设置 transform 属性值。
    // transform 属性参见 `TransformProp`。
    setTransform(key: TransformProp, val: unknown): void;
    // 获得当前动画帧的 transform 属性值。
    getTransform(key: TransformProp): unknown;
    // 设置 shape 属性值。
    // shape 属性形如:`{ type: 'rect', shape: { xxxProp: xxxValue } }`。
    setShape(key: string, val: unknown): void;
    // 获得当前动画帧的 shape 属性值。
    getShape(key: string): unknown;
    // 设置 style 属性值。
    // style 属性形如:`{ type: 'rect', style: { xxxProp: xxxValue } }`。
    setStyle(key: string, val: unknown): void;
    // 获得当前动画帧的 style 属性值。
    getStyle(key: string): unknown;
    // 设置 extra 属性值。
    // extra 属性形如:`{ type: 'rect', extra: { xxxProp: xxxValue } }`。
    setExtra(key: string, val: unknown): void;
    // 获得当前动画帧的 extra 属性值。
    getExtra(key: string): unknown;

type TransformProp =
    'x' | 'y' | 'scaleX' | 'scaleY' | 'originX' | 'originY' | 'rotation';

在绝大多数场景下,用户不需要这个 during 回调。因为,假如属性被设定到 transition 中后,echarts 会自动对它进行插值,并且基于这些插值形成动画。但是,如果这些插值形成的动画不满足用户需求,那么用户可以使用 during 回调来定制他们。

例如,如果用户使用 polygon 画图形,图形的形状会由 shape.points 来定义,形如:

    type: 'polygon',
    shape: {
        points: [[12, 33], [15, 36], [19, 39], ...]
    // ...

如果用户指定了 transition 如:

    type: 'polygon',
    shape: {
        points: [[12, 33], [15, 36], [19, 39], ...],
    transition: 'shape'
    // ...

尽管这些 points 会被 echarts 自动插值,但是这样形成的动画里,这些点会直线走向目标位置。假如用户需求是,这些点要按照某种特定的路径(如弧线、螺旋)来移动,则这就不满足了。所以在这种情况下,可以使用 during 回调如下:

    type: 'polygon',
    shape: {
        points: calculatePoints(initialDegree),
        transition: 'points'
    extra: {
        degree: nextDegree
    // 让 echarts 对 `extra.degree` 进行插值,然后基于
    // `extra.degree` 来计算动画中每一帧时的 polygon 形状。
    transition: 'extra',
    during: function (duringAPI) {
        var currentDegree = duringAPI.getExtra('degree');
    // ...

也参见这个 例子