{{ target: component-visual-map }}


visualMap is a type of component for visual encoding, which maps the data to visual channels, including:

{{ use: partial-visual-map-visual-type() }}

Myltiple visualMap component could be defined in a chart instance, which enable that different dimensions of a series data are mapped to different visual channels.

visualMap could be defined as Piecewise (visualMapPiecewise) or Continuous (visualMapContinuous), which is distinguished by the property type. For instance:

option = {
    visualMap: [
        { // the first visualMap component
            type: 'continuous', // defined to be continuous visualMap
        { // the second visualMap component
            type: 'piecewise', // defined to be piecewise visualMap

The dimension of series.data can be specified by visualMap.dimension, from which the value can be retrieved and mapped onto visual channels, which can be defined in visualMap.inRange and visualMap.outOfRange.

visualMap is renamed from the dataRange of ECharts2, and the scope of functionalities are extended a lot. The configurations of dataRange are still compatible in ECharts3, which automatically convert them to visualMap. It is recommended to use visualMap instead of dataRange in ECharts3.

{{ use: component-visual-map-continuous() }}

{{ use: component-visual-map-piecewise() }}

{{ target: partial-visual-map-range }}

${rangeType} could customize visual channels both in series (by ${visualMapName}.seriesIndex) and in ${visualMapName} itself.

For instance, if a ${visualMapName} component is used on a scatter chart, the mapping approach from data to color (or symbol, size, ...) can be both customized in the scatter chart and ${visualMapName} component itself. See the code as following:

visualMap: [
        // Define visual channels both in target series and ${visualMapName} component itself:
        ${rangeType}: {
            color: ['#121122', 'rgba(3,4,5,0.4)', 'red'],
            symbolSize: [30, 100]

If you want to define visual channels for target series and ${visualMapName} component separately, you should do as follows:

visualMap: [
        // Define visual channels only for target series.
        target: {
            ${rangeType}: {
                color: ['#121122', 'rgba(3,4,5,0.4)', 'red'],
                symbolSize: [60, 200]
        // Define visual channels only for ${visualMapName} component.
        controller: {
            ${rangeType}: {
                symbolSize: [30, 100]

Or define as follows:

visualMap: [
        // Define visual channels for both target series and ${visualMapName} component.
        ${rangeType}: {
            color: ['#121122', 'rgba(3,4,5,0.4)', 'red'],
            symbolSize: [60, 200]
        // Define visual channels only for ${visualMapName} component, which
        // will overlap the properties with the same name in the above common
        // definition. (symbolSize is overlapped by [30, 100] while color
        // keeps the original value)
        controller: {
            ${rangeType}: {
                symbolSize: [30, 100]

✦ About visual channels ✦

  • Various visual channels (such as colorsymbolSize and ect.) can be defined in ${rangeType} at the same time and all of them will be apopted.

  • Basically visual channels opacity is recommended, rather than colorAlpha. The former controls the transparency of both graphical element and its attachments (like label), whereas the latter only controls the transparency of graphical element.

  • There are two approaches of visual mapping supported: ‘Linear Mapping’ and ‘Table Mapping’.

✦ Linear Mapping to visual channel ✦

Linear Mapping means that linear calculation will be performed on each dataValue (value of series.data), mapping them from the domain of [visaulMap.min, visualMap.max] to a given range of [visual value 1, visual value 2] and obtaining a final value (say visual value) for visual channel rendering.

For instance, [visualMap.min, visualMap.max] is set to be [0, 100], and there is series.data: [50, 10, 100]. We intend to map them to an opacity range [0.4, 1], by which the size of value can be demostrated by the transparency of graphical elements. visualMap component will then linear calculate them and get opacity values [0.7, 0.44, 1], cooresponding to each dataValue.

We can also set the visual range inversely, such as opacity: [1, 0.4], and the final mapping result for the given series.data above will be [0.7, 0.96, 0.4].

Notice: [visualMap.min, visualMap.max] should be set manually and is [0, 100] by default, but not dataMin and dataMax in series.data.

How to configure visualMap component to do Linear Mapping?

About the value of visual channel (visual value):

  • Basically Array is used to express the range of visual value, e.g., color: ['#333', '#777'].

  • Single number or single string can also be used, which will be converted to an Array by visualMap component. e.g.: opacity: 0.4 will be converted to opacity: [0.4, 0.4], color: '#333' will be converted to color: ['#333', '#333'].

  • For visual channel symbolSize, opacity, colorAlpha, colorLightness, colorSaturation, colorHue, the range of visual value is always in the form of: [visual value of visualMap.min, visual value of visualMap.max]. For example, colorLightness: [0.8, 0.2] means that the dataValue in series.data that equals to visualMap.min (if any) will be mapped to lightness 0.8, and the dataValue that equals to visualMap.max (if any) will be mapped to lightness 0.2, and other dataValues will be mapped by the linear calculateion based on the domain of [visualMap.min, visualMap.max] and the range of [0.8, 0.2].

  • For visual channel color, array is used, like: ['#333', '#78ab23', 'blue'], which means a color ribbon is formed based on the three color stops, and dataValues will be mapped to the ribbon. Specifically, the dataValue that equals to visualMap.min will be mapped onto '#333', the dataValue that equals to visualMap.max will be mapped onto 'blue', and other dataValues will be piecewisely interpolated to get the final color.

  • For visual channel symbol, array is used, like: ['circle', 'rect', 'diamond'], where the dataValue that equals to visualMap.min will be mapped onto 'circle', the dataValue that equals to visualMap.max will be mapped onto 'diamond', and other dataValues will be caculated based on the numerical distance to visualMax.min and to visualMap.max, and mapped onto one of 'circle', 'rect', 'diamond'.

About the possible value range of visual value:

  • opacitycolorAlphacolorLightnesscolorSaturationvisual value

    possible value range is [0, 1].

  • colorHue

    possible value range is [0, 360].

  • color

    color can use RGB expression, like 'rgb(128, 128, 128)', or RGBA expression, like 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)', or Hex expression, like ‘#ccc’.

  • symbol

{{ use: partial-icon() }}

✦ Table Mapping to visual channel ✦

Table Mapping could be used when dataValue (values in series.data, specified by visualMap.dimension) is enumerable and we intend to map them to visual value by looking up a given table.

For instance, in a visualMap-piecewise component, visualMap-piecewise.categories is set to ['Demon Hunter', 'Blademaster', 'Death Knight', 'Warden', 'Paladin']. And there is series.data: ['Demon Hunter', 'Death Knight', 'Warden', 'Paladin']. Then we can establish the lookup rule for color: color: {'Warden': 'red', 'Demon Hunter': 'black'}, by which the visualMap component will map dataValue to color.

How to configure visualMap component to do Table Mapping?

When use visualMap-piecewise and visualMap-piecewise.categoriesis set.

About the value of visual channel (visual value):

Generally Object or Array is used, for instance:

visualMap: {
    type: 'piecewise',
    // categories defines the items that to be displayed in visualMap-piecewise component.
    categories: [
        'Demon Hunter', 'Blademaster', 'Death Knight', 'Warden', 'Paladin'
    ${rangeType}: {
        // visual value can be an Object:
        color: {
            'Warden': 'red',
            'Demon Hunter': 'black',
            '': 'green' // Blank string means that except 'Warden' and 'Demon Hunter',
                        // all other dataValues should be mapped to 'green'.
        // visual value can also be a single value,
        // means that all dataValues should be mapped to the value.
        color: 'green',
        // visual value can also be a array, with the same length
        // as the array of categories and one-one mapping onto it.
        color: ['red', 'black', 'green', 'yellow', 'white']


{{ target: partial-visual-map-merge }}

✦ How to modity configurations of vsiual encoding? ✦

If you want to modify the configurations of visual encoding after chart been rendered (by invoke setOption to set the initial option), setOption can be used again to modify configurations of visual encoding. For instance:

    ${componentMainType}: {
        inRange: {color: ['red', 'blue']}


  • These ${componentMainType} properties (i.e. inRange, outOfRange, target, controller) do not support “merge”, that is, anyone among them is modified when use setOption again, all of the original values of them will not be kept but erased. The “merge” brings complication in implemnentation and understanding, whereas “erase all” normalize the practise: once you want to modify some visual values, you should pass all of them to setOption, no matter they are to be changed.

  • This way, getOption() -> modify the gotten option -> setOption(modified option), is strongly not recommended, for instance:

// Not recommended approach, regardless of its correctness:

var option = chart.getOption(); // Get the entire option.
option.${componentMainType}.inRange.color = ['red', 'blue']; // modify color, which is what you want.

// You have to modify those two properties, otherwise you will not get what you want.
option.${componentMainType}.target.inRange.color = ['red', 'blue'];
option.${componentMainType}.controller.inRange.color = ['red', 'blue'];

chart.setOption(option); // set the modified option back.
// You should not use this approach, but use the
// approach demostrated before this example.

{{ target: partial-visual-map-common }}

show(boolean) = true

Whether to show ${visualMapName} component. If set as false, ${visualMapName} component will not show, but it can still perform visual mapping from dataValue to visual channel in chart.


Specify which dimension should be used to fetch dataValue from series.data, and then map them to visual channel.

series.data can be regarded as a two-dimensional array, for instance:

    [12, 23, 43],
    [12, 23, 43],
    [43, 545, 65],
    [92, 23, 33]

Each column of the above array is regarded as a dimension. For example, when property dimension is set to 1, the second column (i.e., 23, 23, 545, 23) is chosen to perform visual mapping.

Use the last dimension of data by default.


Specify visual mapping should be performed on which series, from which series.data is fetched.

All series are used by default.

hoverLink(boolean) = true

hoverLink enable highlight certain graphical elements of chart when mouse hovers on some place of visualMap component that is coresponding to those graphical elements by visual mapping.

Inversely, when mouse hovers a graphical element of chart, its value label will be displayed on its corresponding position in visualMap.


Define visual channels that will mapped from dataValues that are in selected range. User can interact with visualMap component and make a seleced range by mouse or touch.

{{ use: partial-visual-map-visual-type() }}

{{ use: partial-visual-map-range( rangeType = ‘inRange’, visualMapName = ${visualMapName} ) }}

{{ use: partial-visual-map-merge( componentMainType = ‘visualMap’ ) }}

Notice: There is default color ['#f6efa6', '#d88273', '#bf444c'] in inRange if you not set inRange. If you dont want it, set inRange: {color: null} to disable it.


Define visual channels that will mapped from dataValues that are out of selected range. User can interact with visualMap component and make a seleced range by mouse or touch.

See available configurations in ${visualMapName}.inRange


Property inRange and outOfRange can be set within property controller, which means those inRange and outOfRange are only used on the controller (visualMap component itself), but are not used on chart (series). This property is useful in some scenarios when the view of controller needs to be customized in detail.


Define visual channels that will mapped from dataValues that are in selected range. User can interact with visualMap component and make a seleced range by mouse or touch.

See available configurations in ${visualMapName}.inRange


Define visual channels that will mapped from dataValues that are out of selected range. User can interact with visualMap component and make a seleced range by mouse or touch.

See available configurations in ${visualMapName}.inRange

{{ use: partial-rect-layout( componentName = "visualMap ", defaultZ = “4”, defaultLeft = “0”, defaultRight = “auto”, defaultTop = “auto”, defaultBottom = “0” ) }}

orient(string) = ‘vertical’

How to layout the visualMap component, 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.

padding(number|Array) = 5

{{ use: partial-padding( componentName = ${visualMapName} ) }}

backgroundColor(Color) = ‘rgba(0,0,0,0)’

background color of visualMap component.

borderColor(Color) = ‘#ccc’

border color of visualMap component.

borderWidth(number) = 0

border width of visualMap component, with unit: px.

color(Array) = [‘#bf444c’, ‘#d88273’, ‘#f6efa6’]

This property remains only for compatibility with ECharts2, and is not recommended in ECharts3. It is recommended to configure color in ${visualMapName}.inRange, or ${visualMapName}.outOfRange if needed.

If you persist in using it, the following issue should be noticed: the sequence of dataValues that are mapped to colorValues in property color is from large to small, whereas that in ${visualMapName}.inRange or ${visualMapName}.outOfRange is from small to large.


{{ use: partial-simple-text-style( prefix = ‘##’, name = 'visualMap ', defaultColor = ‘#333’ ) }}