{{target: media-query}}

Responsive Mobile-End

Apache EChartsTM works in DOM nodes with user defined width and height. ECharts component and series are both in this DOM node, whose location can be assigned by user seperately. Inner components of charts are not suitable for implementing DOM flow layout. Instead, we use a simpler and more understandable layout similar to absolute layout. But sometimes when container is of extreme size, this method cannot avoid component overlapping automatically, especially on small screens on mobile-end.

Besides, sometimes one chart may need to be displayed on both PC and mobile-end, which involves the ability of ECharts inner components to be responsive with different container sizes.

To solve this problem, ECharts improved component location algorithm, and implemented responsive ability similar to CSS Media Query.

Location and layout of ECharts components

Most component and series follow two locating methods:

Each of those six parameters can be absolute value or percentage or location description.

  • Absolute value

    in browser pixels (px); in form of number (no unit); e.g.: {left: 23, height: 400}.

  • Percentage

    to the width and height of DOM container; in form of string; e.g.: {right: '30%', bottom: '40%'}.

  • Location Description

    • can be set to left: 'center', for horizontally centering.
    • can be set to top: 'middle', for vertically centering.

The concept of these six parameters is similar to that in CSS:

  • left: distance to left border of DOM container.
  • right: distance to right border of DOM container.
  • top: distance to top border of DOM container.
  • bottom: distance to bottom border of DOM container.
  • width: width.
  • height: height.

Two out of the three horizontal parameters, left, right, width, are enough to determine the component location. For example, left and right, or right and width can both determine component location and size. The same goes for vertical paramters top, bottom and height.

  • center

    an array in form of [x, y], in which x and y can either be absolute value or percentage, as described above.

  • radius

    an array in form of [innerRadius, outerRadius], in which innerRadius and outerRadius can either be absolute value or percentage, as described above.

    Percentage location turns out to be very useful for responsive positioning.

Most of ECharts‘s long and narrow components (such as legend,visualMap,dataZoom,timeline and so on), provide option to set them to be horizontal or vertical. For example, long and narrow screen of mobile-end, vertical layout may be a more suitable choice, while horizontal may more suit for PC’s wide screen.

Setting of horizontal or vertical layout is usually with component or series's orient or layout option, which can be set to 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.

Naming of x/x2/y/y2 in ECharts2 is still compatible, as well as the newly added left/right/top/bottom. But left/right/top/bottom is recommended.

To be compatible with ECharts2, there may be settings that seems to be odd, e.g.: left: 'right', left: 'left', top: 'bottom', top: 'top', which are equal to: right: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0, in a more normal expression.

Media Query

Media Query provides the ability to be responsive with container size.

As shown in the following example, you may drag the circle in bottom-right corner to see the legend and series change layout position and method with container size. ~750x600

The following format should be followed if you need to set Media Query in option:

option = {
    // here defines baseOption
    title: {...},
    legend: {...},
    series: [{...}, {...}, ...],
    media: [ // each rule of media query is defined here
            query: {...},   // write rule here
            option: {       // write options accordingly
                legend: {...},
            query: {...},   // the second rule
            option: {       // the second option
                legend: {...},
        {                   // default with no rules,
            option: {       // when all rules fail, use this option
                legend: {...},

In the above example, baseOption and every option in media are all simple options, which are regular options containing components and series. baseOption is always be used, while options of every will be merged with chart.mergeOption() when given query condition is satisfied with.

**query: **

A query is in the following format:

    minWidth: 200,
    maxHeight: 300,
    minAspectRatio: 1.3

Currently there are three supported attributes:width, height, aspectRatio (height / width), each of which can add min or max as prefix. E.g., minWidth: 200 stands for when width is greater than or equal to 200px. When two attributes are written together, it means and in Bool logic. For example, {minWidth: 200, maxHeight: 300} stands for when width is greater than or equal to 200px and height is smaller than or equal to 300px.

**option: **

Since option in media is simple option, technically speaking, you can write every option configuration item. But usually we only write those related to layout. Take part of the above query option as example:

media: [
        query: {
            maxAspectRatio: 1           // when length-to-width ratio is less than 1
        option: {
            legend: {                   // legend is placed in middle-bottom
                right: 'center',
                bottom: 0,
                orient: 'horizontal'    // horizontal layout of legend
            series: [                   // left and right layout of two pie charts
                    radius: [20, '50%'],
                    center: ['50%', '30%']
                    radius: [30, '50%'],
                    center: ['50%', '70%']
        query: {
            maxWidth: 500               // when container width is smaller than 500
        option: {
            legend: {
                right: 10,              // legend is placed in middle-right
                top: '15%',
                orient: 'vertical'      // vertical layout
            series: [                   // top and bottom layout of two pie charts
                    radius: [20, '50%'],
                    center: ['50%', '30%']
                    radius: [30, '50%'],
                    center: ['50%', '75%']

**Priority when multiple queries are satisfied: **

Attention: When multiple query are satisfied at the same time, all of them will be merged with mergeOption and those are defined later will be merged later, thus provides them with higher priority.

**Query by default: **

If an item in media has no not query, then it means default value, which will be used when all other rules fail.

Pay attention when container size changes:

In many cases, container DOM node doesn't need to change size with user dragging. Instead, it may set to several sizes on varied ends.

But if the container DOM node needs to change size with dragging, you need to pay attention to this: if certain configuration item appears in one query option, then it should also appeared in other query option, or it will not be able to return to the original state. (left/right/top/bottom/width/height are not restricted to this rule.)

media in composite option does not support merge

When chart.setOption(rawOption) for the second, third, fourth, fifth, and etc. times, if rawOption is composite option (which means it contains media list), then, the new rawOption.media list will not merge with the old media. instead, it will simply replace the option. Of course, baseOption will still merge with the old option normally.
