{{ target: partial-icon }}

Icon types provided by ECharts includes

{{ use: partial-icon-buildin() }}

{{ use: partial-icon-image-path() }}

{{ target: partial-icon-image-path }}

It can be set to an image with 'image://url' , in which URL is the link to an image, or dataURI of an image.

An image URL example:


A dataURI example:


{{ use: partial-icon-path() }}

{{ target: partial-icon-buildin }}

'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow', 'none'

{{ target: partial-icon-path }}

Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via 'path://' in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to SVG PathData for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe

For example:

'path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z'