{{ target: partial-axisPointer-introduction }}

axisPointer is a tool for displaying reference line and axis value under mouse pointer.

For example: ~600x450

In the demo above, axisPointer.link is used to link axisPointer from different coordinate systems.

axisPointer can also be used on touch device, where user can drag the button to move the reference line and label.


In the cases that more than one axis exist, axisPointer helps to look inside the data.

~600x300 ~600x300

Notice: Generally, axisPointers is configured in each axes who need them (for example xAxis.axisPointer), or configured in tooltip (for example tooltip.axisPointer).

But these configurations can only be configured in global axisPointer: axisPointer.triggerOn, axisPointer.link.

How to display axisPointer:

In cartesian (grid) and polar and (single axis](~single), each axis has its own axisPointer.

Those axisPointer will not be displayed by default, utill configured as follows:

How to display the label of axisPointer:

The label of axisPointer will not be displayed by default(namely, only reference line will be displayed by default), utill configured as follows:

How to configure axisPointer on touch device:

Set someAxis.axisPointer.handle.show (for example xAxis.axisPointer.handle.show as true. Then the button for dragging will be displayed. (This feature is not supported on polar).

Notice: If tooltip does not work well in this case, try to settooltip.triggerOn as 'none' (for the effect: show tooltip when finger holding on the button, and hide tooltip after finger left the button), or set tooltip.alwaysShowContent as true (then tooltip will always be displayed).

See the example.

Snap to point

In value axis and time axis, if snap is set as true, axisPointer will snap to point automatically.

{{ target: partial-axisPointer-common }}

#${prefix} show(boolean) = false

axisPointer will not be displayed by default. But if tooltip.trigger is set as 'axis' or tooltip.axisPointer.type is set as 'cross', axisPointer will be displayed automatically. Each coordinate system will automatically chose the axes whose will display its axisPointer. tooltip.axisPointer.axis can be used to change the choice.

#${prefix} type(string) = ‘line’

Indicator type.


  • 'line' line indicator.

  • 'shadow' shadow crosshair indicator.

  • 'none' no indicator displayed.

{{ use: partial-axisPointer-tooltip-shared( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

#${prefix} triggerTooltip(boolean) = true

Whether to trigger tooltip.

#${prefix} value(number) = null

current value. When using axisPointer.handle, value can be set to define the initail position of axisPointer.

#${prefix} status(boolean)

Current status, can be 'show''hide'.

#${prefix} handle(Object)

A button used to drag axisPointer. This feature is applicable in touch device. See example.

##${prefix} show(boolean) = false

Set to true to use handle.

##${prefix} icon(*)

The icon of the handle.

{{ use: partial-icon-image-path() }}

See the example of using image

##${prefix} size(number|Array) = 45

The size of the handle, which can be set as a single value or an array ([width, height]).

##${prefix} margin(number) = 50

Distance from handle center to axis.

##${prefix} color(string) = ‘#333’

The color of the handle.

##${prefix} throttle(number) = 40

Throttle rate of trigger view update when dragging handle, in ms. Increase the value to improve performance, but decrease the experience.

{{ use: partial-style-shadow( prefix = ‘#’ + ${prefix}, defaultShadowBlur = 3, defaultShadowColor = ‘#aaa’, defaultShadowOffsetX = 2 ) }}

{{ target: partial-axisPointer-tooltip-shared }}

#${prefix} snap(boolean)

Whether snap to point automatically. The default value is auto determined.

This feature usually makes sense in value axis and time axis, where tiny points can be seeked automatically.

#${prefix} z(number)

z value, which controls order of drawing graphical components. Components with smaller z values may be overwritten by those with larger z values.

#${prefix} label(Object)

label of axisPointer

##${prefix} show(boolean) = false

Whether show label. Label will not show by default. But if tooltip.axisPointer.type is set as 'cross', label will be displayed automatically.

##${prefix} precision(number|string) = ‘auto’

The precision of value in label. It is auto determined by default. You can also set it as '2', which indicates that two decimal fractions are reserved.

##${prefix} formatter(string|Function) = null

The formatter of label.

If set as string, for example it can be: formatter: 'some text {value} some text, where {value} will be replaced by axis value automatically.

If set as function:


{Object} params: Including fields as follows:

{Object} params.value: current value of this axis. If axis.type is 'category', it is one of the value in axis.data. If axis.type is 'time', it is a timestamp.

{Array.<Object>} params.seriesData: An array, containing info of nearest points. Each item is:

{string} params.axisDimension: The dimension name of the axis. For example, in catesian it will be 'x', 'y', and in polar it will be 'radius', 'angle'.

{number} params.axisIndex: The index of the axis, for example, 0,1, 2, ...

{{ use: partial-formatter-params-structure() }}

{{ use: partial-formatter-params-axisPointer() }}


The string to be displayed.

For example:

formatter: function (params) {
    // If axis.type is 'time'
    return 'some text' + echarts.format.formatTime(params.value);

##${prefix} margin(boolean) = 3

Distance between label and axis.

{{ use: partial-simple-text-style( prefix = ‘#’ + ${prefix}, defaultColor = “‘#fff’” ) }}

##${prefix} padding(string|Array) = [5, 7, 5, 7]

{{ use: partial-padding( componentName = ‘axisPointer’ ) }}

##${prefix} backgroundColor(string) = ‘auto’

Background color of label, the same as axis.axisLine.lineStyle.color by default.

##${prefix} borderColor(string) = null

Border color of label.

##${prefix} borderWidth(string) = 0

Border width of label.

{{ use: partial-style-shadow( prefix = ‘#’ + ${prefix}, defaultShadowBlur = 3, defaultShadowColor = ‘#aaa’ ) }}

#${prefix} lineStyle(Object)

It is valid when axisPointer.type is 'line'.

{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix = “#” + ${prefix}, defaultColor = “#555”, defaultWidth = 1, defaultType = ‘solid’ ) }}

#${prefix} shadowStyle(Object)

It is valid when axisPointer.type is 'shadow'.

{{ use: partial-area-style( prefix = “#” + ${prefix}, defaultColor = “'rgba(150,150,150,0.3)” ) }}

{{ target: partial-formatter-params-axisPointer }}

Each item also includes axis infomation:

    axisDim: 'x', // 'x', 'y', 'angle', 'radius', 'single'
    axisId: 'xxx',
    axisName: 'xxx',
    axisIndex: 3,
    axisValue: 121, // The current value of axisPointer
    axisValueLabel: 'text of value'