{{ target: partial-1d-data-label-formatter }}

Data label formatter, which supports string template and callback function. In either form, \n is supported to represent a new line.

String template

Model variation includes:

  • {a}: series name.
  • {b}: the name of a data item.
  • {c}: the value of a data item.
  • {d}: the percent.
  • {@xxx}: the value of a dimension named 'xxx', for example, {@product} refers the value of 'product' dimension.
  • {@[n]}: the value of a dimension at the index of n, for example, {@[3]} refers the value at dimensions[3].

**example: **

formatter: '{b}: {d}'

Callback function

Callback function is in form of:

(params: Object|Array) => string

where params is the single dataset needed by formatter, which is formed as:

{{ use: partial-formatter-params-structure( extra = ${extra} ) }}

{{ target: partial-1d-data-desc }}

Data array of ${name} series, which can be a single data value, like:

[12, 34, 56, 10, 23]

Or, if need extra dimensions for components like visualMap to map to graphic attributes like color, it can also be in the form of array. For example:

[[12, 14], [34, 50], [56, 30], [10, 15], [23, 10]]

In this case, we can assgin the second value in each array item to visualMap component.

More likely, we need to assign name to each data item, in which case each item should be an object:

    // name of date item
    name: 'data1',
    // value of date item is 8
    value: 10
}, {
    name: 'data2',
    value: 20

Each data item can be further customized:

    name: 'data1',
    value: 10
}, {
    // name of data item
    name: 'data2',
    value : 56,
    // user-defined label format that only useful for this data item
    label: {},
    // user-defined special itemStyle that only useful for this data item