{{ target: series-scatter }}


Scatter (bubble) chart . The scatter chart in rectangular coordinate could be used to present the relation between x and y. If data have multiple dimensions, the values of the other dimensions can be visualized through symbol with various sizes and colors, which becomes a bubble chart. These can be done by using with visualMap component.

It could be used with rectangular coordinate and polar coordinate and geographical coordinate.

type(string) = ‘scatter’

{{ use: partial-component-id( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-series-name() }}

{{ use: partial-coord-sys( seriesType = “bar”, coordSysDefault = “‘cartesian2d’”, cartesian2d = true, polar = true, geo = true, calendar = true ) }}

{{ use: partial-legend-hover-link() }}

{{ use: partial-symbol( seriesType = “scatter”, defaultSymbol = “‘circle’”, defaultSymbolSize = 10, prefix = “#”, hasCallback = true ) }}

{{ use: partial-large( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-cursor() }}


{{ use: partial-label-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “##”, defaultPosition = “‘inside’”, formatter = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-label-line-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-label-line( prefix = ‘##’, length2 = true, minTurnAngle = true, showAbove = true, smooth = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-label-layout( prefix = “##” ) }}


{{ use: partial-item-style-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix = “##”, defaultOpacity = 0.8, useColorPalatte = true, hasCallback = true ) }}


Configurations of emphasis state.

scale(boolean) = true

Whether to scale to highlight the data in emphasis state.

{{ use: partial-focus-blur-scope() }}

{{ use: scatter-state( prefix = “##”, isNormal = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Configurations of blur state. Available when emphasis.focus is set.

{{ use: scatter-state( prefix = “##” ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Configurations of select state. Available when selectedMode is set.

{{ use: scatter-state( prefix = “##” ) }}

{{ use: partial-selected-mode( version = ‘5.0.0’ ) }}

{{ use: partial-progressive( prefix = ‘#’ ) }}

{{ use: partial-series-dimensions( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-series-encode( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-seriesLayoutBy() }}

{{ use: partial-datasetIndex() }}

{{ use: partial-series-group-id() }}


{{ use: partial-2d-data-desc() }}


the name of data item.


the value of data item.

{{ use: partial-data-group-id( prefix = ‘##’ ) }}

{{ use: partial-symbol( prefix = “##”, name = “single data” ) }}


{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “###”, defaultPosition = “inside” ) }}


{{ use: partial-label-line-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-label-line( prefix = ‘###’, length2 = true, minTurnAngle = true, showAbove = true, smooth = true ) }}


the style setting about single data point(bubble).

{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix = “###” ) }}


Emphasis state of single data.

{{ use: scatter-state( prefix = “###” ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Blur state of single data.

{{ use: scatter-state( prefix = “###” ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Select state of single data.

{{ use: scatter-state( prefix = “###” ) }}

{{ use: partial-tooltip-in-series-data() }}

{{ use: partial-marker( prefix = “#”, seriesType = “scatter”, hasCoord = true, hasType = true ) }}

{{ use: partial-clip( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-z-zlevel( prefix = “#”, componentName = “Scatter” ) }}

{{ use: partial-silent( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-animation( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-universal-transition( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-tooltip-in-series() }}

{{ target: scatter-state }}

#${prefix} label(Object)

{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “#” + ${prefix}, formatter = ${prefix} === ‘##’ ) }}

#${prefix} labelLine(Object)

{{ use: partial-label-line-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-label-line( prefix = ‘#’ + ${prefix} ) }}

#${prefix} itemStyle(Object)

{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix = “#” + ${prefix} ) }}