{{ target: series-line }}


broken line chart

Broken line chart relates all the data points symbol by broken lines, which is used to show the trend of data changing. It could be used in both rectangular coordinate andpolar coordinate.

Tip: When areaStyle is set, area chart will be drawn.

Tip: With visualMap component, Broken line / area chart can have different colors on different sections, as below:


type(string) = ‘line’

{{ use: partial-component-id( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-series-name() }}

{{ use: partial-colorby() }}

{{ use: partial-coord-sys( seriesType = “bar”, coordSysDefault = “‘cartesian2d’”, cartesian2d = true, polar = true, geo = false ) }}

{{ use: partial-symbol( seriesType = “line”, defaultSymbol = “‘emptyCircle’”, defaultSymbolSize = 4, prefix = “#”, hasCallback = true ) }}

showSymbol(boolean) = true

Whether to show symbol. It would be shown during tooltip hover.

showAllSymbol(boolean) = ‘auto’

Only work when main axis is 'category' axis (axis.type is 'category'). Optional values:

  • 'auto': Default value. Show all symbols if there is enough space. Otherwise follow the interval strategy with with axisLabel.interval.
  • true: Show all symbols.
  • false: Follow the interval strategy with axisLabel.interval.

{{ use: partial-legend-hover-link() }}

stack(string) = null

If stack the value. On the same category axis, the series with the same stack name would be put on top of each other.

The effect of the below example could be seen through stack switching of toolbox on the top right corner:


{{ use: partial-cursor() }}

connectNulls(boolean) = false

Whether to connect the line across null points.

{{ use: partial-clip( prefix = “#” ) }}

step(string|boolean) = false

Whether to show as a step line. It can be true, false. Or 'start', 'middle', 'end'. Which will configure the turn point of step line.

See the example using different step options:



{{ use: partial-label-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “##”, defaultPosition = “‘top’”, formatter = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Label on the end of line.

{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “##”, formatter = true, noPosition = true ) }}


Whether to enable text animation of value change.


{{ use: partial-label-line-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-label-line( prefix = ‘##’, length2 = true, minTurnAngle = true, showAbove = true, smooth = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-label-layout( prefix = “##” ) }}


The style of the symbol point of broken line.

{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix = “##”, useColorPalatte = true, hasCallback = true, useDecal = true, decalOnlyWithAreaStyle = true ) }}


Line style.

{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix = “##”, defaultWidth = 2 ) }}


The style of area.

{{ use: partial-area-style( prefix = “##”, hasOrigin = true ) }}


Highlight style of the graphic.

scale(boolean) = true

Whether to scale to highlight the data in emphasis state.

{{ use: partial-focus-blur-scope() }}

{{ use: line-state( state = ‘emphasis’ ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “###”, formatter = true, noPosition = true, noDistance = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Configurations of blur state. Available when emphasis.focus is set.

{{ use: line-state( state = ‘blur’ ) }}


{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “###”, formatter = true, noPosition = true, noDistance = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Configurations of select state. Available when selectedMode is set.

{{ use: line-state( state = ‘select’ ) }}


{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “###”, formatter = true, noPosition = true, noDistance = true ) }}

{{ use: partial-selected-mode( version = ‘5.0.0’ ) }}

smooth(boolean|number) = false

Whether to show as smooth curve.

If is typed in boolean, then it means whether to enable smoothing. If is typed in number, valued from 0 to 1, then it means smoothness. A smaller value makes it less smooth.

Please refer to smoothMonotone to change smoothing algorithm.


Whether the broken line keep the monotonicity when it is smoothed. It can be set as 'x', 'y' to keep the monotonicity on x axis or y axis.

It is usually used on dual value axis.

Here are 2 examples of broken line chart with dual value axis, showing the differences when smoothMonotone is without any setting, and smoothMonotone is set as 'x'.

  • No setting about smoothMonotone:


  • It is set as 'x':



The dowmsampling strategy used when the data size is much larger than pixel size. It will improve the performance when turned on. Defaults to be turned off, indicating that all the data points will be drawn.


  • 'lttb' Use Largest-Triangle-Three-Bucket algorithm to filter points. It will keep the trends and extremas.
  • 'average' Use average value of filter points
  • 'max' Use maximum value of filter points
  • 'min' Use minimum value of filter points
  • 'sum' Use sum of filter points

{{ use: partial-series-dimensions( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-series-encode( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-seriesLayoutBy() }}

{{ use: partial-datasetIndex() }}

{{ use: partial-series-group-id() }}


{{ use: partial-2d-data-desc() }}


The name of data item.


The value of a single data item.

{{ use: partial-data-group-id( prefix = ‘##’ ) }}

{{ use: partial-symbol( defaultSymbol = “‘circle’”, defaultSymbolSize = 4, prefix = “##”, name = “single data” ) }}


The style of the text of single data point.

{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “###”, defaultPosition = “top” ) }}


{{ use: partial-label-line-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-label-line( prefix = ‘###’, length2 = true, minTurnAngle = true, showAbove = true, smooth = true ) }}


The style of the symbol of single data point.

{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix = “###” ) }}


Emphasis state of specified single data.

{{ use: line-item-state( state = ‘emphasis’ ) }}


Blur state of specified single data.

{{ use: line-item-state( state = ‘blur’ ) }}


Select state of specified single data.

{{ use: line-item-state( state = ‘select’ ) }}

{{ use: partial-tooltip-in-series-data() }}

{{ use: partial-marker( prefix = “#”, seriesType = “line”, hasCoord = true, hasType = true ) }}

{{ use: partial-z-zlevel( prefix = “#”, componentName = “Line” ) }}

{{ use: partial-silent( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-animation( prefix = “#”, defaultAnimationEasing = ‘linear’ ) }}

{{ use: partial-universal-transition( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-tooltip-in-series() }}

{{ target: line-state }}


{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “###”, formatter = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-label-line-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-label-line( prefix = ‘###’ ) }}


{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix = “###”, hasInherit = ${state} === ‘emphasis’ ) }}


{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix = “###”, defaultWidth = 2, hasInherit = ${state} === ‘emphasis’ ) }}


{{ use: partial-area-style( prefix = “###” ) }}

{{ target: line-item-state }}


{{ use: partial-label( prefix = “####” ) }}


{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix = “####”, hasInherit = ${state} === ‘emphasis’ ) }}