{{ target: component-visual-map-continuous }}


Continuous visualMap component (visualMapContinuous)

(See the introduction to visual Map component (visualMap))

You can set visualMap.calculable to show or hide the handles, which are used to change the selected range in visualMapContinuous.

type(string) = continuous

Used to determine that it is a continuous visualMap component.

{{ use: partial-component-id( prefix = “#” ) }}


Specify the min dataValue for the visualMap component. [visualMap.min, visualMax.max] make up the domain of viusul mapping.

Notice that min and max should be specified explicitly, and be [0, 200] by default, but not dataMin and dataMax in series.data.


Specify the max dataValue for the visualMap component. [visualMap.min, visualMax.max] make up the domain of viusul mapping.

Notice that min and max should be specified explicitly, and be [0, 200] by default, but not dataMin and dataMax in series.data.


Specify selected range, that is, the dataValue corresponding to the two handles. For example:

    visualMap: {
        min: 0,
        max: 100,
        // dataValue corresponding to the two handles.
        range: [4, 15],

auto-adaption when min or max is modified by setOption

  • If range is not set (or set to null or undefined)
For instance:
chart.setOption({visualMap: {min: 10, max: 300}}); // range is not set, then range is [min, max] by default, that is, [10, 300].

chart.setOption({visualMap: {min: 0, max: 400}}); // Modify min and max using setOption again.
// Then range will be auto-modified to the new [min, max], that is, [0, 400].
  • If range is set explicitly, such as [10, 300]
For instance:
chart.setOption({visualMap: {min: 10, max: 300, range: [20, 80]}}); // range is set to [20, 80].

chart.setOption({visualMap: {min: 0, max: 400}}); // min and max are modifies using setOption.
// Then range keep the original value ([20, 80]) but will not do auto-adaption.

chart.setOption({visualMap: {range: null}}); // Set range to null then.
// Then auto-adaption of range turns on and range is auto modified to [min, max], that is, [0, 400].

range gotten by getOption is always an Array, but not null or undefined.

calculable(boolean) = false

Whether show handles, which can be dragged to adjust “selected range”.

Notes: In order to be compatible with ECharts2, the rule, which seems to be a little odd, is retained: when visualMap.type is not set, and visualMap.calculable was set to be true, visualMap.type will be automatically set as 'continuous', regardless of some settings such as visualMap-piecewise.splitNumber. Therefore, it is recommended to set visualMap.type explicitly, which avoids ambiguity.

realtime(boolean) = true

Whether to update view in real time when dragging a handle.

  • If ture, the chart view will be updated in real time when dragging.

  • If false, the chart view will be updated at the end of the handle dragging.

inverse(boolean) = false

Whether to inverse the layout of visualMap component.

As inverse is false, the layout direction is the same as cartesian coordinate. That is:

  • As visualMap.orient is 'vertical', large data are placed at the top while small at the bottom.
  • As visualMap.orient is 'horizontal', large data are placed on the right while small on the left.

As inverse is true, the result is opposite.

precision(number) = 0

The decimal precision of label, defaults to be 0 (no decimals).

itemWidth(number) = 20

The width of the main bar of visualMap component.

itemHeight(number) = 140

The height of the main bar of visualMap component.

align(string) = ‘auto’

Specify the position of handles and labels, against the main bar. The possible values are:

  • 'auto' Decide automatically.
  • 'left' The handles and labels are on the right, which is valid when orient is set as 'horizontal'.
  • 'right' The handles and labels are on the left, which is valid when orient is set as 'horizontal'.
  • 'top' the handles and labels are at the bottom, which is valid when orient is set as 'vertical'.
  • 'bottom' the handles and labels are at the top, which is valid when orient is set as 'vertical'.

text(Array) = null

The label text on both ends, such as ['High', 'Low']. sample.

You can understand the order of items in text array just by a simple trial. See visualMap.inverse.

textGap(number) = 10

The distance between the ends of the main bar and the label, with unit px. See visualMap-continuous.text

{{ use: partial-visual-map-common( visualMapName = ‘visualMap-continuous’ ) }}


the formatter tool for label.

  • If it was set as a string, it refers to a template, for instance: aaaa{value}bbbb, where {value} represents the value of the edge of the seleted range.

  • If it was set as a Function, it refers to a callback function, for instance:

formatter: function (value) {
    return 'aaaa' + value + 'bbbb';