{{ target: component-tooltip }}


Tooltip component.

{{ use: partial-tooltip-introduction() }}

for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) { var now = new Date(base += oneDay); var dayStr = [now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate()].join(‘-’);

valueBase = Math.round((Math.random() - 0.5) * 20 + valueBase);
valueBase <= 0 && (valueBase = Math.random() * 300);
data.push([dayStr, valueBase]);

valueBase2 = Math.round((Math.random() - 0.5) * 20 + valueBase2);
valueBase2 <= 0 && (valueBase2 = Math.random() * 50);
data2.push([dayStr, valueBase2]);


const option = { legend: { top: ‘bottom’, data: [‘意向’] }, tooltip: { triggerOn: ‘none’, alwaysShowContent: true, position: function (pt) { return [pt[0], 130]; } }, xAxis: { type: ‘time’, // boundaryGap: [0, 0], axisPointer: { value: ‘2016-10-7’, snap: true, label: { show: true, formatter: function (params) { return echarts.format.formatTime(‘yyyy-MM-dd’, params.value); } }, handle: { show: true } }, splitLine: { show: false } }, yAxis: { type: ‘value’, axisTick: { inside: true }, splitLine: { show: false }, axisLabel: { inside: true }, z: 10 }, grid: { top: 110, left: 15, right: 15, height: 160 }, series: [ { name: ‘模拟数据’, type: ‘line’, smooth: true, symbol: ‘circle’, symbolSize: 5, sampling: ‘average’, itemStyle: { color: ‘#8ec6ad’ }, stack: ‘a’, areaStyle: { }, data: data }, { name: ‘模拟数据’, type: ‘line’, smooth: true, stack: ‘a’, symbol: ‘circle’, symbolSize: 5, sampling: ‘average’, itemStyle: { color: ‘#d68262’ }, areaStyle: { }, data: data2 }



{{ use: partial-tooltip-coords-common( prefix = ‘#’ ) }}

showContent(boolean) = true

Whether to show the tooltip floating layer, whose default value is true. It should be configurated to be false, if you only need tooltip to trigger the event or show the axisPointer without content.

alwaysShowContent(boolean) = false

Whether to show tooltip content all the time. By default, it will be hidden after some time. It can be set to be true to preserve displaying.

This attribute is newly added to ECharts 3.0.

triggerOn(string) = ‘mousemove|click’

Conditions to trigger tooltip. Options:

  • 'mousemove'

    Trigger when mouse moves.

  • 'click'

    Trigger when mouse clicks.

  • 'mousemove|click'

    Trigger when mouse clicks and moves.

  • 'none'

    Do not triggered by 'mousemove' and 'click'. Tooltip can be triggered and hidden manually by calling action.tooltip.showTip and action.tooltip.hideTip. It can also be triggered by axisPointer.handle in this case.

This attribute is new to ECharts 3.0.

showDelay(number) = 0

Delay time for showing tooltip, in ms. No delay by default, and it is not recommended to set. Only valid when triggerOn is set to be 'mousemove'.

hideDelay(number) = 100

Delay time for hiding tooltip, in ms. It will be invalid when alwaysShowContent is true.

enterable(boolean) = true

Whether mouse is allowed to enter the floating layer of tooltip, whose default value is false. If you need to interact in the tooltip like with links or buttons, it can be set as true.

renderMode(string) = ‘html’

Render mode for tooltip. By default, it is set to be 'html' so that extra DOM element is used for tooltip. It can also set to be 'richText' so that the tooltip will be rendered inside Canvas (SVG rich text is not implemented yet). This is very useful for environments that don't have DOM, such as Wechat applications.

confine(boolean) = false

Whether confine tooltip content in the view rect of chart instance.

Useful when tooltip is cut because of 'overflow: hidden' set on outer dom of chart instance, or because of narrow screen on mobile.

appendToBody(boolean) = false

{{ use: partial-version( version = “4.7.0” ) }}

Whether to append the tooltip DOM element as a child of the <body> of the HTML page, when using renderMode 'html'.

By default false, means that the tooltip DOM element will be one of a descendant of its echarts DOM container. But that means that the tooltip might be cut when overflow the container if some of the ancestors DOM element of the echarts container are styled with overflow: hidden. This case could also be resolved by setting tooltip.confine, but it might not suitable for all scenarios.

Here we provide appendToBody: true to auto append the tooltip element to <body>, which is a common way to resolve this kind of issue. But true is not set as a default value because to void to bring break change for some cases where tooltip is deeply customized and to void some unexpected bad cases.

Note that it also works when CSS transform used.

transitionDuration(number) = 0.4

The transition duration of tooltip's animation, in seconds. When it is set to be 0, it would move closely with the mouse.

{{ use: partial-tooltip-common( scope = ‘global’, prefix = ‘#’ ) }}