{{ target: component-data-zoom }}


dataZoom component is used for zooming a specific area, which enables user to investigate data in detail, or get an overview of the data, or get rid of outlier points.

These types of dataZoom component are supported:

  • dataZoomInside: Data zoom functionalities is embeded inside coordinate systems, enable user to zoom or roam coordinate system by mouse dragging, mouse move or finger touch (in touch screen).

  • dataZoomSlider: A special slider bar is provided, on which coordinate systems can be zoomed or roamed by mouse dragging or finger touch (in touch screen).

  • dataZoomSelect: A marquee tool is provided for zooming or roaming coordinate system. That is toolbox.feature.dataZoom, which can only be configured in toolbox.

Example: ~600x400

✦ Relationship between dataZoom and axis ✦

Basically dataZoom component operates “window” on axis to zoom or roam coordinate system.

Use dataZoom.xAxisIndex or dataZoom.yAxisIndex or dataZoom.radiusAxisIndex or dataZoom.angleAxisIndex to specify which axes are operated by dataZoom.

A single chart instance can contain several dataZoom components, each of which controls different axes. The dataZoom components that control the same axis will be automatically linked (i.e., all of them will be updated when one of them is updated by user action or API call).

✦ How dataZoom componets operates axes and data ✦

{{ use: partial-data-zoom-filterMode() }}

Moreover, when min, max of an axis is set (e.g., yAxis: {min: 0, max: 400}), this extent of the axis will not be modified by the behaviour of dataZoom of other axis any more.

✦ How to set window ✦

You can set the current window in two forms:

Notice: If use percent value form, and it is in the scenario below, the result of dataZoom depends on the sequence of dataZoom definitions appearing in option.

option = {
    dataZoom: [
            id: 'dataZoomX',
            type: 'slider',
            xAxisIndex: [0],
            filterMode: 'filter',   // Set as 'filter' so that the modification
                                    // of window of xAxis willl effect the
                                    // window of yAxis.
            start: 30,
            end: 70
            id: 'dataZoomY',
            type: 'slider',
            yAxisIndex: [0],
            filterMode: 'empty',
            start: 20,
            end: 80
    xAxis: {
        type: 'value'
    yAxis: {
        type: 'value'
        // Notice there is no min or max set to
        // restrict the view extent of yAxis.
        type: 'bar',
        data: [
            // The first column corresponds to xAxis,
            // and the second column corresponds to yAxis.
            [12, 24, 36],
            [90, 80, 70],
            [3, 9, 27],
            [1, 11, 111]

What is the exact meaning of start: 20, end: 80 in dataZoomY in the example above?

  • If yAxis.min and yAxis.max are set:

    start: 20, end: 80 of dataZoomY means: from 20% to 80% out of [yAxis.min, yAxis.max].

    If one of yAxis.min and yAxis.max is not set, the corresponding edge of the full extend also follow rule as follows.

  • If yAxis.min and yAxis.max are not set:

    • If dataZoomX is set to be filterMode: 'empty':

      start: 20, end: 80 of dataZoomY means: from 20% to 80% out of [dataMinY to dataMaxY] of series.data (i.e., [9, 80] in the example above).

    • If dataZoomX is set to filterMode: 'filter':

      Since dataZoomX is defined before dataZoomY, start: 30, end: 70 of dataZoomX means: from 30% to 70% out of full series.data, whereas start: 20, end: 80 of dataZoomY means: from 20% to 80% out of the series.data having been filtered by dataZoomX.

      If you want to change the process sequence, you can just change the sequence of the definitions apearing in option.

{{ use: component-data-zoom-inside() }}

{{ use: component-data-zoom-slider() }}

{{ target: partial-data-zoom-axis-example }}

If it is set as a single number, one axis is controlled, while if it is set as an Array , multiple axes are controlled.

For example:

option: {
    ${axisName}: [
        {...}, // The first ${axisName}
        {...}, // The second ${axisName}
        {...}, // The third ${axisName}
        {...}  // The fourth ${axisName}
    dataZoom: [
        { // The first dataZoom component
            ${axisName}Index: [0, 2] // Indicates that this dataZoom component
                                     // controls the first and the third ${axisName}
        { // The second dataZoom component
            ${axisName}Index: 3      // indicates that this dataZoom component
                                     // controls the fourth ${axisName}

{{ target: partial-data-zoom-common }}

xAxisIndex(number|Array) = null

Specify which xAxis is/are controlled by the ${dataZoomName} when catesian coordinate system is used.

By default the first xAxis that parallel to dataZoom are controlled when ${dataZoomName}.orient is set as 'horizontal'. But it is recommended to specify it explicitly but not use default value.

{{ use: partial-data-zoom-axis-example( axisName = ‘xAxis’ ) }}

yAxisIndex(number|Array) = null

Specify which yAxis is/are controlled by the ${dataZoomName} when catesian coordinate system is used.

By default the first yAxis that parallel to dataZoom are controlled when ${dataZoomName}.orient is set as 'vertical'. But it is recommended to specify it explicitly but not use default value.

{{ use: partial-data-zoom-axis-example( axisName = ‘yAxis’ ) }}

radiusAxisIndex(number|Array) = null

Specify which radiusAxis is/are controlled by the ${dataZoomName} when polar coordinate system is used.

{{ use: partial-data-zoom-axis-example( axisName = ‘radiusAxis’ ) }}

angleAxisIndex(number|Array) = null

Specify which angleAxis is/are controlled by the ${dataZoomName} when polar coordinate system is used.

{{ use: partial-data-zoom-axis-example( axisName = ‘angleAxis’ ) }}

filterMode(string) = ‘filter’

{{ use: partial-data-zoom-filterMode() }}

start(number) = 0

The start percentage of the window out of the data extent, in the range of 0 ~ 100.

${dataZoomName}.start and ${dataZoomName}.end define the window of the data in percent form.

More info about the relationship between ${dataZoomName}.start and axis extent can be checked in ${dataZoomName}.rangeMode.

end(number) = 100

The end percentage of the window out of the data extent, in the range of 0 ~ 100.

${dataZoomName}.start and ${dataZoomName}.end define the window of the data in percent form.

More info about the relationship between ${dataZoomName}.end and axis extent can be checked in ${dataZoomName}.rangeMode.

startValue(number|string|Date) = null

The start absolute value of the window, not works when ${dataZoomName}.start is set.

${dataZoomName}.startValue and ${dataZoomName}.endValue define the window of the data window in absolute value form.

Notice, if an axis is set to be category, startValue could be set as index of the array of axis.data or as the array value itself. In the latter case, it will internally and automatically translate to the index of array.

More info about the relationship between ${dataZoomName}.startValue and axis extent can be checked in ${dataZoomName}.rangeMode.

endValue(number|string|Date) = null

The end absolute value of the window, doesn't work when ${dataZoomName}.end is set.

${dataZoomName}.startValue and ${dataZoomName}.endValue define the window of the data window in absolute value form.

Notice, if an axis is set to be category, startValue could be set as index of the array of axis.data or as the array value itself. In the latter case, it will internally and automatically translate to the index of array.

More info about the relationship between ${dataZoomName}.endValue and axis extent can be checked in ${dataZoomName}.rangeMode.

minSpan(number) = null

Used to restrict minimal window size, in percent, which value is in the range of [0, 100].

If ${dataZoomName}.minValueSpan is set, minSpan does not work any more.

maxSpan(number) = null

Used to restrict maximal window size, in percent, which value is in the range of [0, 100].

If ${dataZoomName}.maxValueSpan is set, maxSpan does not work any more.

minValueSpan(number|string|Date) = null

Used to restrict minimal window size.

For example: In time axis it can be set as 3600 * 24 * 1000 * 5 to represent “5 day”. In category axis it can be set as 5 to represent 5 categories.

maxValueSpan(number|string|Date) = null

Used to restrict maximal window size.

For example: In time axis it can be set as 3600 * 24 * 1000 * 5 to represent “5 day”. In category axis it can be set as 5 to represent 5 categories.

orient(string) = null

Specify whether the layout of dataZoom component is horizontal or vertical. What's more, it indicates whether the horizontal axis or vertical axis is controlled by default in catesian coordinate system.

Valid values:

  • 'horizontal': horizontal.

  • 'vertical': vertical.

zoomLock(boolean) = false

Specify whether to lock the size of window (selected area).

When set as true, the size of window is locked, that is, only the translation (by mouse drag or touch drag) is avialable but zoom is not.

throttle(number) = 100

Specify the frame rate of views refreshing, with unit millisecond (ms).

If animation set as true and animationDurationUpdate set as bigger than 0, you can keep throttle as the default value 100 (or set it as a value bigger than 0), otherwise it might be not smooth when dragging.

If animation set as false or animationDurationUpdate set as 0, and data size is not very large, and it seems to be not smooth when dragging, you can set throttle as 0 to improve that.


The format is [rangeModeForStart, rangeModeForEnd].

For example rangeMode: ['value', 'percent'] means that use absolute value in start and percent value in end.

Optional value for each item: 'value', 'percent'.

  • 'value' mode: the axis extent will always only be determined by dataZoom.startValue and dataZoom.endValue, despite how data like and how axis.min and axis.max are.
  • 'percent' mode: 100 represents 100% of the [dMin, dMax], where dMin is axis.min if axis.min specified, otherwise data.extent[0], and dMax is axis.max if axis.max specified, otherwise data.extent[1]. Axis extent will only be determined by the result of the percent of [dMin, dMax].

rangeMode are auto determined by whether option.start/option.end are specified (represents 'percent' mode) or option.startValue/option.endValue specified (represents 'value' mode). And when user behavior trigger the changing of the view, the rangeMode would be modified automatically. For example, if triggered by toolbox.dataZoom, it will be modefied to 'value', and if triggered by dataZoom-inside or dataZoom-slider, it will be modified to 'percent'.

If we specify rangeMode manually in option, it only works when both start and startValue specified or both end and endValue specified. So usually we do not need to specify dataZoom.rangeMode manually.

Take a scenario as an example. When we are using dynamic data (update data periodically via setOption), if in 'value' mode, the window will be kept in a fixed value range despite how data are appended, while if in 'percent' mode, whe window range will be changed alone with the appended data (suppose axis.min and axis.max are not specified).

{{ target: partial-data-zoom-filterMode }}

Generally dataZoom component zoom or roam coordinate system through data filtering and set the windows of axes internally.

Its behaviours vary according to filtering mode settings (dataZoom.filterMode).

Possible values:

  • ‘filter’: data that outside the window will be filtered, which may lead to some changes of windows of other axes. For each data item, it will be filtered if one of the relevant dimensions is out of the window.

  • ‘weakFilter’: data that outside the window will be filtered, which may lead to some changes of windows of other axes. For each data item, it will be filtered only if all of the relevant dimensions are out of the same side of the window.

  • ‘empty’: data that outside the window will be set to NaN, which will not lead to changes of windows of other axes.

  • ‘none’: Do not filter data.

How to set filterMode is up to users, depending on the requirments and scenarios. Expirically:

  • If only xAxis or only yAxis is controlled by dataZoom, filterMode: 'filter' is typically used, which enable the other axis auto adapte its window to the extent of the filtered data.

  • If both xAxis and yAxis are operated by dataZoom:

    • If xAxis and yAxis should not effect mutually (e.g. a scatter chart with both axes on the type of 'value'), they should be set to be filterMode: 'empty'.

    • If xAxis is the main axis and yAxis is the auxiliary axis (or vise versa) (e.g., in a bar chart, when dragging dataZoomX to change the window of xAxis, we need the yAxis to adapt to the clipped data, but when dragging dataZoomY to change the window of yAxis, we need the xAxis not to be changed), in this case, xAxis should be set to be fiterMode: 'filter', while yAxis should be set to be fiterMode: 'empty'.

It can be demonstrated by the sample:

option = {
    dataZoom: [
            id: 'dataZoomX',
            type: 'slider',
            xAxisIndex: [0],
            filterMode: 'filter'
            id: 'dataZoomY',
            type: 'slider',
            yAxisIndex: [0],
            filterMode: 'empty'
    xAxis: {type: 'value'},
    yAxis: {type: 'value'},
        type: 'bar',
        data: [
            // The first column corresponds to xAxis,
            // and the second coloum corresponds to yAxis.
            [12, 24, 36],
            [90, 80, 70],
            [3, 9, 27],
            [1, 11, 111]

In the sample above, dataZoomX is set as filterMode: 'filter'. When use drags dataZoomX (do not touch dataZoomY) and the valueWindow of xAxis is changed to [2, 50] consequently, dataZoomX travel the first column of series.data and filter items that out of the window. The series.data turns out to be:

    [12, 24, 36],
    // [90, 80, 70] This item is filtered, as 90 is out of the window.
    [3, 9, 27]
    // [1, 11, 111] This item is filtered, as 1 is out of the window.

Before filtering, the second column, which corresponds to yAxis, has values 24, 80, 9, 11. After filtering, only 24 and 9 are left. Then the extent of yAxis is adjusted to adapt the two values (if yAxis.min and yAxis.man are not set).

So filterMode: 'filter' can be used to enable the other axis to auto adapt the filtered data.

Then let's review the sample from the beginning, dataZoomY is set as filterMode: 'empty'. So if user drags dataZoomY (do not touch dataZoomX) and its window is changed to [10, 60] consequently, dataZoomY travels the second column of series.data and set NaN to all of the values that outside the window (NaN cause the graphical elements, i.e., bar elements, do not show, but still hold the place). The series.data turns out to be:

    [12, 24, 36],
    [90, NaN, 70], // Set to NaN
    [3, NaN, 27],  // Set to NaN
    [1, 11, 111]

In this case, the first column (i.e., 12, 90, 3, 1, which corresponds to xAxis), will not be changed at all. So dragging yAxis will not change extent of xAxis, which is good for requirements like outlier filtering.

See this example: ~600x400