{{ target: component-parallel }}


{{ use: partial-parallel-introduce() }}

{{ use: partial-component-id( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-rect-layout-width-height( componentName = 'parallel ', defaultLeft = 80, defaultRight = 80, defaultTop = 60, defaultBottom = 60 ) }}

layout(string) = ‘horizontal’

Layout modes, whose optional values are:

  • 'horizontal': place each axis horizontally.

  • 'vertical': place each axis vertically.

axisExpandable(boolean) = false

{{ use: partial-parallel-high-dim() }}

Whether to enable toggling axis on clicking.

axisExpandCenter(number) = null

Index of the axis which is used as the center of expanding initially. It doesn't have a default value, and needs to be assigned manually.

Please refer to parallel.axisExpandable for more information.

axisExpandCount(number) = 0

Defines how many axes are at expanding state initially. We'd suggest you assign this value manually according to dimensions.

Please refer to parallel.axisExpandCenter and parallel.axisExpandable.

axisExpandWidth(number) = 50

Distance between two axes when at expanding state, in pixels.

Please refer to parallel.axisExpandable for more information.

axisExpandTriggerOn(string) = ‘click’

Optional values:

  • 'click': Trigger expanding when mouse clicking.
  • 'mousemove': Trigger expanding when mouse hovering.


{{ use: partial-parallel-axis-default() }}

See the sample.

{{ use: axis-common( prefix = ‘##’, componentType = ‘parallelAxis’, noAxisPointer = true ) }}