blob: 98a445b3be112378adb4bff7c661a5524f200f58 [file] [log] [blame]
`This issue is not created using [issue template]( so I'm going to close it. 🙊
Sorry for this, but it helps save our maintainers' time so that more developers get helped.
Feel free to create another issue using the issue template.
这个 issue 未使用 [issue 模板]( 创建,所以我将关闭此 issue。
如果您愿意,可以请使用 issue 模板重新创建 issue。`;
`Hi! We\'ve received your issue and please be patient to get responded. 🎉
The average response time is expected to be within one day for weekdays.
In the meanwhile, please make sure that **you have posted enough image to demo your request**. You may also check out the [API]( and [chart option]( to get the answer.
If you don't get helped for a long time (over a week) or have an urgent question to ask, you may also send an email to .
If you are interested in the project, you may also subscribe our [mail list](
Have a nice day! 🍵`;
`This issue is closed due to not being active. Please feel free to open it again (for the author) or create a new one and reference this (for others) if you have further questions.`;
`An update has been made to this issue. The maintainers are right on their way. 🚒`;
const PR_OPENED =
`Thanks for your contribution!
@Ovilia Please check out this PR.`;
const PR_MERGED =
`Congratulations! Your PR has been merged. Thanks for your contribution! 👍
Now you are one of the ECharts contributors. Since we joined the Apache group, you need to assign [ICLA]( file if this is your first PR.
Please fill in the PDF and print it, then sign on it and send the scanned file to and oviliazhang at with the title \`ICLA for incubator-echarts project\`.
This may be a little tricky, and sorry for the trouble. This is required for the first time your commit is merged in. If you refused, your commit will be backed off.
You may send an email to to subscribe our developing discussion on mail list.
const PR_NOT_MERGED = `I'm sorry your PR didn't get merged. Don't get frustrated. Maybe next time. 😛`
`Sorry, but please ask *how-to* questions on [Stack Overflow]( or [segmentfault(中文)]( You may also send an email about your question to if you like.
Here's why:
Maintaining open source projects, especially popular ones, is [hard work]( As ECharts's user base has grown, we are getting more and more usage questions, bug reports, feature requests and pull requests every single day.
As a free and open source project, ECharts also has limited maintainer bandwidth. That means the only way to ensure the project's sustainability is to:
1. Prioritize more concrete work (bug fixes and new features);
2. Improve issue triaging efficiency.
For (1), we have decided to use the GitHub issue lists exclusively for work that has well-defined, actionable goals. Questions and open ended discussions should be posted to mediums that are better suited for them.
For (2), we have found that issues that do not provide proper information upfront usually results in terribly inefficient back-and-forth communication just to extract the basic information needed for actual triaging. This is exactly why we have created this app: to ensure that every issue is created with the necessary information, and to save time on both sides.`
module.exports = {