blob: a503aefb5034d7712aa66ba761134e4af27b2eb9 [file] [log] [blame]
const Issue = require('./src/issue');
const text = require('./src/text');
const { isCommitter } = require('./src/coreCommitters');
const logger = require('./src/logger');
module.exports = (app) => {
app.on(['issues.opened'], async context => {
const issue = new Issue(context);
// Ignore comment because it will commented when adding invalid label
const comment = issue.response === text.NOT_USING_TEMPLATE
? Promise.resolve()
: commentIssue(context, issue.response);
const addLabels = issue.addLabels.length
? context.octokit.issues.addLabels(context.issue({
labels: issue.addLabels
: Promise.resolve();
const removeLabel = issue.removeLabel
? getRemoveLabel(issue.removeLabel)
: Promise.resolve();
return Promise.all([comment, addLabels, removeLabel]);
app.on('issues.labeled', async context => {
const replaceAt = function (comment) {
return replaceAll(
'@' + context.payload.issue.user.login
switch ( {
case 'invalid':
return Promise.all([commentIssue(context, text.NOT_USING_TEMPLATE), closeIssue(context)]);
case 'howto':
return Promise.all([commentIssue(context, text.LABEL_HOWTO), closeIssue(context)]);
case 'inactive':
return Promise.all([commentIssue(context, text.INACTIVE_ISSUE), closeIssue(context)]);
case 'missing-demo':
return Promise.all([
commentIssue(context, replaceAt(text.MISSING_DEMO)),
getRemoveLabel(context, 'waiting-for: community'),
labels: ['waiting-for: author']
// case 'waiting-for: author':
// return commentIssue(context, replaceAt(text.ISSUE_TAGGED_WAITING_AUTHOR));
case 'difficulty: easy':
return commentIssue(context, replaceAt(text.ISSUE_TAGGED_EASY));
case 'priority: high':
return commentIssue(context, replaceAt(text.ISSUE_TAGGED_PRIORITY_HIGH));
app.on('issue_comment.created', async context => {
const isPr = context.payload.issue.html_url.indexOf('/pull/') > -1;
if (isPr) {
// Do nothing when pr is commented
const commenter = context.payload.comment.user.login;
const isCommenterAuthor = commenter === context.payload.issue.user.login;
let removeLabel;
let addLabel;
if (isCommitter(context.payload.comment.author_association, commenter) && !isCommenterAuthor) {
// New comment from core committers
removeLabel = getRemoveLabel(context, 'waiting-for: community');
else if (isCommenterAuthor) {
// New comment from issue author
removeLabel = getRemoveLabel(context, 'waiting-for: author');
addLabel = context.octokit.issues.addLabels(context.issue({
labels: ['waiting-for: community']
return Promise.all([removeLabel, addLabel]);
app.on(['pull_request.opened'], async context => {
const isCore = isCommitter(
let commentText = isCore
: text.PR_OPENED;
const labelList = ['PR: awaiting review'];
if (isCore) {
labelList.push('PR: author is committer');
const content = context.payload.pull_request.body;
if (content && content.indexOf('[x] The API has been changed.') > -1) {
labelList.push('PR: awaiting doc');
commentText += '\n\n' + text.PR_AWAITING_DOC;
const comment = context.octokit.issues.createComment(context.issue({
body: commentText
const addLabel = context.octokit.issues.addLabels(context.issue({
labels: labelList
return Promise.all([comment, addLabel]);
app.on(['pull_request.edited'], async context => {
const content = context.payload.pull_request.body;
if (content && content.indexOf('[x] The API has been changed.') > -1) {
return context.octokit.issues.addLabels(context.issue({
labels: ['PR: awaiting doc']
else {
return getRemoveLabel(context, 'PR: awaiting doc');
app.on(['pull_request.synchronize'], async context => {
const addLabel = context.octokit.issues.addLabels(context.issue({
labels: ['PR: awaiting review']
const removeLabel = getRemoveLabel(context, 'PR: revision needed');
return Promise.all([addLabel, removeLabel]);
app.on(['pull_request.closed'], async context => {
const actions = [
getRemoveLabel(context, 'PR: revision needed'),
getRemoveLabel(context, 'PR: awaiting review')
const isMerged = context.payload['pull_request'].merged;
if (isMerged) {
const comment = context.octokit.issues.createComment(context.issue({
body: text.PR_MERGED
return Promise.all(actions);
app.on(['pull_request_review.submitted'], async context => {
if ( === 'changes_requested'
&& isCommitter(,
) {
const addLabel = context.octokit.issues.addLabels(context.issue({
labels: ['PR: revision needed']
const removeLabel = getRemoveLabel(context, 'PR: awaiting review');
return Promise.all([addLabel, removeLabel]);
app.webhooks.onError(error => {
logger.error('bot occured an error');
function getRemoveLabel(context, name) {
return context.octokit.issues.removeLabel(
name: name
).catch(err => {
// Ignore error caused by not existing.
// if (err.message !== 'Not Found') {
// throw(err);
// }
function closeIssue(context) {
const closeIssue = context.octokit.issues.update(context.issue({
state: 'closed'
return closeIssue;
function commentIssue(context, commentText) {
const comment = context.octokit.issues.createComment(context.issue({
body: commentText
return comment;
function replaceAll(str, search, replacement) {
return str.replace(new RegExp(search, 'g'), replacement);