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| # Eagle in Docker |
| |
| > Docker image for Apache Eagle https://hub.docker.com/r/apacheeagle/sandbox |
| |
| This is docker container for eagle to help users to have a quick preview about eagle features. |
| And this project is to build apache/eagle images and provide eagle-functions to start the containers of eagle. |
| |
| ## Prerequisite |
| * [Apache Maven](https://maven.apache.org) |
| * [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com) |
| * [Docker](https://www.docker.com) |
| * [Mac OS X](http://docs.docker.com/mac/started) |
| * [Linux](http://docs.docker.com/linux/started) |
| * [Windows](http://docs.docker.com/windows/started) |
| |
| ## Getting Started |
| The fastest way to get started with Eagle is to run with [docker](https://github.com/docker/docker) by one of following options: |
| |
| * Pull latest eagle docker image from [docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/apacheeagle/sandbox/) directly: |
| |
| docker pull apacheeagle/sandbox |
| |
| Then run eagle docker image: |
| |
| docker run -p 9099:9099 -p 8080:8080 -p 8744:8744 -p 2181:2181 -p 2888:2888 -p 6667:6667 -p 60020:60020 \ |
| -p 60030:60030 -p 60010:60010 -d --dns --entrypoint /usr/local/serf/bin/start-serf-agent.sh \ |
| -e KEYCHAIN= --env EAGLE_SERVER_HOST=server.eagle.apache.org --name sandbox \ |
| -h server.eagle.apache.org --privileged=true apacheeagle/sandbox:latest \ |
| --tag ambari-server=true |
| docker run -it --rm -e EXPECTED_HOST_COUNT=1 -e BLUEPRINT=hdp-singlenode-eagle --link sandbox:ambariserver\ |
| --entrypoint /bin/sh apacheeagle/sandbox:latest -c /tmp/install-cluster.sh |
| |
| |
| * Build eagle docker image from source code with [eagle-docker](eagle-external/eagle-docker): |
| |
| git clone https://github.com/apache/eagle.git |
| cd eagle && ./eagle-docker boot |
| |
| ## Usage ## |
| Basic usage of the entry script of eagle-docker: [bin/eagle-docker.sh](bin/eagle-docker.sh) |
| |
| Usage: ./eagle-docker [options] [command] |
| |
| Apache Eagle Docker Image : apacheeagle/sandbox:latest |
| |
| Commands: |
| build Build eagle docker image |
| deploy Deploy eagle docker image |
| start Start eagle docker instance |
| stop Stop eagle docker instance |
| status List eagle docker image and instance status |
| clean Clean docker image and instance |
| shell Execute docker instance bash, default: eagle-sandbox |
| boot Simply bootstrap eagle docker by building then deploying |
| |
| Options: |
| --node [num] Docker instances node number, default is 1 |
| --help Display eagle docker image usage information |
| |
| ## Advanced |
| 1. **Build Image**: Go to the root directory where the [Dockerfile](Dockerfile) is in, build image with following command: |
| |
| docker built -t apacheeagle/sandbox . |
| |
| > The docker image is named `apacheeagle/sandbox`. Eagle docker image is based on [`ambari:1.7.0`](https://github.com/sequenceiq/docker-ambari), it will install ganglia, hbase,hive,storm,kafka and so on in this image. Add startup script and buleprint file into image. |
| |
| 2. **Verify Image**: After building the `apacheeagle/sandbox` image successfully, verify the images and could find eagle image. |
| |
| docker images |
| |
| 3. **Deploy Image**: This project also provides helper functions in script [eagle-lib.sh](bin/eagle-lib.sh) for convenience. |
| |
| # Firstly, load the helper functions into context |
| source eagle-functions |
| |
| # Secondly, start to deploy eagle cluster |
| |
| # (1) start single-node container |
| eagle-deploy-cluster 1 |
| |
| # (2) Or muti-node containers |
| eagle-deploy-cluster 3 |
| |
| 4. **Find IP and Port Mapping**: After the container is up and running. The first thing you need to do is finding the IP address and port mapping of the docker container: |
| |
| docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' eagle-server |
| docker ps |
| |
| 5. **Start to use Eagle**: Congratulations! You are able to start using Eagle now. Please open eagle ui at following address (username: ADMIN, password: secret by default) |
| |
| http://{{container_ip}}:9099/eagle-service |
| |
| 6. **Manage Eagle Cluster**: This step is about how to managing the eagle cluster though not must-have at starting. Eagle docker depends on Ambari to manage the cluster infrastructure of Eagle. Following are some helpful links: |
| |
| * Ambari UI: `http://{{container_ip}}:8080` (username: ADMIN, password: ADMIN) |
| * Storm UI: `http://{{container_ip}}:8744` |
| |
| ## Get Help |
| The fastest way to get response from eagle community is to send email to the mail list [dev@eagle.apache.org](mailto:dev@eagle.apache.org), |
| and remember to subscribe our mail list via [dev-subscribe@eagle.apache.org](mailto:dev-subscribe@eagle.apache.org) |
| |
| ## FAQ |
| [https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/EAG/FAQ#FAQ-EagleDocker](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/EAG/FAQ#FAQ-EagleDocker) |
| |
| ## License |
| Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). More details, please refer to [LICENSE](LICENSE) file. |