layout: doc title: “Policy API” permalink: /docs/metadata-api.html

Apache Eagle Provide RESTful APIs for create/update/query/delete policy for alert

  • Policy Definition API
  • Stream Definition API

Policy Definition API

Create/Update Policy Example

URL ||| http://host:port/eagle-service/rest/entities?serviceName=AlertDefinitionService
METHOD ||| POST HEADERS ||| “Content-Type:application/json”
||| “Authorization:Basic encodedusrpwd” (encodedusrpwd is base64 encoded string for “user:password”)
DATA ||| [{
|||   “tags”: {
|||      “site”: “sandbox”,
|||      “dataSource”: “hdfsAuditLog”,
|||      “policyId”: “testPolicy”,
|||      “alertExecutorId”: “hdfsAuditLogAlertExecutor”,
|||      “policyType”: “siddhiCEPEngine”
|||     },
|||   “desc”: “test alert policy”,
|||   “policyDef”: “{"type":"siddhiCEPEngine","expression":"from hdfsAuditLogEventStream[src ==‘/tmp/private’] select * insert into outputStream;"}”,
|||   “notificationDef”: “[{
|||      “sender”:“”, |||      “recipients”:“”, |||      “subject”:“test alert policy”, |||      “flavor”:“email”, |||      “id”:“email_1” |||     }]”,
|||   “enabled”: true
||| }]

Field Specification

Tags ||| All Tags form the key for alert policy
||| 1) site: Which site is the policy for? e.g. sandbox
||| 2) dataSource: From which dataSource the policy consume from; e.g. hdfsAuditLog
||| 3) policyId
||| 4) alertExecutorId: Within which executor will the policy be executed e.g. hdfsAuditLog
||| 5) policyType: Which engine should the policy be executed with e.g. siddhiCEPEngine
policyDef ||| Definition for the policy, tell
||| 1) which engine the policy should be executed with
||| 2) The policy expression to be evaluated
notificationDef ||| Currently we only support email notification for alert, below are fields of alert definition
||| 1) sender: Email Sender
||| 2) recipients: Email Receipent
||| 3) subject: Email Subject
||| 4) flavor: way of notification, currently only supprot “email”
||| 5) id: notification id
enabled ||| If the alert is enabled, true/false
desc ||| Description of the policy

Response Body
     “meta”: {
         “elapsedms”: 11,
         “totalResults”: 1
     “success”: true,
     “obj”: [
     “type”: “java.lang.String”

Get Policy Example

URL ||| http://host:port/eagle-service/rest/list?query=AlertDefinitionService[@dataSource=“hdfsAuditLog” AND @site=“sandbox”]{*}&pageSize=100
METHOD ||| GET HEADERS ||| “Content-Type:application/json”
||| “Authorization:Basic encodedusrpwd” (encodedusrpwd is base64 encoded string for “user:password”)

Response Body
     prefix: “alertdef”,
     tags: {
        site: “sandbox”,
        dataSource: “hdfsAuditLog”,
        policyId: “testPolicy”,
        alertExecutorId: “hdfsAuditLogAlertExecutor”,
        policyType: “siddhiCEPEngine”
     encodedRowkey: “YEktKX_____62aP_6x97yoSv3B0ANd9Hby--xyCZKe1hk6BkS9hcZXeJk1Je-7-Mrq0lGQ”,
     desc: “nope alert for test”,
     policyDef: “{“type”:“siddhiCEPEngine”,“expression”:“from hdfsAuditLogEventStream[src==‘/tmp/private’] select * into outputStream;”}”,
     notificationDef: “[{“sender”:“”,“recipients”:“”,“subject”:“testPolicy”,“flavor”:“email”,“id”:“email_1”}]”,
     enabled: true

Delete Policy Example

Delete policy by encodedRowkey

URL ||| http://host:port/eagle-service/rest/entities/delete?serviceName=AlertDefinitionService&byId=true
HEADERS ||| “Content-Type:application/json”
||| “Authorization:Basic encodedusrpwd” (encodedusrpwd is base64 encoded string for “user:password”)
DATA ||| [
||| “YEktKX_____62aP_6x97yoSv3B0ANd9Hby--xyCZKe1hk6BkS9hcZXeJk1Je-7-Mrq0lGQ”
||| ]

Delete Request Response Body

The folloing is the response body of a sucessfully delete request
     “meta”: {
         “elapsedms”: 5,
         “totalResults”: 1
     “success”: true,
     “obj”: [
     “type”: “java.lang.String”

Stream Definition API

In the policy defintion, if the policyType is “siddhiCEPEngine” we need specify from which stream the query is against , like “from hdfsAuditLogEventStream”

So we need further define the stream schema along with the policy

The response body of stream schema api is similar to policy api, we don't duplicate it in stream definition api

Create/Update Stream Shceme Example

URL ||| http://host:port/eagle-service/rest/entities?serviceName=AlertStreamSchemaService
METHOD ||| POST HEADERS ||| “Content-Type:application/json”
||| “Authorization:Basic encodedusrpwd” (encodedusrpwd is base64 encoded string for “user:password”)
DATA ||| [{
|||   “tags”: {
|||      “dataSource”: “hiveQueryLog”,
|||      “attrName”: “user”,
|||      “streamName”: “hiveAccessLogStream”
|||      },
|||   “attrType”: “string”,
|||   “attrDescription”: “process user”
||| }]

Field Specification

Tags ||| All Tags form the key for alert policy
||| 1) dataSource: From which dataSource the policy consume from, e.g. “hdfsAuditLog”
||| 2) attrName: Attribute‘s name, e.g. “user”
||| 3) streamName: Stream’s name, e.g. “hiveAccessLogStream”
attrType ||| Attribute's type, e.g. string, boolean, int, long
attrDescription ||| Description for the attribute

Get Stream Shceme Example

URL ||| http://host:port/eagle-service/rest/list?query=AlertStreamSchemaService[@dataSource=“hdfsAuditLog” AND @streamName=“hiveAccessLogStream”]{*}&pageSize=100
METHOD ||| GET HEADERS ||| “Content-Type:application/json”
||| “Authorization:Basic encodedusrpwd” (encodedusrpwd is base64 encoded string for “user:password”)

Delete Stream Shceme Example

Delete stream shceme by encodedRowkey

URL ||| http://host:port/eagle-service/rest/entities/delete?serviceName=AlertStreamSchemaService&byId=true
HEADERS ||| “Content-Type:application/json”
||| “Authorization:Basic encodedusrpwd” (encodedusrpwd is base64 encoded string for “user:password”)
DATA ||| [ “YEktKX_____62aP_6x97yoSv3B0ANd9Hby--xyCZKe1hk6BkS9hcZXeJk1Je-7-Mrq0lGQ” ]