layout: doc title: “Install Apache Eagle” permalink: /docs/installation.html

Install Apache Eagle (called Eagle in the following) to Sandbox


To insall eagle on a sandbox you need to have orcale virtual box and HDP sandbox image.

  1. Oracle VirtualBox.
  2. Hortonworks Sandbox v 2.2.4 or later.

Register HDP sandbox

  1. Register Hortonworks sandbox.
  2. Enable Ambari. Click on Enable Button.
  3. Login as admin/admin.

Install Eagle

  Build project mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
  • Step 2: Download eagle-bin-0.1.0.tar.gz package from successful build into your HDP sandbox.

    • Option 1: scp -P 2222 eagle/eagle-assembly/target/eagle-0.1.0-bin.tar.gz root@

    • Option 2: Create shared directory between host and Sandbox, and restart Sandbox. Then you can find the shared directory under /media in Sandbox.

  • Step 3: Extract eagle tarball package

    $ cd /usr/hdp/current
    $ tar -zxvf eagle-0.1.0-bin.tar.gz
    $ mv eagle-0.1.0 eagle
  • Step 4: Add root as a HBase[^HBASE] superuser via Ambari (Optional, a user can operate HBase by sudo su hbase, as an alternative).

  • Step 5: Install Eagle Ambari[^AMBARI] service

/usr/hdp/current/eagle/bin/ install.
  • Step 6: Restart Ambari click on disable and enable Ambari back.

  • Step 7: Start HBase & Storm[^STORM] & Kafka[^KAFKA] From Ambari UI, restart any suggested components(“Restart button on top”) & Start Storm (Start “Nimbus” ,“Supervisor” & “Storm UI Server”), Kafka (Start “Kafka Broker”) , HBase (Start “RegionServer” and " HBase Master")

Restart Services

  • Step 8: Add Eagle Service To Ambari. (Click For Video)

    • Click on “Add Service” under Actions button on Ambari Main page


    • Select “Eagle” in list of services and proceed to install all eagle services. EagleServiceSuccess

      Eagle Services

  • Step 9: Add Policies and meta data required by running below script.

    $ /usr/hdp/current/eagle/examples/ 
    $ /usr/hdp/current/eagle/examples/


[^HBASE]:All mentions of “hbase” on this page represent Apache HBase. [^AMBARI]:All mentions of “ambari” on this page represent Apache Ambari. [^KAFKA]:All mentions of “kafka” on this page represent Apache Kafka. [^STORM]:All mentions of “storm” on this page represent Apache Storm.