layout: doc title: “HBase Data Activity Monitoring” permalink: /docs/hbase-data-activity-monitoring.html

On this page, any mention of Eagle points to Apache Eagle.

This page will introduce how to monitoring HBase data activity in the following aspects:

  • How to enable HBase[^HBASE] security audit log
  • How to add a Kafka[^KAFKA] log4j appender
  • How to enable Eagle HBase monitoring

How to enable HBase security audit log

Notice: if you are willing to use sample logs under eagle-security-hbase-security/test/resources/securityAuditLog, please skip this part.

  1. edit Advanced hbase-log4j via Ambari[^AMBARI] UI, and append below sentence to Security audit appender,RFAS
  2. edit Advanced hbase-site.xml

  3. Save and restart HBase

Now you can check /var/log/hbase/SecurityAudit.log whether the log appears.

How to add a Kafka log4j appender

Notice: if you are willing to use sample logs under eagle-security-hbase-security/test/resources/securityAuditLog, please skip this part.

  1. create Kafka topic sandbox_hbase_security_log

     $ /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic sandbox_hbase_security_log
  2. add below “KAFKA_HBASE_AUDIT” log4j appender to Security audit appender Please refer to

     log4j.appender.KAFKA_HBASE_AUDIT.Layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %p %c: %m%n
  3. add the reference to KAFKA_HBASE_AUDIT to log4j appender,RFAS,KAFKA_HBASE_AUDIT
  4. add Eagle log4j appender jars into HBASE_CLASSPATH BY editing Advanced hbase-env via Ambari UI

     export HBASE_CLASSPATH=${HBASE_CLASSPATH}:/usr/hdp/current/eagle/lib/log4jkafka/lib/*
  5. Save and restart HBase

How to enable Eagle hBase monitoring

  1. create tables (skip if you do not use hbase)

  2. start Eagle service

     bin/ start
  3. import metadata

  4. submit topology

     bin/ --main --config conf/sandbox-hbaseSecurityLog-application.conf start

(sample sensitivity data at examples/

Q & A

Q1: found “java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.eagle.log4j.kafka.KafkaLog4jAppender” in /var/log/hbase/

A1: 1) make sure the jars have been included in HBASE_CLASSPATH (run hbase classpath in the shell). 2) make sure this jars can be executed by other users. 3) check /etc/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml whether there is newline between two properties.


[^HBASE]:All mentions of “hbase” on this page represent Apache HBase. [^KAFKA]:All mentions of “kafka” on this page represent Apache Kafka. [^AMBARI]:All mentions of “ambari” on this page represent Apache Ambari.