layout: doc title: “Application Configuration” permalink: /docs/configuration.html

Apache Eagle (called Eagle in the following) requires you to create a configuration file under $EAGLE_HOME/conf/ for each application. Basically, there are some common properties shared, e.g., envContextConfig, eagleProps, and dynamicConfigSource. While dataSourceConfig differs from application to application.

In this page we take the following two application as examples

  • HDFS Audit Log Configuration
  • Hive[^HIVE] Query Log Configuration

HDFS Audit Log Configuration

Class ||| Property Name ||| Description -----------------||| ------------- ||| ----------- envContextConfig ||| env ||| currently only Storm[^STORM] is supported. ||| mode ||| local or cluster ||| topologyName ||| in the format {site}-{topology-name} ||| stormConfigFile ||| a storm configuration file for overriding some Storm properties ||| parallelismConfig ||| parallelism for both Kafka[^KAFKA] consumer and alert executors dataSourceConfig ||| topic ||| Kafka topic for audit log streaming, make sure it exists ||| zkConnection* |||ZooKeeper[^ZOOKEEPER] connection string, you can also specify multiple hosts in the form hostname1:port1,hostname2:port2, ... |||zkConnectionTimeoutMS ||| zookeeper connection timeout ||| fetchSize ||| kafka maximal message fetching size, default value is 1048586 ||| deserializerClass ||| ||| transactionZKServers ||| ZooKeeper servers, you can also specify multiple hosts in the form hostname1,hostname2,hostname3 ||| transactionZKPort ||| ZooKeeper connection port ||| transactionZKRoot ||| ZooKeeper chroot path for Eagle ||| consumerGroupId ||| only for hdfsAuditLog ||| transactionStateUpdateMS ||| default is 2000 alertExecutorConfigs ||| parallelism ||| default is 1 ||| partitioner ||| default value is eagle.alert.policy.DefaultPolicyPartitioner ||| needValidation ||| true or false eagleProps ||| site* ||| site name, such as sandbox, datacenter1, datacenter2 ||| dataSource ||| hdfsAuditLog ||| dataJoinPollIntervalSec ||| time interval for retrieving data from HBase[^HBASE] ||| mailHost* ||| SMTP server ||| mailSmtpPort* ||| SMTP server port, default is 25 ||| mailDebug ||| true or false ||| ||| Tomcat[^TOMCAT] server host, default is localhost ||| eagleService.port ||| 9099 ||| eagleService.username ||| admin ||| eagleService.password ||| secret dynamicConfigSource ||| enabled ||| true or false, default is true ||| initDelayMillis ||| default is 0 ||| delayMillis ||| default is 30000

Hive Query Log Configuration

Class ||| Property Name ||| Description -----------------||| ------------- ||| ----------- envContextConfig ||| same as HDF ||| dataSourceConfig ||| flavor ||| stormrunning ||| zkQuorum* ||| ZooKeeper connection string, you can also specify multiple hosts in the form hostname1:port1,hostname2:port2,hostname3:port3 ||| zkRoot* ||| ZooKeeper chroot path for Eagle to store data, default is /jobrunning ||| zkSessionTimeoutMs ||| ZooKeeper session timeout, default is 15000 ||| zkRetryTimes ||| ZooKeeper retry times, default is 3 ||| zkRetryInterval ||| default is 2000 ||| RMEndPoints* ||| yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address. Default value is http://localhost:8088/ ||| HSEndPoint* ||| mapreduce.jobhistory.webapp.address. Default values is http://localhost:19888/ ||| partitionerCls ||| eagle.job.DefaultJobPartitionerImpl alertExecutorConfigs ||| same as HDFS ||| eagleProps ||| same as HDFS ||| dynamicConfigSource ||| same as HDFS |||


[^HBASE]:Apache HBase. [^HIVE]:All mentions of “hive” on this page represent Apache Hive. [^KAFKA]:All mentions of “kafka” on this page represent Apache Kafka. [^STORM]:All mentions of “storm” on this page represent Apache Storm. [^TOMCAT]:Apache Tomcat. [^ZOOKEEPER]:All mentions of “zookeeper” on this page represent Apache ZooKeeper.