
Install logstash-kafka plugin

For Logstash 1.5.x

logstash-kafka has been intergrated into logstash-input-kafka and logstash-output-kafka, you can directly use it.

For Logstash 1.4.x

In logstash 1.4.x, the online version does not support specifying partition_key for Kafka producer, and data will be produced into each partitions in turn. For eagle, we need to use the src in hdfs_audit_log as the partition key, so some hacking work have been done. If you have the same requirment, you can follow it.

  1. Install logstash-kafka

     cd /path/to/logstash
     GEM_HOME=vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9 GEM_PATH= java -jar vendor/jar/jruby-complete-1.7.11.jar -S gem install logstash-kafka
     cp -R vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-kafka-*-java/{lib/logstash/*,spec/*} {lib/logstash/,spec/}
     # test install
     USE_JRUBY=1 bin/logstash rspec spec/**/kafka*.rb


     cd /path/to/logstash-kafka
     make tarball
     <!-- a tarball package will be generated under build, including logstash -->
  2. Hacking the kafka.rb

    We have added partition_key_format, which is used to specify the partition_key and supported by logstash 1.5.x, into lib/logstash/outputs/kafka.rb. More details are shown here.

       config :partition_key_format, :validate => :string, :default => nil
       def register
         options = {
             :broker_list => @broker_list,
             :compression_codec => @compression_codec,
             :compressed_topics => @compressed_topics,
             :request_required_acks => @request_required_acks,
             :serializer_class => @serializer_class,
             :partitioner_class => @partitioner_class,
             :request_timeout_ms => @request_timeout_ms,
             :producer_type => @producer_type,
             :key_serializer_class => @key_serializer_class,
             :message_send_max_retries => @message_send_max_retries,
             :retry_backoff_ms => @retry_backoff_ms,
             :topic_metadata_refresh_interval_ms => @topic_metadata_refresh_interval_ms,
             :queue_buffering_max_ms => @queue_buffering_max_ms,
             :queue_buffering_max_messages => @queue_buffering_max_messages,
             :queue_enqueue_timeout_ms => @queue_enqueue_timeout_ms,
             :batch_num_messages => @batch_num_messages,
             :send_buffer_bytes => @send_buffer_bytes,
             :client_id => @client_id
         @producer = Kafka::Producer.new(options)
         @logger.info('Registering kafka producer', :topic_id => @topic_id, :broker_list => @broker_list)
         @codec.on_event do |data|
           rescue LogStash::ShutdownSignal
             @logger.info('Kafka producer got shutdown signal')
           rescue => e
             @logger.warn('kafka producer threw exception, restarting',
                          :exception => e)
       end # def register
       def receive(event)
         return unless output?(event)
         if event == LogStash::SHUTDOWN
         @partition_key = if @partition_key_format.nil? then nil else event.sprintf(@partition_key_format) end
         @current_topic_id = if @topic_id.nil? then nil else event.sprintf(@topic_id) end
         @partition_key = nil
         @current_topic_id = nil

Create logstash configuration file

Go to the logstash root dir, and create a configure file

    input {
        file {
            type => "hdp-nn-audit"
            path => "/path/to/audit.log"
            start_position => end
            sincedb_path => "/var/log/logstash/"

        if [type] == "hdp-nn-audit" {
    	   grok {
    	       match => ["message", "ugi=(?<user>([\w\d\-]+))@|ugi=(?<user>([\w\d\-]+))/[\w\d\-.]+@|ugi=(?<user>([\w\d.\-_]+))[\s(]+"]

    output {
        if [type] == "hdp-nn-audit" {
            kafka {
                codec => plain {
                    format => "%{message}"
                broker_list => "localhost:9092"
                topic_id => "hdfs_audit_log"
                request_required_acks => 0
                request_timeout_ms => 10000
                producer_type => "async"
                message_send_max_retries => 3
                retry_backoff_ms => 100
                queue_buffering_max_ms => 5000
                queue_enqueue_timeout_ms => 5000
                batch_num_messages => 200
                send_buffer_bytes => 102400
                client_id => "hdp-nn-audit"
                partition_key_format => "%{user}"
            # stdout { codec => rubydebug }

grok pattern testing

We have 3 typical patterns for ugi field as follows 2015-02-11 15:00:00,000 INFO FSNamesystem.audit: allowed=true ugi=user1@xyz.com (auth:TOKEN) ip=/ cmd=open src=/apps/hdmi-technology/b_pulsar_coe/schema/avroschema/Session.avsc dst=null perm=null 2015-02-11 15:00:00,000 INFO FSNamesystem.audit: allowed=true ugi=hdc_uc4_platform (auth:TOKEN) via sg_adm@xyz.com (auth:TOKEN) ip=/ cmd=open src=/sys/soj/event/2015/02/08/same_day/00000000000772509716119204458864#3632400774990000-949461-r-01459.avro dst=null perm=null

Reference Links

  1. logstash-kafka
  2. logstash