Development in IDE

1. Start eagle-server

In IDE, configure the following main class and program arguments

org.apache.eagle.server.ServerMain server src/main/resources/configuration.yml

2. Start alert engine

2.1 Create new site

http://localhost:9090/rest/sites POST

"siteId" : "testsite",
"siteName" :"testsite",
"description" : "test description",
"context" : {}

###n2.2 Create logic alert engine topology

http://localhost:9090/rest/metadata/topologies POST

   "name": "alertUnitTopology_1",
   "numOfSpout": 1,
   "numOfAlertBolt": 10,
   "numOfGroupBolt": 4,
   "spoutId": "alertEngineSpout",
   "groupNodeIds": [
   "alertBoltIds": [
   "pubBoltId": "alertPublishBolt",
   "spoutParallelism": 1,
   "groupParallelism": 1,
   "alertParallelism": 1

2.3 Install alert engine application

Please reference eagle-core/eagle-alert-parent/eagle-alert-app/src/main/resources/META-INF/providers/ for complete configuration.

http://localhost:9090/rest/apps/install POST

"siteId" : "testsite",
"appType" : "AlertUnitTopologyApp",
"mode" : "LOCAL",
"configuration" : {

3 Start Hdfs audit log monitoring application

3.1 Install TopologyHealthCheck app

http://localhost:9090/rest/apps/install POST

"siteId" : "sandbox",
"appType" : "TopologyHealthCheckApplication",
"mode" : "LOCAL",
"configuration" : {
  "dataSourceConfig.topic" :"topology_health_check"}

## 4 Check
### 4.1 Check if alert data source is created
http://localhost:9090/rest/metadata/datasources GET

### 4.2 Check if alert stream is creatd
http://localhost:9090/rest/metadata/streams GET

## 5 Create alert policy and verify alert
### 5.1 create one policy

http://localhost:9090/rest/metadata/policies POST

{ “name”: “hdfsPolicy”, “description”: “hdfsPolicy”, “inputStreams”: [ “topology_health_check_stream” ], “outputStreams”: [ “topology_health_check_stream_out” ], “definition”: { “type”: “siddhi”, “value”: “from TOPOLOGY_HEALTH_CHECK_STREAM_SANDBOX[status==‘live’] select * insert into topology_health_check_stream_out” }, “partitionSpec”: [ { “streamId”: “topology_health_check_stream”, “type”: “GROUPBY”, “columns” : [ “host” ] } ], “parallelismHint”: 2 }

### 5.2 Create alert publishment

{ “name”:“topology_health_check_stream_out”, “type”:“org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.publisher.impl.AlertEmailPublisher”, “policyIds”: [ “hdfsPolicy” ], “properties”: { “subject”:“alert when user is hadoop”, “template”:"", “sender”: “”, “recipients”: “”, “”:“”, “connection”: “plaintext”, “mail.smtp.port”: “25” }, “dedupIntervalMin” : “PT1M”, “serializer” : “org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.publisher.impl.StringEventSerializer” }

### 5.3 Send message and verify alert ./ --topic topology_health_check --broker-list