tree: 759f7d06a3227739dc5b55719884af90e6cda3ba [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Follow below steps to get Hdfs authorization logs monitoring running

Step 1: logstash: fetch log file to Kafka

1.1 create topic for raw log

/usr/hdp/ --create --topic sandbox_hdfs_auth_log --partitions 2 --replication-factor 1 --zookeeper localhost:2181

1.2 consume raw log

/usr/hdp/ --topic sandbox_hdfs_auth_log --zookeeper

1.3 create logstash config file: hdfs-authlog.conf

download logstash 2.3.x

    input {
        file {
            type => "hdfs-authlog"
            path => "/var/log/hadoop/hdfs/SecurityAuth.audit"
            start_position => end
            sincedb_path => "/var/log/logstash/hdfs-authlog-sincedb"

    output {
         if [type] == "hdfs-authlog" {
              kafka {
                  codec => plain {
                      format => "%{message}"
                  bootstrap_servers => ""
                  topic_id => "sandbox_hdfs_auth_log"
                  acks => "0"
                  timeout_ms => 10000
                  retries => 3
                  retry_backoff_ms => 100
                  batch_size => 16384
                  send_buffer_bytes => 131072
                  client_id => "hdfs-authlog"
              # stdout { codec => rubydebug }

1.4 run logstash

 bin/logstash -f hdfs-authlog.conf

Step 2: hdfs-authlog topology: parse log and persist to Kafka

2.1 create topic for normalized log

/usr/hdp/ --create --topic sandbox_hdfs_auth_log_parsed --partitions 2 --replication-factor 1 --zookeeper localhost:2181

2.2 consume normalized log

/usr/hdp/ --topic sandbox_hdfs_auth_log_parsed --zookeeper

2.3 run eagle webservice

find eagle-webservice project, run it

2.4 run eagle-security-hdfs-authlog topology

find, run it

Step 3: alert engine: consume parsed log

3.1 run alert engine

find org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.UnitTopologyMain, run it

test to produce message

produce raw log

/usr/hdp/ --topic sandbox_hdfs_auth_log --broker-list

produce parsed log

/usr/hdp/ --topic sandbox_hdfs_auth_log_parsed --broker-list