blob: 582134c61ed9199fc32897a2cfc6754e6ba093e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
var serviceModule = angular.module('eagle.service');
// ============================================================
// = Page =
// ============================================================
serviceModule.service('PageConfig', function($wrapState) {
function PageConfig() {
PageConfig.reset = function () {
PageConfig.title = "";
PageConfig.subTitle = "";
PageConfig.navPath = [];
PageConfig.hideTitle = false;
var cachedNavPath = [];
var cachedGenNavPath = [];
PageConfig.getNavPath = function () {
if (cachedNavPath !== PageConfig.navPath || cachedGenNavPath.length !== cachedNavPath.length) {
cachedNavPath = PageConfig.navPath || [];
cachedGenNavPath = $.map(cachedNavPath, function (navPath) {
var pathEntity = $.extend({}, navPath);
if (!pathEntity.path || !pathEntity.param) return pathEntity;
// Parse param as `key=value` format
var params = {};
$.each(pathEntity.param, function (i, param) {
if (!param) return;
var match = param.match(/^([^=]+)(=(.*))?$/);
var key = match[1];
var value = match[3];
params[key] = value !== undefined ? value : $wrapState.param[key];
// Generate path with param
var path = "/" + pathEntity.path.replace(/^[\\\/]/, "");
if (params.siteId) {
pathEntity.path = "/site/" + $wrapState.param.siteId + path;
delete params.siteId;
} else {
pathEntity.path = path;
pathEntity.path += '?' + $.map(params, function (value, key) {
return key + '=' + value;
return pathEntity;
return cachedGenNavPath;
return PageConfig;
// ============================================================
// = Portal =
// ============================================================
serviceModule.service('Portal', function($wrapState, Site, Application, Auth) {
var defaultPortalList = [
{name: "Overview", icon: "home", path: "#/"},
var Portal = {};
var mainPortalList = [];
var sitePortalList = [];
var connectedMainPortalList = [];
var sitePortals = {};
Portal.register = function (portal, isSite) {
(isSite ? sitePortalList : mainPortalList).push(portal);
function getDefaultSitePortal(site) {
var alertPortal = [
{name: "Alerts", path: "#/site/" + site.siteId + "/alerts"},
{name: "Policies", path: "#/site/" + site.siteId + "/policies"},
{name: "Streams", path: "#/site/" + site.siteId + "/streams"},
Auth.getPromise().then(function () {
if (Auth.isAdmin) {
{name: "Prototypes", path: "#/site/" + site.siteId + "/policy/prototypes"},
{name: "Define Policy", path: "#/site/" + site.siteId + "/policy/create"}
return [
{name: site.siteName || site.siteId + " Home", icon: "home", path: "#/site/" + site.siteId},
{name: "Alert", icon: "bell", list: alertPortal},
function convertSitePortal(site, portal) {
portal = $.extend({}, portal, {
path: portal.path ? "#/site/" + site.siteId + "/" + portal.path.replace(/^[\\\/]/, "") : null
if(portal.list) {
portal.list = $.map(portal.list, function (portal) {
return convertSitePortal(site, portal);
return portal;
* Merge navigation item if same name
function mergePortalList(list) {
var mergedList = [];
$.each(list, function (i, portal) {
var mergedPortal = common.array.find(, mergedList, ['name']);
if (mergedPortal && portal.list && mergedPortal.list) {
mergedPortal.list = mergedPortal.list.concat(portal.list);
} else {
mergedList.push($.extend({}, portal));
return mergedList;
Portal.refresh = function () {
// Main level
connectedMainPortalList = defaultPortalList.concat();
connectedMainPortalList = mergePortalList(connectedMainPortalList);
// Site level
sitePortals = {};
$.each(Site.list, function (i, site) {
var tmpSitePortalList = getDefaultSitePortal(site).concat($.map(sitePortalList, function (portal) {
var hasApp = !!common.array.find(portal.application, site.applicationList, "descriptor.type");
if(hasApp) {
return convertSitePortal(site, portal);
sitePortals[site.siteId] = mergePortalList(tmpSitePortalList);
Object.defineProperty(Portal, 'list', {
get: function () {
var match = $wrapState.path().match(/^\/site\/([^\/]*)/);
if(match && match[1]) {
return sitePortals[match[1]];
} else {
return connectedMainPortalList;
// Initialization
return Portal;