blob: f13624193585d75eb4fa23e0784b7fa0ae8d4b0c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var app = {};
(function() {
'use strict';
$(document).on("APPLICATION_READY", function (event, register) {"[Eagle] Angular bootstrap...");
var STATE_NAME_MATCH = /^[^.]*/;
var state_next;
var state_current;
var param_next;
var param_current;
var modules = {};
$.each(register.moduleList, function (i, module) {
modules[module.application] = module;
// ======================================================================================
// = Initialization =
// ======================================================================================
var eagleApp = angular.module('eagleApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngAnimate', 'ui.router', 'eagleControllers', 'eagle.service'].concat(register.appList));
// ======================================================================================
// = Router config =
// ======================================================================================
var defaultRouterStates = ['site', 'alertList', 'policyList', 'streamList', 'policyPrototypes', 'policyCreate', 'policyEdit', 'alertDetail', 'policyDetail'];
function routeResolve(config) {
var resolve = {};
if(config === false) return resolve;
config = $.extend({
auth: true,
site: true,
application: true
}, config);
if(config.auth) {
// TODO: need auth module
resolve.Server = function (Server) {
return Server.getPromise();
resolve.Site = function (Site) {
return Site.getPromise(config);
resolve.Application = function (Application) {
return Application.getPromise();
resolve._router = function (Site, $wrapState, $q) {
var name =;
var siteId = param_next.siteId;
if (siteId && defaultRouterStates.indexOf(name) === -1) {
return Site.getPromise(config).then(function () {
var match = false;
$.each(common.getValueByPath(Site.find(siteId), ["applicationList"]), function (i, app) {
var appType = app.descriptor.type;
var module = modules[appType];
if(!module) return;
if(common.array.find(name, module.routeList, ["state"])) {
match = true;
return false;
if(!match) {
console.log("[Application] No route match:", name);
$wrapState.go("site", {siteId: siteId});
return $q.reject(false);
} else {
return true;
resolve.Time = function (Time) {
return Time.getPromise(config, state_next, param_next);
return resolve;
eagleApp.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $httpProvider, $animateProvider) {
// ================================== Home ==================================
.state('home', {
url: "/",
templateUrl: "partials/home.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "homeCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve()
.state('setup', {
url: "/setup",
templateUrl: "partials/setup.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "setupCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve({ site: false, application: false })
// ================================== Auth ==================================
.state('login', {
url: "/login",
templateUrl: "partials/login.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "loginCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve()
// =============================== Integration ==============================
.state('integration', {
abstract: true,
url: "/integration/",
templateUrl: "partials/integration/main.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "integrationCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve(false)
.state('integration.siteList', {
url: "siteList",
templateUrl: "partials/integration/siteList.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "integrationSiteListCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve({ application: false })
.state('', {
url: "site/:id",
templateUrl: "partials/integration/site.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "integrationSiteCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve({ application: false })
.state('integration.applicationList', {
url: "applicationList",
templateUrl: "partials/integration/applicationList.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "integrationApplicationListCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve({ application: false })
.state('integration.publisherList', {
url: "publisherList",
templateUrl: "partials/integration/publisherList.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "integrationPublisherListCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve({ application: false })
// ================================= Metric =================================
.state('metricPreview', {
url: "/metric/preview?startTime&endTime&site&metric&groups&fields",
templateUrl: "partials/metric/preview.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "metricPreviewCtrl",
reloadOnSearch: false,
resolve: routeResolve({ application: false, time: true })
// ================================== Site ==================================
.state('site', {
url: "/site/:siteId",
templateUrl: "partials/site/home.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "siteCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve()
// ============================== Site: Alerts ==============================
.state('alertList', {
url: "/site/:siteId/alerts?startTime&endTime",
templateUrl: "partials/alert/list.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "alertListCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve({ time: { autoRefresh: true } })
.state('policyList', {
url: "/site/:siteId/policies",
templateUrl: "partials/alert/policyList.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "policyListCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve()
.state('streamList', {
url: "/site/:siteId/streams",
templateUrl: "partials/alert/streamList.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "alertStreamListCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve()
.state('policyPrototypes', {
url: "/site/:siteId/policy/prototypes",
templateUrl: "partials/alert/policyPrototypes.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "policyPrototypesCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve()
.state('policyCreate', {
url: "/site/:siteId/policy/create",
templateUrl: "partials/alert/policyEdit/main.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "policyCreateCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve()
.state('policyEdit', {
url: "/site/:siteId/policy/edit/{name}",
templateUrl: "partials/alert/policyEdit/main.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "policyEditCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve()
.state('alertDetail', {
url: "/site/:siteId/alert/detail/{alertId}?timestamp",
templateUrl: "partials/alert/detail.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "alertDetailCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve()
.state('policyDetail', {
url: "/site/:siteId/policy/detail/{name}",
templateUrl: "partials/alert/policyDetail.html?_=" + window._TRS(),
controller: "policyDetailCtrl",
resolve: routeResolve()
// =========================== Application States ===========================
$.each(register.routeList, function (i, route) {
var config = $.extend({}, route.config);
var resolve = {};
var resolveConfig = {};
if(route.config.resolve) {
$.each(route.config.resolve, function (key, value) {
if (typeof value === "function") {
resolve[key] = value;
} else {
resolveConfig[key] = value;
config.resolve = $.extend(routeResolve(resolveConfig), resolve);
$stateProvider.state(route.state, config);
/* $httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q) {
function eagleRequestHandle(res) {
var data = || {
exception: "",
message: ""
if(res.status === -1) {
title: "AJAX Failed",
content: $("<pre>")
.text("url:\n" + common.getValueByPath(res, ["config", "url"]))
} else if(data.success === false || res.status === 404) {
title: "AJAX Error",
content: $("<pre>")
"url:\n" + common.getValueByPath(res, ["config", "url"]) + "\n\n" +
"status:\n" + res.status + "\n\n" +
"exception:\n" + data.exception + "\n\n" +
"message:\n" + data.message
return res;
return {
response: eagleRequestHandle,
responseError: function(res) {
return $q.reject(eagleRequestHandle(res));
}); */
// ======================================================================================
// = Main Controller =
// ======================================================================================
eagleApp.controller('MainCtrl', function (
$scope, $wrapState, $urlRouter, $notification, $authHttp,
Server, PageConfig, Portal, Widget, Entity, CompatibleEntity,
Site, Application, UI, Time, Policy, Alert, Auth) {
window._WrapState = $scope.$wrapState = $wrapState;
window._Server = $scope.Server = Server;
window._PageConfig = $scope.PageConfig = PageConfig;
window._Portal = $scope.Portal = Portal;
window._Widget = $scope.Widget = Widget;
window._Entity = $scope.Entity = Entity;
window._CompatibleEntity = $scope.CompatibleEntity = CompatibleEntity;
window._Site = $scope.Site = Site;
window._Application = $scope.Application = Application;
window._UI = $scope.UI = UI;
window._Time = $scope.Time = Time;
window._Policy = $scope.Policy = Policy;
window._Notification = $scope.$notification = $notification;
window._Alert = $scope.Alert = Alert;
window._Auth = $scope.Auth = Auth;
window._AuthHttp = $scope.$authHttp = $authHttp;
$scope.common = common;
$scope._TRS = window._TRS();
Object.defineProperty(window, "scope", {
get: function () {
var ele = $("#content .ng-scope[ui-view], #content .ng-scope[ui-view]").last();
return angular.element(ele).scope();
// ============================== Route Update ==============================
$scope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, next, nextParam, current, currentParam) {
console.log("[Switch] current ->", current, currentParam);
console.log("[Switch] next ->", next, nextParam);
state_next = next || {};
state_current = current || {};
param_next = nextParam;
param_current = currentParam;
var currentName = (current || {}).name || "";
var nextName = (next || {}).name || "";
// Page initialization
if(currentName.match(STATE_NAME_MATCH)[0] !== nextName.match(STATE_NAME_MATCH)[0]) {
$scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (event) {
var _innerSearch = Time._innerSearch;
Time._innerSearch = null;
if(_innerSearch) {
setTimeout(function () {
$wrapState.go(".", $.extend({}, $wrapState.param, _innerSearch), {location: "replace", notify: false});
}, 0);
console.log("[Switch] done ->", event);
// ================================ Function ================================
// Get Page class by submenu
$scope.getPageNavClass = function (subportals) {
var classname = "";
if (typeof subportals === 'undefined') {
return "";
$.each(subportals, function (i) {
if (classname === "active") {
classname = $scope.getNavClass(subportals[i]);
return classname;
// Get side bar navigation item class
$scope.getNavClass = function (portal) {
var path = (portal.path || "").replace(/^#/, '');
if ($wrapState.path() === path) {
return "active";
} else {
return "";
// Customize time range
$scope.customizeTimeRange = function () {
$scope.updateTimeAutoRefresh = function () {
Time.autoRefresh = !Time.autoRefresh;
$scope.setLastDuration = function (hours) {
var endTime = new Time();
var startTime = endTime.clone().subtract(hours, "hours");
Time.timeRange(startTime, endTime);
$scope.updateTimeRange = function () {
var startTime = Time.verifyTime($("#eagleStartTime").val());
var endTime = Time.verifyTime($("#eagleEndTime").val());
if(startTime && endTime) {
Time.timeRange(startTime, endTime);
} else {
alert("Time range not validate");
// ================================== Init ==================================
$.each(register.portalList, function (i, config) {
Portal.register(config.portal, config.isSite);
$.each(register.widgetList, function (i, config) {
Widget.register(config.widget, config.isSite);
// ======================================================================================
// = Bootstrap =
// ======================================================================================
//noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
angular.element(document).ready(function() {"[Eagle] UI start...");
//noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
angular.bootstrap(document, ['eagleApp']);