#A manual for hadoop plugin of collectd
Collectd website referto collectd.org
###Description The plugin collect information from http://hostname:port/jmx , according to the hadoop role configuration, it support roles as below:
HDFS NameNode HDFS DataNode HDFS JournalNode HBase Master Hbase RegionServer Yarn NodeManager Yarn ResourceManager
Deploy hadoop.py in your collectd plugins path , in my environment, it is like : /opt/collectd/lib/collectd/plugins/hadoop.py(It assume that you install collectd in the directory of /opt/collectd), maybe you should create the plugins directory ahead.
Configure the python plugin in file collectd.conf , and you should trun on the python switch first.
A snippet of collectd.conf for showing hadoop python plugin configuration:
LoadPlugin python <Plugin "python"> ModulePath "/opt/collectd/lib/collectd/plugins/" LogTraces true Import "hadoop" <Module "hadoop"> HDFSDatanodeHost "YourHostName" Port "50075" Verbose true Instance "192.168.xxx.xxx" JsonPath "/xxx/xxx/hadooproleconfig.json" </Module> <Module "hadoop"> YARNResourceManager "YourHostName" Port "8088" Verbose true Instance "192.168.xxx.xxx" </Module> </Plugin>
Notification: Instance , port and host(role) fileds must be set.
3)Two way to cite hadooproleconfig.json , either is ok.
a)Place hadooproleconfig.json path in one <Module “hadoop”> pair in collectd.conf.
b)Place hadooproleconfig.json file in you BaseDir which defined in collectd.conf.
If you update your collectd.conf or hadooproleconfig.json, you should restart your collectd application.
###Dependency collectd: I test in version 5.6.0. Hadoop: I test in version 2.6.0-cdh5.4.3. Hbase: I test in version 1.0.0-chd5.4.3.
You can use hadoop.py as a single independent python file for debugging jmx, and you can also use it as plugin for collectd, a variable MyDebug is used as a swtich when used in the two different environments.