blob: e926e36aaf1d68dba9ab6769ef7cd221015a1b58 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
var featureControllers = angular.module("featureControllers");
var feature = featureControllers.register("common");
// ==============================================================
// = Function =
// ==============================================================
feature.service("Policy", function(Entities) {
var Policy = function () {};
Policy.updatePolicyStatus = function(policy, status) {
title: "Confirm",
content: "Do you want to " + (status ? "enable" : "disable") + " policy[" + policy.tags.policyId + "]?",
confirm: true
}, function(ret) {
if(ret) {
policy.enabled = status;
Entities.updateEntity("AlertDefinitionService", policy);
Policy.deletePolicy = function(policy, callback) {
title: "Confirm",
content: "Do you want to delete policy[" + policy.tags.policyId + "]?",
confirm: true
}, function(ret) {
if(ret) {
policy.enabled = status;
Entities.deleteEntity("AlertDefinitionService", policy)._promise.finally(function() {
if(callback) {
return Policy;
feature.service("Notification", function(Entities) {
var Notification = function () {}; = {};
Notification.list = Entities.queryEntities("AlertNotificationService");
Notification.list._promise.then(function () {
$.each(Notification.list, function (i, notification) {
// Parse fields
notification.fieldList = common.parseJSON(notification.fields, []);
// Fill map[notification.tags.notificationType] = notification;
Notification.promise = Notification.list._promise;
return Notification;
// ==============================================================
// = Policies =
// ==============================================================
// ========================= Policy List ========================
feature.navItem("policyList", "Policies", "list");
feature.controller('policyList', function(PageConfig, Site, $scope, Application, Entities, Policy) {
PageConfig.pageTitle = "Policy List";
PageConfig.pageSubTitle = Site.current();
// Initial load
$scope.policyList = [];
$scope.application = Application.current();
// List policies
var _policyList = Entities.queryEntities("AlertDefinitionService", {site: Site.current(), application: $scope.application.tags.application});
_policyList._promise.then(function() {
$.each(_policyList, function(i, policy) {
policy.__expression = common.parseJSON(policy.policyDef, {}).expression;
$scope.policyList._promise = _policyList._promise;
// Function
$scope.searchFunc = function(item) {
var key = $;
if(!key) return true;
var _key = key.toLowerCase();
function _hasKey(item, path) {
var _value = common.getValueByPath(item, path, "").toLowerCase();
return _value.indexOf(_key) !== -1;
return _hasKey(item, "tags.policyId") || _hasKey(item, "__expression") || _hasKey(item, "description") || _hasKey(item, "owner");
$scope.updatePolicyStatus = Policy.updatePolicyStatus;
$scope.deletePolicy = function(policy) {
Policy.deletePolicy(policy, function(policy) {
var _index = $scope.policyList.indexOf(policy);
$scope.policyList.splice(_index, 1);
// ======================= Policy Detail ========================
feature.controller('policyDetail', function(PageConfig, Site, $scope, $wrapState, $interval, Entities, Policy, nvd3) {
var MAX_PAGESIZE = 10000;
var seriesRefreshInterval;
PageConfig.pageTitle = "Policy Detail";
PageConfig.lockSite = true;
.addNavPath("Policy List", "/common/policyList")
.addNavPath("Policy Detail");
$scope.chartConfig = {
chart: "line",
xType: "time"
// Query policy
if($wrapState.param.filter) {
$scope.policyList = Entities.queryEntity("AlertDefinitionService", $wrapState.param.filter);
} else {
$scope.policyList = Entities.queryEntities("AlertDefinitionService", {
policyId: $wrapState.param.policy,
site: $,
alertExecutorId: $wrapState.param.executor
$scope.policyList._promise.then(function() {
var policy = null;
if($scope.policyList.length === 0) {
title: "OPS!",
content: "Policy not found!"
}, function() {
location.href = "#/common/policyList";
} else {
policy = $scope.policyList[0];
policy.__notificationList = common.parseJSON(policy.notificationDef, []);
policy.__expression = common.parseJSON(policy.policyDef, {}).expression;
$scope.policy = policy;
// Visualization
var _intervalType = 0;
var _intervalList = [
["Daily", 1440, function() {
var _endTime =;
var _startTime = _endTime.clone().subtract(1, "month").hour(0).minute(0).second(0).millisecond(0);
return [_startTime, _endTime];
["Hourly", 60, function() {
var _endTime =;
var _startTime = _endTime.clone().subtract(48, "hour").minute(0).second(0).millisecond(0);
return [_startTime, _endTime];
["Every 5 minutes", 5, function() {
var _endTime =;
var _minute = Math.floor(_endTime.minute() / 5) * 5;
var _startTime = _endTime.clone().minute(_minute).subtract(5 * 30, "minute").second(0).millisecond(0);
_endTime.minute(_minute + 4);
return [_startTime, _endTime];
function _loadSeries(seriesName, metricName, condition) {
var list = Entities.querySeries("GenericMetricService", $.extend({_metricName: metricName}, condition), "@site", "sum(value)", _intervalList[_intervalType][1]);
var seriesList = nvd3.convert.eagle([list]);
if(!$scope[seriesName]) $scope[seriesName] = seriesList;
list._promise.then(function() {
$scope[seriesName] = seriesList;
function refreshSeries() {
var _timeRange = _intervalList[_intervalType][2]();
var _startTime = _timeRange[0];
var _endTime = _timeRange[1];
var _cond = {
application: policy.tags.application,
policyId: policy.tags.policyId,
_startTime: _startTime,
_endTime: _endTime
console.log("Range:",, "datetime"),, "datetime"));
// > eagle.policy.eval.count
_loadSeries("policyEvalSeries", "eagle.policy.eval.count", _cond);
// >
_loadSeries("policyEvalFailSeries", "", _cond);
// > eagle.alert.count
_loadSeries("alertSeries", "eagle.alert.count", _cond);
// >
_loadSeries("alertFailSeries", "", _cond);
// Alert list
$scope.alertList = Entities.queryEntities("AlertService", {
site: Site.current(),
application: policy.tags.application,
policyId: policy.tags.policyId,
_pageSize: MAX_PAGESIZE,
_duration: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
__ETD: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
seriesRefreshInterval = $interval(refreshSeries, 60000);
// Menu
$scope.visualizationMenu = [
{icon: "clock-o", title: "Interval", list:
$.map(_intervalList, function(item, index) {
var _item = {icon: "clock-o", title: item[0], func: function() {
_intervalType = index;
Object.defineProperty(_item, 'strong', {
get: function() {return _intervalType === index;}
return _item;
// Function
$scope.updatePolicyStatus = Policy.updatePolicyStatus;
$scope.deletePolicy = function(policy) {
Policy.deletePolicy(policy, function() {
location.href = "#/common/policyList";
// Clean up
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
// ======================== Policy Edit =========================
function policyCtrl(create, PageConfig, Site, Policy, $scope, $wrapState, $q, UI, Entities, Application, Authorization, Notification) {
PageConfig.pageTitle = create ? "Policy Create" : "Policy Edit";
PageConfig.pageSubTitle = Site.current();
.addNavPath("Policy List", "/common/policyList")
.addNavPath("Policy Edit");
var _winTimeDesc = "Number unit[millisecond, sec, min, hour, day, month, year]. e.g. 23 sec";
var _winTimeRegex = /^\d+\s+(millisecond|milliseconds|second|seconds|sec|minute|minutes|min|hour|hours|day|days|week|weeks|month|months|year|years)$/;
var _winTimeDefaultValue = '10 min';
$scope.config = {
window: [
// Display name, window type, required columns[Title, Description || "LONG_FIELD", Regex check, default value]
title: "Message Time Slide",
description: "Using timestamp filed from input is used as event's timestamp",
type: "externalTime",
{title: "Field", defaultValue: "timestamp", hide: true},
{title: "Time", description: _winTimeDesc, regex: _winTimeRegex, defaultValue: _winTimeDefaultValue}
title: "System Time Slide",
description: "Using System time is used as timestamp for event's timestamp",
type: "time",
{title: "Time", description: _winTimeDesc, regex: _winTimeRegex, defaultValue: _winTimeDefaultValue}
title: "System Time Batch",
description: "Same as System Time Window except the policy is evaluated at fixed duration",
type: "timeBatch",
{title: "Time", description: _winTimeDesc, regex: _winTimeRegex, defaultValue: _winTimeDefaultValue}
title: "Length Slide",
description: "The slide window has a fixed length",
type: "length",
{title: "Number", description: "Number only. e.g. 1023", regex: /^\d+$/}
title: "Length Batch",
description: "Same as Length window except the policy is evaluated in batch mode when fixed event count reached",
type: "lengthBatch",
{title: "Number", description: "Number only. e.g. 1023", regex: /^\d+$/}
$scope.Notification = Notification;
$scope.create = create;
$scope.encodedRowkey = $wrapState.param.filter;
$scope.step = 0;
$scope.applications = {};
$scope.policy = {};
// ==========================================
// = Notification =
// ==========================================
$scope.notificationTabHolder = null;
$scope.newNotification = function (notificationType) {
var __notification = {
notificationType: notificationType
$.each([notificationType].fieldList, function (i, field) {
__notification[] = field.value || "";
Notification.promise.then(function () {
$ = Authorization.isRole('ROLE_ADMIN') ? [
{icon: "cog", title: "Configuration", list: [
{icon: "trash", title: "Delete", danger: true, func: function () {
var notification = $;
UI.deleteConfirm(notification.notificationType).then(null, null, function(holder) {
common.array.remove(notification, $scope.policy.__.notification);
{icon: "plus", title: "New", list: $.map(Notification.list, function(notification) {
return {
icon: "plus",
title: notification.tags.notificationType,
func: function () {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
] : [];
// ==========================================
// = Data Preparation =
// ==========================================
// Steam list
var _streamList = Entities.queryEntities("AlertStreamService", {application: Application.current().tags.application});
var _executorList = Entities.queryEntities("AlertExecutorService", {application: Application.current().tags.application});
$scope.streamList = _streamList;
$scope.executorList = _executorList;
$scope.streamReady = false;
$q.all([_streamList._promise, _executorList._promise]).then(function() {
// Map executor with stream
$.each(_executorList, function(i, executor) {
$.each(_streamList, function(j, stream) {
if(stream.tags.application === executor.tags.application && stream.tags.streamName === executor.tags.streamName) {
stream.alertExecutor = executor;
return false;
// Fill stream list
$.each(_streamList, function(i, unit) {
var _srcStreamList = $scope.applications[unit.tags.application] = $scope.applications[unit.tags.application] || [];
$scope.streamReady = true;
// ==========================================
// = Function =
// ==========================================
function _findStream(application, streamName) {
var _streamList = $scope.applications[application];
if(!_streamList) return null;
for(var i = 0 ; i < _streamList.length ; i += 1) {
if(_streamList[i].tags.streamName === streamName) {
return _streamList[i];
return null;
// ==========================================
// = Step control =
// ==========================================
$scope.steps = [
// >> Select stream
title: "Select Stream",
ready: function() {
return $scope.streamReady;
init: function() {
$scope.policy.__.streamName = $scope.policy.__.streamName ||
common.array.find($scope.policy.tags.application, _streamList, "tags.application").tags.streamName;
nextable: function() {
var _streamName = common.getValueByPath($scope.policy, "__.streamName");
if(!_streamName) return false;
// Detect stream in current data source list
return !!common.array.find(_streamName, $scope.applications[$scope.policy.tags.application], "tags.streamName");
// >> Define Alert Policy
title: "Define Alert Policy",
init: function() {
// Normal mode will fetch meta list
if(!$scope.policy.__.advanced) {
var _stream = _findStream($scope.policy.tags.application, $scope.policy.__.streamName);
$scope._stream = _stream;
if(!_stream) {
title: "OPS",
content: "Stream not found! Current application don't match any stream."
if(!_stream.metas) {
_stream.metas = Entities.queryEntities("AlertStreamSchemaService", {application: $scope.policy.tags.application, streamName: $scope.policy.__.streamName});
_stream.metas._promise.then(function() {
_stream.metas.sort(function(a, b) {
if(a.tags.attrName < b.tags.attrName) {
return -1;
} else if(a.tags.attrName > b.tags.attrName) {
return 1;
return 0;
ready: function() {
if(!$scope.policy.__.advanced) {
return $scope._stream.metas._promise.$$state.status === 1;
return true;
nextable: function() {
if($scope.policy.__.advanced) {
// Check stream source
$scope._stream = null;
$.each($scope.applications[$scope.policy.tags.application], function(i, stream) {
if(($scope.policy.__._expression || "").indexOf(stream.tags.streamName) !== -1) {
$scope._stream = stream;
return false;
return $scope._stream;
} else {
// Window
if($scope.policy.__.windowConfig) {
var _winMatch = true;
var _winConds = $scope.getWindow().fields;
$.each(_winConds, function(i, cond) {
if(!(cond.val || "").match(cond.regex)) {
_winMatch = false;
return false;
if(!_winMatch) return false;
// Aggregation
if($scope.policy.__.groupAgg) {
if(!$scope.policy.__.groupAggPath ||
!$scope.policy.__.groupCondOp ||
!$scope.policy.__.groupCondVal) {
return false;
return true;
// >> Configuration & Notification
title: "Configuration & Notification",
nextable: function() {
return !!$scope.policy.tags.policyId;
// ==========================================
// = Policy Logic =
// ==========================================
_streamList._promise.then(function() {
// Initial policy entity
if(create) {
$scope.policy = {
__: {
toJSON: jQuery.noop,
conditions: {},
notification: [],
dedupe: {
alertDedupIntervalMin: 10,
fields: []
_dedupTags: {},
policy: {},
window: "externalTime",
group: "",
groupAgg: "count",
groupAggPath: "timestamp",
groupCondOp: ">=",
groupCondVal: "2"
description: "",
enabled: true,
prefix: "alertdef",
remediationDef: "",
tags: {
application: Application.current().tags.application,
policyType: "siddhiCEPEngine"
// If configured data source
if($ {
$scope.policy.tags.application = $;
if(common.array.find($, Site.current().applicationList, "tags.application")) {
setTimeout(function() {
$scope.changeStep(0, 2, false);
}, 1);
// Start step
$scope.changeStep(0, 1, false);
} else {
var _policy = Entities.queryEntity("AlertDefinitionService", $scope.encodedRowkey);
_policy._promise.then(function() {
if(_policy.length) {
$scope.policy = _policy[0];
$scope.policy.__ = {
toJSON: jQuery.noop
} else {
title: "OPS",
content: "Policy not found!"
}, function() {
var _application = Application.current();
if(_application.tags.application !== $scope.policy.tags.application) {
_application = Application.find($scope.policy.tags.application);
if(_application) {
Application.current(_application, false);
console.log("Application not match. Do reload...");
} else {
title: "OPS",
content: "Application not found! Current policy don't match any application."
}, function() {
// === Revert inner data ===
// >> De-dupe
$scope.policy.__._dedupTags = {};
$scope.policy.__.dedupe = common.parseJSON($scope.policy.dedupeDef, {});
$.each($scope.policy.__.dedupe.fields || [], function (i, field) {
$scope.policy.__._dedupTags[field] = true;
// >> Notification
$scope.policy.__.notification = common.parseJSON($scope.policy.notificationDef, []);
// >> Policy
var _policyUnit = $scope.policy.__.policy = common.parseJSON($scope.policy.policyDef);
// >> Parse expression
$scope.policy.__.conditions = {};
var _condition = _policyUnit.expression.match(/from\s+(\w+)(\[(.*)])?(#window[^\)]*\))?\s+(select (\w+, )?(\w+)\((\w+)\) as [\w\d_]+ (group by (\w+) )?having ([\w\d_]+) ([<>=]+) ([^\s]+))?/);
var _cond_stream, _cond_query, _cond_window, _cond_group, _cond_groupUnit;
if(!_condition) {
$scope.policy.__.advanced = true;
} else {
_cond_stream = _condition[1];
_cond_query = _condition[3] || "";
_cond_window = _condition[4];
_cond_group = _condition[5];
_cond_groupUnit = _condition.slice(7,14);
// > StreamName
var _streamName = _cond_stream;
var _cond = _cond_query;
$scope.policy.__.streamName = _streamName;
// > Conditions
// Loop condition groups
if(_cond.trim() !== "" && /^\(.*\)$/.test(_cond)) {
var _condGrps = _cond.substring(1, _cond.length - 1).split(/\)\s+and\s+\(/);
$.each(_condGrps, function(i, line) {
// Loop condition cells
var _condCells = line.split(/\s+or\s+/);
$.each(_condCells, function(i, cell) {
var _opMatch = cell.match(/(\S*)\s*(==|!=|>|<|>=|<=|contains)\s*('(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'|[\w\d]+)/);
if(!common.isEmpty(_opMatch)) {
var _key = _opMatch[1];
var _op = _opMatch[2];
var _val = _opMatch[3];
var _conds = $scope.policy.__.conditions[_key] = $scope.policy.__.conditions[_key] || [];
var _type = "";
if(_val.match(/'.*'/)) {
_val = _val.slice(1, -1);
_type = "string";
} else if(_val === "true" || _val === "false") {
var _regexMatch = _key.match(/^str:regexp\((\w+),'(.*)'\)/);
var _containsMatch = _key.match(/^str:contains\((\w+),'(.*)'\)/);
var _mathes = _regexMatch || _containsMatch;
if(_mathes) {
_key = _mathes[1];
_val = _mathes[2];
_type = "string";
_op = _regexMatch ? "regex" : "contains";
_conds = $scope.policy.__.conditions[_key] = $scope.policy.__.conditions[_key] || [];
} else {
_type = "bool";
} else {
_type = "number";
_conds.push($scope._CondUnit(_key, _op, _val, _type));
} else if(_cond_query !== "") {
$scope.policy.__.advanced = true;
if($scope.policy.__.advanced) {
$scope.policy.__._expression = _policyUnit.expression;
} else {
// > window
if(!_cond_window) {
$scope.policy.__.window = "externalTime";
$ = "";
$scope.policy.__.groupAgg = "count";
$scope.policy.__.groupAggPath = "timestamp";
$scope.policy.__.groupCondOp = ">=";
$scope.policy.__.groupCondVal = "2";
} else {
try {
$scope.policy.__.windowConfig = true;
var _winCells = _cond_window.match(/\.(\w+)\((.*)\)/);
$scope.policy.__.window = _winCells[1];
var _winConds = $scope.getWindow().fields;
$.each(_winCells[2].split(","), function(i, val) {
_winConds[i].val = val;
// Group
if(_cond_group) {
$ = _cond_groupUnit[3];
$scope.policy.__.groupAgg = _cond_groupUnit[0];
$scope.policy.__.groupAggPath = _cond_groupUnit[1];
$scope.policy.__.groupAggAlias = _cond_groupUnit[4] === "aggValue" ? "" : _cond_groupUnit[4];
$scope.policy.__.groupCondOp = _cond_groupUnit[5];
$scope.policy.__.groupCondVal = _cond_groupUnit[6];
} else {
$ = "";
$scope.policy.__.groupAgg = "count";
$scope.policy.__.groupAggPath = "timestamp";
$scope.policy.__.groupCondOp = ">=";
$scope.policy.__.groupCondVal = "2";
} catch(err) {
$scope.policy.__.window = "externalTime";
$scope.changeStep(0, 2, false);
// ==========================================
// = Function =
// ==========================================
// UI: Highlight select step
$scope.stepSelect = function(step) {
return step === $scope.step ? "active" : "";
// UI: Collapse all
$scope.collapse = function(cntr) {
var _list = $(cntr).find(".collapse").css("height", "auto");
if(_list.hasClass("in")) {
} else {
// Step process. Will fetch target step attribute and return boolean
function _check(key, step) {
var _step = $scope.steps[step - 1];
if(!_step) return;
var _value = _step[key];
if(typeof _value === "function") {
return _value();
} else if(typeof _value === "boolean") {
return _value;
return true;
// Check step is ready. Otherwise will display load animation
$scope.stepReady = function(step) {
return _check("ready", step);
// Check whether process next step. Otherwise will disable next button
$scope.checkNextable = function(step) {
return !_check("nextable", step);
// Switch step
$scope.changeStep = function(step, targetStep, check) {
if(check === false || _check("checkStep", step)) {
$scope.step = targetStep;
_check("init", targetStep);
// Window
$scope.getWindow = function() {
if(!$scope.policy || !$scope.policy.__) return null;
return common.array.find($scope.policy.__.window, $scope.config.window, "type");
// Aggregation
$scope.groupAggPathList = function() {
return $.grep(common.getValueByPath($scope, "_stream.metas", []), function(meta) {
return $.inArray(meta.attrType, ['long','integer','number', 'double', 'float']) !== -1;
$scope.updateGroupAgg = function() {
$scope.policy.__.groupAggPath = $scope.policy.__.groupAggPath || common.getValueByPath($scope.groupAggPathList()[0], "tags.attrName");
if($scope.policy.__.groupAgg === 'count') {
$scope.policy.__.groupAggPath = 'timestamp';
// Resolver
$scope.resolverTypeahead = function(value, resolver) {
var _resolverList = Entities.query("stream/attributeresolve", {
site: Site.current(),
resolver: resolver,
query: value
return _resolverList._promise.then(function() {
return _resolverList;
// Used for input box when pressing enter
$scope.conditionPress = function(event) {
if(event.which == 13) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
// Check whether has condition
$scope.hasCondition = function(key, type) {
var _list = common.getValueByPath($scope.policy.__.conditions, key, []);
if(_list.length === 0) return false;
if(type === "bool") {
return !_list[0].ignored();
return true;
// Condition unit definition
$scope._CondUnit = function(key, op, value, type) {
return {
key: key,
op: op,
val: value,
type: type,
ignored: function() {
return this.type === "bool" && this.val === "none";
getVal: function() {
return this.type === "string" ? "'" + this.val + "'" : this.val;
toString: function() {
return this.op + " " + this.getVal();
toCondString: function() {
var _op = this.op === "=" ? "==" : this.op;
if(_op === "regex") {
return "str:regexp(" + this.key + "," + this.getVal() + ")==true";
} else if(_op === "contains") {
return "str:contains(" + this.key + "," + this.getVal() + ")==true";
} else {
return this.key + " " + _op + " " + this.getVal();
// Add condition for policy
$scope.addCondition = function(key, op, value, type) {
if(value === "" || value === undefined) return false;
var _condList = $scope.policy.__.conditions[key] = $scope.policy.__.conditions[key] || [];
_condList.push($scope._CondUnit(key, op, value, type));
return true;
// Convert condition list to description string
$scope.parseConditionDesc = function(key) {
return $.map($scope.policy.__.conditions[key] || [], function(cond) {
if(!cond.ignored()) return "[" + cond.toString() + "]";
}).join(" or ");
// To query
$scope.toQuery = function() {
if(!$scope.policy.__) return "";
if($scope.policy.__.advanced) return $scope.policy.__._expression;
// > Query
var _query = $.map(common.getValueByPath($scope.policy, "__.conditions", {}), function(list) {
var _conds = $.map(list, function(cond) {
if(!cond.ignored()) return cond.toCondString();
if(_conds.length) {
return "(" + _conds.join(" or ") + ")";
}).join(" and ");
if(_query) {
_query = "[" + _query + "]";
// > Window
var _window = $scope.getWindow();
var _windowStr = "";
if($scope.policy.__.windowConfig) {
_windowStr = $.map(_window.fields, function(field) {
return field.val;
_windowStr = "#window." + _window.type + "(" + _windowStr + ")";
// > Group
if($ {
_windowStr += common.template(" select ${group}, ${groupAgg}(${groupAggPath}) as ${groupAggAlias} group by ${group} having ${groupAggAlias} ${groupCondOp} ${groupCondVal}", {
group: $,
groupAgg: $scope.policy.__.groupAgg,
groupAggPath: $scope.policy.__.groupAggPath,
groupCondOp: $scope.policy.__.groupCondOp,
groupCondVal: $scope.policy.__.groupCondVal,
groupAggAlias: $scope.policy.__.groupAggAlias || "aggValue"
} else {
_windowStr += common.template(" select ${groupAgg}(${groupAggPath}) as ${groupAggAlias} having ${groupAggAlias} ${groupCondOp} ${groupCondVal}", {
groupAgg: $scope.policy.__.groupAgg,
groupAggPath: $scope.policy.__.groupAggPath,
groupCondOp: $scope.policy.__.groupCondOp,
groupCondVal: $scope.policy.__.groupCondVal,
groupAggAlias: $scope.policy.__.groupAggAlias || "aggValue"
} else {
_windowStr = " select *";
return common.template("from ${stream}${query}${window} insert into outputStream;", {
stream: $scope.policy.__.streamName,
query: _query,
window: _windowStr
// ==========================================
// = Update Policy =
// ==========================================
// dedupeDef notificationDef policyDef
$scope.finishPolicy = function() {
$scope.lock = true;
// dedupeDef
$scope.policy.__.dedupe.fields = $.map($scope.policy.__._dedupTags, function (value, key) {
if(value) return key;
$scope.policy.dedupeDef = JSON.stringify($scope.policy.__.dedupe);
// notificationDef
$scope.policy.__.notification = $scope.policy.__.notification || [];
$scope.policy.notificationDef = JSON.stringify($scope.policy.__.notification);
// policyDef
$scope.policy.__.policy = {
expression: $scope.toQuery(),
type: "siddhiCEPEngine"
$scope.policy.policyDef = JSON.stringify($scope.policy.__.policy);
// alertExecutorId
if($scope._stream.alertExecutor) {
$scope.policy.tags.alertExecutorId = $scope._stream.alertExecutor.tags.alertExecutorId;
} else {
$scope.lock = false;
title: "OPS!",
content: "Alert Executor not defined! Please check 'AlertExecutorService'!"
// site
$ = $ || Site.current();
// owner
$scope.policy.owner = Authorization.userProfile.username;
// Update function
function _updatePolicy() {
Entities.updateEntity("AlertDefinitionService", $scope.policy)._promise.success(function(data) {
title: "Success",
content: (create ? "Create" : "Update") + " success!"
}, function() {
if(data.success) {
location.href = "#/common/policyList";
} else {
title: "OPS",
content: (create ? "Create" : "Update") + "failed!" + JSON.stringify(data)
$scope.create = create = false;
$scope.encodedRowkey = data.obj[0];
}).error(function(data) {
title: "OPS",
content: (create ? "Create" : "Update") + "failed!" + JSON.stringify(data)
}).then(function() {
$scope.lock = false;
// Check if already exist
if($scope.create) {
var _checkList = Entities.queryEntities("AlertDefinitionService", {
alertExecutorId: $scope.policy.tags.alertExecutorId,
policyId: $scope.policy.tags.policyId,
policyType: "siddhiCEPEngine",
application: $scope.policy.tags.application
_checkList._promise.then(function() {
if(_checkList.length) {
title: "Override Confirm",
content: "Already exists PolicyID '" + $scope.policy.tags.policyId + "'. Do you want to override?",
confirm: true
}, function(ret) {
if(ret) {
} else {
$scope.lock = false;
} else {
} else {
feature.controller('policyCreate', function(PageConfig, Site, Policy, $scope, $wrapState, $q, UI, Entities, Application, Authorization, Notification) {
var _args = [true];
_args.push.apply(_args, arguments);
policyCtrl.apply(this, _args);
}, "policyEdit");
feature.controller('policyEdit', function(PageConfig, Site, Policy, $scope, $wrapState, $q, UI, Entities, Application, Authorization, Notification) {
PageConfig.lockSite = true;
var _args = [false];
_args.push.apply(_args, arguments);
policyCtrl.apply(this, _args);
// ==============================================================
// = Alerts =
// ==============================================================
// ========================= Alert List =========================
feature.navItem("alertList", "Alerts", "exclamation-triangle");
feature.controller('alertList', function(PageConfig, Site, $scope, $wrapState, $interval, $timeout, Entities, Application) {
PageConfig.pageSubTitle = Site.current();
var MAX_PAGESIZE = 10000;
// Initial load
$scope.application = Application.current();
$scope.alertList = [];
$scope.alertList.ready = false;
// Load data
function _loadAlerts() {
if($scope.alertList._promise) {
var _list = Entities.queryEntities("AlertService", {
site: Site.current(),
application: $scope.application.tags.application,
_pageSize: MAX_PAGESIZE,
_duration: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
__ETD: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
$scope.alertList._promise = _list._promise;
_list._promise.then(function() {
var index;
if($scope.alertList[0]) {
// List new alerts
for(index = 0 ; index < _list.length ; index += 1) {
var _alert = _list[index];
_alert.__new = true;
if(_alert.encodedRowkey === $scope.alertList[0].encodedRowkey) {
if(index > 0) {
$scope.alertList.unshift.apply($scope.alertList, _list.slice(0, index));
// Clean up UI highlight
$timeout(function() {
$.each(_list, function(i, alert) {
delete alert.__new;
}, 100);
} else {
// List all alerts
$scope.alertList.push.apply($scope.alertList, _list);
$scope.alertList.ready = true;
var _loadInterval = $interval(_loadAlerts, app.time.refreshInterval);
// ======================== Alert Detail ========================
feature.controller('alertDetail', function(PageConfig, Site, $scope, $wrapState, Entities) {
PageConfig.pageTitle = "Alert Detail";
PageConfig.lockSite = true;
.addNavPath("Alert List", "/common/alertList")
.addNavPath("Alert Detail");
$scope.common = common;
// Query policy
$scope.alertList = Entities.queryEntity("AlertService", $wrapState.param.filter);
$scope.alertList._promise.then(function() {
if($scope.alertList.length === 0) {
title: "OPS!",
content: "Alert not found!"
}, function() {
location.href = "#/common/alertList";
} else {
$scope.alert = $scope.alertList[0];
$scope.alert.rawAlertContext = JSON.stringify($scope.alert.alertContext, null, "\t");
// UI
$scope.getMessageTime = function(alert) {
var _time = common.getValueByPath(alert, "alertContext.timestamp");
return Number(_time);