Alert Engine

Distributed Real-time Streaming

Eagle Alert Engine is buit on open source realtime streaming infrastrcuture like Apache Storm as default execution engine and Apache Kafka as default messagig Bus.

Eagle Alert Engine

Declarative Policy Evaluator

Eagle supports declarative policy with SQL (CEP) on distributed streaming environment.

Eagle Alert Policy Spec

Here are some typical examples:

  • Example 1: Alert if hadoop namenode capacity usage exceed 90 percentages

      from hadoopJmxMetricEventStream
      [metric == "hadoop.namenode.fsnamesystemstate.capacityused" and value > 0.9] 
      select metric, host, value, timestamp, component, site 
      insert into alertStream;
  • Example 2: Alert if hadoop namenode HA switches

      from every 
      a = hadoopJmxMetricEventStream[metric=="hadoop.namenode.fsnamesystem.hastate"] 
      b = hadoopJmxMetricEventStream[metric==a.metric and == and a.value != value)] 
      within 10 min 
      select, a.value as oldHaState, b.value as newHaState, b.timestamp as timestamp, b.metric as metric, b.component as component, as site insert into alertStream;	

Dynamic Coordinator

Alert Engine Coordination

Application Framework

Eagle has multiple distributed real-time frameworks for efficiently developing highly scalable monitoring applications.


An “Application” or “App” is composed of data integration, policies and insights for one data source.

Application Descriptor

An “Application Descriptor” is a static packaged metadata information consist of

  • Basic: type, name, version, description.
  • Application: the application process to run.
  • Configuration Descriptor__: describe the configurations required by the application when starting like name, displayName, defaultValue Description, required, etc. which will automatically be visualized in configuration editor.
  • Streams: the streams schema the application will export.
  • Docs: application specific documentations which will be embedded in necessary area during the whole lifecyle of application management.

Here is a ApplicationDesc example of JPM_WEB_APP

        type: "JPM_WEB_APP",
        name: "Job Performance Monitoring Web ",
        version: "0.5.0",
        description: null,
        appClass: "",
        jarPath: "/opt/eagle/eagle-0.5.0/lib/eagle-topology-0.5.0-hadoop-2.4.1-11-assembly.jar",
        viewPath: "/apps/jpm",
        providerClass: "",
        configuration: {
            properties: [{
                name: "",
                displayName: "Eagle Service Host",
                value: "localhost",
                description: "Eagle Service Host, default: localhost",
                required: false
            }, {
                name: "service.port",
                displayName: "Eagle Service Port",
                value: "8080",
                description: "Eagle Service Port, default: 8080",
                required: false
        streams: null,
        docs: null,
        executable: false,
        dependencies: [{
            type: "MR_RUNNING_JOB_APP",
            version: "0.5.0",
            required: true
        }, {
            type: "MR_HISTORY_JOB_APP",
            version: "0.5.0",
            required: true

Application Provider

An “application provider” in fact is a package management and loading mechanism leveraging Java SPI.

For example, in file


place the full class name of an application provider:

Metric Storage

Eagle Storage Engine

Persistence ORM Framework

Eagle nativelly provides a light-weight ORM Framework for HBase/RDMBS, supporting easily defining persistence data model with java annotation.

For example as below:

	@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
		@Index(name="Index_1_alertExecutorId", columns = { "alertExecutorID" }, unique = true)})
	public class AlertDefinitionAPIEntity extends TaggedLogAPIEntity{
	private String desc;

SQL-Like REST Query Language

Eagle provide SQL-Like REST query language on NoSQL Model. For example like


Eagle Query API

List Query

ListQuery ::= "/" <EntityName> "?" <KeyValue> { "&" <KeyValue> }
KeyValue ::= [ <Filter> | <Output> ]
Filter ::= [ <TagFilter> | <FieldFilter> ]
Output ::= [ <OuputTag> | <OutputField> ]
TagFilter ::= "tagNameValue" "=" <Condition> <!= while used in URL, the equal "=" character has to be URL encoded with -->
FieldFilter ::= "fieldNameValue" "=" <Condition> <!-- not implemented yet, field filter has to be pushed down to hbase column filters -->
Condition ::= <Identifier> <OP> [ <Identifier> | <RegExpression> ]
OutputTag ::= <Identifier>
OutputField ::= <Identifier>
Identifier ::= <Character> { <Identifier> }
OP ::= [ "=" | "=~" ] <!-- =~ means regular expression matching, not supported yet as of now -->
RegExpression ::= <!-- java supported regular expressions , not yet supported in version 0.9 as of now --> 
EntityName ::= [ "HdfsService" | "HBaseService" | "MRService" | "Host" | "Disk" | "CPU" | "Config" | "Alert" | "Action" | "Event" | "MRJob" | "MRTask" | "HBaseRPC" | "HdfsRPC" ]

Aggregation Query

AggregationQuery ::= "/" <EntityName> "?"  <Filter> { "&" <Filter> } "&" <AggregationField> { "&" <AggregationField> } <AggregationFunction> { "&" <AggregationFunction> } [ "&" <AggregationFilters> ]
AggregationField ::= "gb" "=" <Identifier> 
AggregationFunction ::= "function" "=" <Identifier>
AggregationFilters ::= "having" "=" <BooleanExpression>
BooleanExpression ::= <!-- as of now, boolean expression has not been yet implemented -->

Bucket Query

BucketQuery ::= "/" <EntityName> "?" <Filter> { "&" <Filter> } "&" <BucketField> { "&" <BucketField> } <BucketLimit> { "&" <BucketLimit> }
BucketField ::= "BucketField" "=" <Identifier>
BucketLimit ::= <Number>

Rowkey Query

RowkeyQuery ::= "/" <RowkeyPath> "?" <KeyFilter> "&' <TableFilter> "&" <ColumnFamilyFilter> "&" [ "all=true" | <FieldSelection> ]
RowkeyPath ::= "rowkey"
KeyFilter ::= "key" "=" <Identifier> 
TableFilter ::= "table" "=" <Identifier>
ColumnFamilyFilter ::= "cf" "=" <Identifier>
FieldSelection ::= <Field> { <FieldSelection> }
Field ::= "Field" "=" <Identifier>


Pagination ::= <CollectionQuery> "&" <PageSize> "&" <StartRowkey>
PageSize ::= "pageSize" "=" <Number>
StartRowkey ::= "startRowkey" "=" <Identifier>  <!-- client application should set the rowkey where the query will start with. rowkey should be null if the query starts from the beginning -->


Sort ::= [ <AggregationQuery> | <CollectionQuery> ] "&" <SortSpecs>
SortSpecs ::= <SortSpec> "&" { <SortSpecs> }
SortSpec ::= "st" "=" <SortField> = <SortOrder>
SortField ::= <Identifier>
SortOrder ::= [ asc | desc ]


UnionQuery ::= <Query> { "+" <Query> }  <!-- as of now this syntax is not yet implemented, but union is used by letting service knowing it's a union -->
Query ::= [ <CollectionQuery> | <AggregationQuery> | <BucketQuery> ] 


JoinQuery ::= <Query> { "^" <Query> } <!-- as of now this syntax is not yet implemented, but union is used by letting service knowing it's a join -->

HBase Rowkey Design

Optimized Rowkey design for time-series data, optimized for metric/entity/log, etc. different storage types

Rowkey ::= Prefix | Partition Keys | timestamp | tagName | tagValue | …  

Metric Rowkey Design

Rowkey ::= Metric Name | Partition Keys | timestamp | tagName | tagValue | …  

Entity Rowkey Design

Rowkey ::= Default Prefix | Partition Keys | timestamp | tagName | tagValue | …
Log Rowkey Design
Rowkey ::= Log Type | Partition Keys | timestamp | tagName | tagValue | …
Rowvalue ::= Log Content	

Secondary Index Support

Eagle supports to define secondary index with annotation with @Index. For example: @Indexes({@Index(name=“INDEX_NAME”, columns = { “SECONDARY_INDEX_COLUMN_NAME” }, unique = true/false)})

Native HBase Coprocessor

UI Framework

Eagle UI is mainly consist of following parts:

  • Eagle Main UI
  • Eagle App Portal/Dashboard/Widgets
  • Eagle Customized Dashboard