| baseURL = "https://dubbo.apache.org/" |
| languageCode = "en-us" |
| title = "Apache Dubbo" |
| theme = ["github.com/google/docsy", "github.com/google/docsy/dependencies"] |
| |
| enableGitInfo = true |
| enableRobotsTXT = true |
| |
| # Language settings |
| contentDir = "content/zh-cn" |
| defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn" |
| defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true |
| # Useful when translating. |
| enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders = true |
| |
| # Highlighting config |
| pygmentsCodeFences = true |
| pygmentsUseClasses = false |
| # Use the new Chroma Go highlighter in Hugo. |
| pygmentsUseClassic = false |
| #pygmentsOptions = "linenos=table" |
| # See https://help.farbox.com/pygments.html |
| pygmentsStyle = "tango" |
| |
| # Configure how URLs look like per section. |
| [permalinks] |
| blog = "/:section/:year/:month/:day/:slug/" |
| |
| ## Configuration for BlackFriday markdown parser: https://github.com/russross/blackfriday |
| [blackfriday] |
| plainIDAnchors = true |
| hrefTargetBlank = true |
| angledQuotes = false |
| latexDashes = true |
| |
| # Image processing configuration. |
| [imaging] |
| resampleFilter = "CatmullRom" |
| quality = 75 |
| anchor = "smart" |
| |
| [services] |
| [services.googleAnalytics] |
| # Comment out the next line to disable GA tracking. Also disables the feature described in [params.ui.feedback]. |
| id = "G-1TFHM5YBH0" |
| |
| staticDir = ["static"] |
| |
| contentDir = "content/en" |
| defaultContentLanguage = "en" |
| defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false |
| |
| # Language configuration |
| [languages] |
| [languages.en] |
| title = "Apache Dubbo" |
| description = "Apache Dubbo Official Website" |
| languageName = "English" |
| contentDir = "content/en" |
| # Weight used for sorting. |
| weight = 1 |
| |
| [languages.zh-cn] |
| title = "Apache Dubbo" |
| description = "Apache Dubbo 官方网站" |
| languageName = "中文" |
| contentDir = "content/zh-cn" |
| #time_format_default = "02.01.2006" |
| #time_format_blog = "02.01.2006" |
| |
| [markup] |
| [markup.goldmark] |
| [markup.goldmark.renderer] |
| unsafe = true |
| [markup.highlight] |
| # See a complete list of available styles at https://xyproto.github.io/splash/docs/all.html |
| style = "solarized-dark" |
| # Uncomment if you want your chosen highlight style used for code blocks without a specified language |
| guessSyntax = "true" |
| |
| # Everything below this are Site Params |
| |
| [params] |
| copyright = "The Apache Software Foundation. Apache and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation." |
| # Repository configuration (URLs for in-page links to opening issues and suggesting changes) |
| github_repo = "https://github.com/apache/dubbo-website" |
| # An optional link to a related project repo. For example, the sibling repository where your product code lives. |
| github_project_repo = "https://github.com/apache/dubbo" |
| github_branch = "master" |
| |
| # Specify a value here if your content directory is not in your repo's root directory |
| # github_subdir = "" |
| |
| #gcs_engine_id = "011737558837375720776:fsdu1nryfng" |
| |
| algolia_docsearch = true |
| offlineSearch = false |
| |
| |
| [[menu.main]] |
| name = "Initializer" |
| weight = 50 |
| url = "https://start.dubbo.apache.org/bootstrap.html" |
| post = "<i class='fas fa-external-link-alt'></i>" |
| #[[menu.main]] |
| # name = "Admin" |
| # weight = 60 |
| # url = "https://dubbo.apache.org/" |
| # post = "<i class='fas fa-external-link-alt'></i>" |
| |
| # post = "<span class='alert'>New</span>" |
| |
| # Add Ecosystems |
| # en_ecosystem_docs_menu = "Advanced Docs" |
| # cn_ecosystem_docs_menu = "高级文档" |
| # |
| # [[params.ecosystems.docs]] |
| # ecosystem = "Dubbo Java SDK" |
| # en.docs.url = "https://chickenlj.github.io/incubator-dubbo-website/en/java-sdk/" |
| # cn.docs.url = "https://chickenlj.github.io/incubator-dubbo-website/cn/java-sdk/" |
| # |
| # [[params.ecosystems.docs]] |
| # ecosystem = "Dubbo Golang SDK" |
| # en.docs.url = "https://chickenlj.github.io/incubator-dubbo-website/en/golang-sdk/" |
| # cn.docs.url = "https://chickenlj.github.io/incubator-dubbo-website/cn/golang-sdk/" |
| # |
| # [[params.ecosystems.docs]] |
| # ecosystem = "Dubbo Pixiu" |
| # en.docs.url = "https://chickenlj.github.io/incubator-dubbo-website/en/pixiu/" |
| # cn.docs.url = "https://chickenlj.github.io/incubator-dubbo-website/cn/pixiu/" |
| # |
| # [[params.ecosystems.docs]] |
| # ecosystem = "Dubbo Admin" |
| # en.docs.url = "https://chickenlj.github.io/incubator-dubbo-website/en/admin/" |
| # cn.docs.url = "https://chickenlj.github.io/incubator-dubbo-website/cn/admin/" |
| |
| # Enable syntax highlighting and copy buttons on code blocks with Prism |
| #prism_syntax_highlighting = false |
| |
| # User interface configuration |
| [params.ui] |
| # https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/8918#issuecomment-903314696 |
| sidebar_cache_limit = 1 |
| # Show expand/collapse icon for sidebar sections. |
| sidebar_menu_foldable = true |
| # Enable to show the side bar menu in its compact state. |
| sidebar_menu_compact = false |
| # Set to true to disable breadcrumb navigation. |
| breadcrumb_disable = false |
| # Set to true to hide the sidebar search box (the top nav search box will still be displayed if search is enabled) |
| sidebar_search_disable = true |
| # Set to false if you don't want to display a logo (/assets/icons/logo.svg) in the top nav bar |
| navbar_logo = false |
| # Set to true to disable the About link in the site footer |
| footer_about_disable = true |
| navbar_translucent_over_cover_disable = true |
| |
| # Adds a H2 section titled "Feedback" to the bottom of each doc. The responses are sent to Google Analytics as events. |
| # This feature depends on [services.googleAnalytics] and will be disabled if "services.googleAnalytics.id" is not set. |
| # If you want this feature, but occasionally need to remove the "Feedback" section from a single page, |
| # add "hide_feedback: true" to the page's front matter. |
| [params.ui.feedback] |
| enable = true |
| # The responses that the user sees after clicking "yes" (the page was helpful) or "no" (the page was not helpful). |
| yes = 'Glad to hear it! Please <a href="https://github.com/apache/dubbo-website/issues/new">tell us how we can improve</a>.' |
| no = 'Sorry to hear that. Please <a href="https://github.com/apache/dubbo-website/issues/new">tell us how we can improve</a>.' |
| |
| # Adds a reading time to the top of each doc. |
| # If you want this feature, but occasionally need to remove the Reading time from a single page, |
| # add "hide_readingtime: true" to the page's front matter |
| [params.ui.readingtime] |
| enable = false |
| |
| [params.links] |
| # End user relevant links. These will show up on left side of footer and in the community page if you have one. |
| [[params.links.user]] |
| name = "Dubbo mailing list archive" |
| url = "https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@dubbo.apache.org" |
| icon = "fa fa-envelope" |
| desc = "Discussion and help from your fellow users" |
| #[[params.links.user]] |
| #name = "Bilibili" |
| #url = "https://space.bilibili.com/1395485052" |
| #icon = "fa-brands fa-bilibili" |
| #desc = "Follow us on Bilibili to get the latest news!" |
| #[[params.links.user]] |
| # name = "Stack Overflow" |
| # url = "https://example.org/stack" |
| # icon = "fab fa-stack-overflow" |
| # desc = "Practical questions and curated answers" |
| # Developer relevant links. These will show up on right side of footer and in the community page if you have one. |
| [[params.links.developer]] |
| name = "GitHub" |
| url = "https://github.com/apache/dubbo" |
| icon = "fab fa-github" |
| desc = "Development takes place here!" |
| #[[params.links.developer]] |
| # name = "Slack" |
| # url = "https://example.org/slack" |
| # icon = "fab fa-slack" |
| # desc = "Chat with other project developers" |
| [[params.links.developer]] |
| name = "Subscribe to mailing list" |
| url = "mailto:dev-subscribe@dubbo.apache.org" |
| icon = "fa fa-envelope" |
| desc = "Discuss development issues around the project" |
| |
| [sitemap] |
| changefreq = "monthly" |
| filename = "sitemap.xml" |
| priority = 0.5 |
| |
| [taxonomies] |
| tag = "tags" |