blob: 0d761e07339aee7961eb26e0659804abfc0de4d2 [file] [log] [blame]
import React from 'react';
export default {
'en-us': {
barText: 'Community',
events: {
title: 'Events & News',
list: [
img: '/img/blog/dubbo-hangzhou-meetup.jpg',
title: 'Dubbo Hangzhou meetup has been held successfully',
content: 'The Dubbo Hangzhou meetup has been held successfully.',
dateStr: 'December 1th,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/dubbo-meetup-hangzhou.html',
img: '/img/blog/meetup-chengdu/all-hands.webp',
title: 'Dubbo Chengdu meetup has been held successfully',
content: 'The Dubbo Chengdu meetup has been held successfully, over 350+ people were present.',
dateStr: 'August 14th,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/dubbo-meetup-chengdu.html',
img: '/img/blog/dubbo-shanghai-meetup.jpeg',
title: 'Dubbo Shanghai meetup has been held successfully',
content: 'The Dubbo meetup has successfully been held in Shanghai, over 700 people submitted registration, and over 300 were present, more than 10,000 watched the live online.',
dateStr: 'June 23rd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/dubbo-meetup-shanghai-jun-23rd-2018.html',
img: '/img/blog/dubbo-beijing-meetup.png',
title: 'The first Dubbo meetup has successfully been held in Beijing',
content: 'The first Dubbo meetup has successfully been held in Beijing, over 400+ people were present. What a great event!',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/dubbo-meetup-beijing-may-12th-2018.html',
img: '/img/blog/apachecon-na-2018.png',
title: 'The ApacheCon NA schedule has been announced',
content: 'Ian Luo/Jun Liu will talk about "Introducing Apache Dubbo(Incubating): What is Dubbo and How it Works" at ApacheCon NA this year in Montréal!',
dateStr: 'May 2nd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/apachecon-na-2018.html',
img: '/img/blog/qcon-beijing-2018.jpeg',
title: 'Dubbo roadmap is announced in QCon Beijing 2018',
content: 'Ian Luo has delivered a great talk at QCon Beijing 2018, where the roadmap of Dubbo has also be announced.',
dateStr: 'April 21st,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/qcon-beijing-2018.html',
contacts: {
title: 'Talk To Us',
desc: 'Feel free to contact us via the following channel.',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
imgHover: '/img/mailinglist_hover.png',
title: 'Mailing List',
link: ''
img: '/img/alibaba.png',
imgHover: '/img/alibaba_hover.png',
title: '#alibaba/dubbo',
link: '',
img: '/img/so-icon.png',
imgHover: '/img/so-icon-hover.png',
title: 'StackOverflow',
link: ''
img: '/img/twitter.png',
imgHover: '/img/twitter_hover.png',
title: '@ApacheDubbo',
link: '',
contributorGuide: {
title: 'Contributor Guide',
desc: 'Want to contribute to Dubbo?',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
title: 'Mailing List',
content: <span>Join the <a href="">mailing list </a>and discussion your ideas with us.</span>,
img: '/img/issue.png',
title: 'Issue',
content: <span>Reporting issues via <a href="">Github issues</a>.</span>,
img: '/img/documents.png',
title: 'Documents',
content: <span>Improve the <a href="">documentation</a>.</span>,
img: '/img/pullrequest.png',
title: 'Pull Request',
content: <span>Send your awesome enhancement via <a href="">Pull requests.</a></span>,
ecos: {
title: 'Eco System',
list: [
title: 'Bootstrap',
content: <span>Generate Dubbo project with Spring Boot:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Dubbo Initializr',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
title: 'Language',
content: <span>Dubbo supports the following languages:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Java',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Node.js',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Python',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'PHP',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Go',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Erlang',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'API',
content: <span>Dubbo supports the following API:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Spring XML',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/configuration/xml.html',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Spring Annotation',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/configuration/annotation.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Plain Java',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/configuration/properties.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Spring Boot',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Registry',
content: <span>Dubbo supports the following registries:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Zookeeper',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/registry/zookeeper.html',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Redis',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/registry/redis.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Simple',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/registry/simple.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Multicast',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/registry/multicast.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Etcd3',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Cluster',
content: <span>Dubbo supports the following clusters:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Fail over',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Fail safe',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Fail fast',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Fail back',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Forking',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Broadcast',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Load balance',
content: <span>Dubbo supports the following load balance:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Random',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/loadbalance.html',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Least Active',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/loadbalance.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Round Robin',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/loadbalance.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Consistent hash',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/loadbalance.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Protocol',
content: <span>Dubbo supports the following protocols:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Dubbo',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/protocol/dubbo.html',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'RMI',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/protocol/rmi.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Hessian',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/protocol/hessian.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'HTTP',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/protocol/http.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'WebService',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/protocol/webservice.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Thrift',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/protocol/thrift.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Native Thrift',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Memcached',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/protocol/memcached.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Redis',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/protocol/redis.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Rest',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/references/protocol/rest.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'JsonRPC',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'XmlRPC',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'JmsRpc',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Transport',
content: <span>Dubbo supports the following transporters:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Netty3',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Netty4',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/demos/netty4.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Grizzly',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Jetty',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Mina',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'P2P',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Zookeeper',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Serialization',
content: <span>Dubbo supports the following serialization:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Hessian2',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Java',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'JSON',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Fst',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Kryo',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Native Hessian',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Avro',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
'zh-cn': {
barText: '社区',
events: {
title: '事件 & 新闻',
list: [
img: '/img/blog/dubbo-hangzhou-meetup.jpg',
title: 'Aliware Open Source·杭州站——Apache Dubbo开发者沙龙',
content: '第五届Dubbo开发者沙龙将于12月1日(周六)在杭州市萧山区启迪路198号杭州湾信息港A座国际报告厅举办',
dateStr: 'December 1th,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/dubbo-meetup-hangzhou.html',
img: '/img/blog/dubbo-chengdu-meetup.jpg',
title: 'Aliware Open Source·成都站——Apache Dubbo开发者沙龙',
content: '第四届Dubbo开发者沙龙将于8月26日(周日)在成都高新区天府五街200号菁蓉国际广场8号楼2楼会议厅举办',
dateStr: 'August 14th,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/dubbo-meetup-chengdu.html',
img: '/img/blog/dubbo-shenzhen-meetup.jpg',
title: '第三届Dubbo开发者沙龙在深圳成功举办',
content: '第三届Dubbo开发者沙龙在深圳成功举办,超过2000位开发者报名,现场参与人数700+,通过阿里云天池、云栖社区、大咖说引导线上直播观看次数17000+',
dateStr: 'July 14th,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/dubbo-meetup-shenzhen.html',
img: '/img/blog/dubbo-shanghai-meetup.jpeg',
title: '第二届Dubbo开发者沙龙在上海成功举办',
content: '第二届Dubbo开发者沙龙在上海成功举办,超过700位开发者报名,现场参与人数300+,通过阿里云天池、云栖社区、大咖说引导线上直播观看次数10000+',
dateStr: 'Jun 23rd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/dubbo-meetup-shanghai-jun-23rd-2018.html',
img: '/img/blog/dubbo-beijing-meetup.png',
title: '首届Dubbo开发者沙龙在北京成功举办',
content: '首届Dubbo开发者沙龙在北京成功举办,超过400位开发者参加!',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/dubbo-meetup-beijing-may-12th-2018.html',
img: '/img/blog/apachecon-na-2018.png',
title: 'ApacheCon大会议程公布',
content: '罗毅/刘军 将进行题为"Introducing Apache Dubbo(Incubating): What is Dubbo and How it Works"的演讲。',
dateStr: 'May 2nd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/apachecon-na-2018.html',
img: '/img/blog/qcon-beijing-2018.jpeg',
title: 'Dubbo路线图在QCon Beijing 2018上公布',
content: '罗毅在Qcon Beijing 2018上进行了Dubbo开源现状及未来规划的主题演讲。',
dateStr: 'April 21st,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/qcon-beijing-2018.html',
contacts: {
title: '联系我们',
desc: '有问题需要反馈?请通过以下方式联系我们。',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
imgHover: '/img/mailinglist_hover.png',
title: '邮件列表',
link: ''
img: '/img/alibaba.png',
imgHover: '/img/alibaba_hover.png',
title: 'Gitter',
link: '',
img: '/img/so-icon.png',
imgHover: '/img/so-icon-hover.png',
title: 'StackOverflow',
link: ''
img: '/img/twitter.png',
imgHover: '/img/twitter_hover.png',
title: '@ApacheDubbo',
link: '',
contributorGuide: {
title: '贡献指南',
desc: 'Dubbo社区欢迎任何形式的贡献。',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
title: '邮件列表',
content: <span>加入 <a href="">邮件列表 </a>参与讨论。</span>,
img: '/img/issue.png',
title: '报告缺陷',
content: <span>通过<a href=""> Github issues </a>报告缺陷。</span>,
img: '/img/documents.png',
title: '文档',
content: <span>优化Dubbo <a href=""> 文档</a>。</span>,
img: '/img/pullrequest.png',
title: 'Pull Request',
content: <span>提交 <a href=""> Pull requests </a>来修复问题。</span>,
ecos: {
title: '生态系统',
list: [
title: '脚手架',
content: <span>快速生成基于 Spring Boot Dubbo 项目:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Dubbo Initializr',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
title: '多语言',
content: <span>Dubbo支持以下语言:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Java',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Node.js',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Python',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'PHP',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Go',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Erlang',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'API',
content: <span>Dubbo支持通过多种API方式启动:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Spring XML',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/configuration/xml.html',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Spring Annotation',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/configuration/annotation.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Plain Java',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/configuration/properties.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Spring Boot',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Registry',
content: <span>Dubbo支持以下注册中心:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Zookeeper',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/registry/zookeeper.html',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Redis',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/registry/redis.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Simple',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/registry/simple.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Multicast',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/registry/multicast.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Etcd3',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Cluster',
content: <span>Dubbo支持以下容错机制:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Fail over',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Fail safe',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Fail fast',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Fail back',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Forking',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Broadcast',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/fault-tolerent-strategy.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Load balance',
content: <span>Dubbo支持以下负载均衡策略:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Random',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/loadbalance.html',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Least Active',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/loadbalance.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Round Robin',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/loadbalance.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Consistent hash',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/loadbalance.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Protocol',
content: <span>Dubbo支持以下协议:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Dubbo',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/protocol/dubbo.html',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'RMI',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/protocol/rmi.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Hessian',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/protocol/hessian.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'HTTP',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/protocol/http.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'WebService',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/protocol/webservice.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Thrift',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/protocol/thrift.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Native Thrift',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Memcached',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/protocol/memcached.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Redis',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/protocol/redis.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Rest',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/references/protocol/rest.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'JsonRPC',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'XmlRPC',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'JmsRpc',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Transport',
content: <span>Dubbo支持以下网络传输扩展:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Netty3',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Netty4',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/demos/netty4.html',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Grizzly',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Jetty',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Mina',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'P2P',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Zookeeper',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
title: 'Serialization',
content: <span>Dubbo支持以下序列化机制:</span>,
tags: [
text: 'Hessian2',
link: '',
bgColor: '#7A63FC',
text: 'Java',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'JSON',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Fst',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Kryo',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Native Hessian',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',
text: 'Avro',
link: '',
bgColor: '#00D0D9',