aliases: - /zh/overview/quickstart/nodejs/ - /zh-cn/overview/quickstart/nodejs/ description: 使用 Python 开发后端微服务 linkTitle: 快速开始 title: 快速开始 type: docs weight: 1

在开始之前,请确保您已经安装了 python 3.11+. Then, install Dubbo-Python in your project using the following steps:

git clone
cd dubbo-python && pip install .

Get started with Dubbo-Python in just 5 minutes by following our Quick Start Guide.

It's as simple as the following code snippet. With just a few lines of code, you can launch a fully functional point-to-point RPC service :

  1. Build and start the Server

    import dubbo
    from dubbo.configs import ServiceConfig
    from dubbo.proxy.handlers import RpcServiceHandler, RpcMethodHandler
    def handle_unary(request):
        s = request.decode("utf-8")
        print(f"Received request: {s}")
        return (s + " world").encode("utf-8")
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # build a method handler
        method_handler = RpcMethodHandler.unary(handle_unary)
        # build a service handler
        service_handler = RpcServiceHandler(
            method_handlers={"unary": method_handler},
        service_config = ServiceConfig(service_handler)
        # start the server
        server = dubbo.Server(service_config).start()
        input("Press Enter to stop the server...\n")
  2. Build and start the Client

    import dubbo
    from dubbo.configs import ReferenceConfig
    class UnaryServiceStub:
        def __init__(self, client: dubbo.Client):
            self.unary = client.unary(method_name="unary")
        def unary(self, request):
            return self.unary(request)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        reference_config = ReferenceConfig.from_url(
        dubbo_client = dubbo.Client(reference_config)
        unary_service_stub = UnaryServiceStub(dubbo_client)
        result = unary_service_stub.unary("hello".encode("utf-8"))