Dubbo Spring Boot Production-Ready

dubbo-spring-boot-actuator 提供 Production-Ready 特性 (比如 健康检查, OPS 端点, and 外部化配置).


  1. 主目录
  2. Maven 整合
  3. 健康检查
  4. OPS 端点
  5. 外部化配置

Maven 整合


dubbo-spring-boot-actuator 是可选模块,它不应该独立存在,需要与 dubbo-spring-boot-starter 并存方可工作正常。您可以直接增加到 应用工程的 pom.xml 文件:



    <!-- 功能特性 -->

    <!-- Production-Ready 特性 -->




如果你需要尝试最新 dubbo-spring-boot-actuator 的特性,您可以自将开发分支 手动 Maven install 到本地 Maven 仓库。


dubbo-spring-boot-actuator 实现了标准的 Spring Boot HealthIndicator , 它将聚合 Dubbo 相关的健康指标数据到 Spring Boot's Health ,并且 暴露在 HealthEndpoint ,它能够在 works MVC (Spring Web MVC) and JMX (Java Management Extensions) both if they are available.

Web Endpoint : /health

假设 Spring Boot Web 应用没有指定 management.port 属性, 运行后,通过 Web 客户端访问 http://localhost:8080/health,HTTP 相应将会返回一个 JSON 格式的内容,如下所示:

  "status": "UP",
  "dubbo": {
    "status": "UP",
    "memory": {
      "source": "management.health.dubbo.status.defaults",
      "status": {
        "level": "OK",
        "message": "max:3641M,total:383M,used:92M,free:291M",
        "description": null
    "load": {
      "source": "management.health.dubbo.status.extras",
      "status": {
        "level": "OK",
        "message": "load:1.73583984375,cpu:8",
        "description": null
    "threadpool": {
      "source": "management.health.dubbo.status.extras",
      "status": {
        "level": "OK",
        "message": "Pool status:OK, max:200, core:200, largest:0, active:0, task:0, service port: 12345",
        "description": null
    "server": {
      "source": "dubbo@ProtocolConfig.getStatus()",
      "status": {
        "level": "OK",
        "message": "/",
        "description": null
  // ignore others

其中 memory, load, threadpool and server 是 Dubbo 内建的 StatusCheckers,并且 Dubbo 允许应用程序扩展 StatusChecker's SPI.

默认情况, memory and load 将被添加到 Dubbo 的 HealthIndicator , 可以通过外部化配置覆盖默认值,请参考 StatusChecker's 默认值.

JMX Endpoint : healthEndpoint

dubbo-spring-boot-actuator 也将暴露健康检查的 JMX Endpoint,它的 ObjectNameorg.springframework.boot:type=Endpoint,name=healthEndpoint , 开发人员可以通过 JMX 代理工具 ,比如 jconsole 等:

内建 StatusCheckers

Dubbo 内建 StatusChecker 实现定义在 META-INF/dubbo/internal/com.alibaba.dubbo.common.status.StatusChecker 文件中,内容如下 :


The property key that is name of StatusChecker can be a valid value of management.health.dubbo.status.* in externalized configuration.


Actuator endpoint dubbo supports Spring Web MVC Endpoints :

URIHTTP MethodDescriptionContent Type
/dubboGETExposes Dubbo's meta dataapplication/json
/dubbo/propertiesGETExposes all Dubbo's Propertiesapplication/json
/dubbo/servicesGETExposes all Dubbo's ServiceBeanapplication/json
/dubbo/referencesGETExposes all Dubbo's ReferenceBeanapplication/json
/dubbo/configsGETExposes all Dubbo's *Configapplication/json
/dubbo/shutdownPOSTShutdown Dubbo servicesapplication/json

Endpoint : /dubbo

/dubbo exposes Dubbo's meta data :

  "timestamp": 1516623290166,
  "versions": {
    "dubbo-spring-boot": "1.0.0"
    "dubbo": "2.5.9"
  "urls": {
    "dubbo": "https://github.com/alibaba/dubbo",
    "google-group": "http://groups.google.com/group/dubbo",
    "github": "https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-spring-boot-project",
    "issues": "https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-spring-boot-project/issues",
    "git": "https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-spring-boot-project.git"

Endpoint : /dubbo/properties

/dubbo/properties exposes all Dubbo's Properties from Spring Boot Externalized Configuration (a.k.a PropertySources) :

  "dubbo.application.id": "dubbo-provider-demo",
  "dubbo.application.name": "dubbo-provider-demo",
  "dubbo.application.qos-enable": "false",
  "dubbo.application.qos-port": "33333",
  "dubbo.protocol.id": "dubbo",
  "dubbo.protocol.name": "dubbo",
  "dubbo.protocol.port": "12345",
  "dubbo.registry.address": "N/A",
  "dubbo.registry.id": "my-registry",
  "dubbo.scan.base-packages": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.provider.service"

The structure of JSON is simple Key-Value format , the key is property name as and the value is property value.

Endpoint : /dubbo/services

/dubbo/services exposes all Dubbo's ServiceBean that are declared via <dubbo:service/> or @Service present in Spring ApplicationContext :

  "ServiceBean@com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService#defaultDemoService": {
    "accesslog": null,
    "actives": null,
    "cache": null,
    "callbacks": null,
    "class": "com.alibaba.dubbo.config.spring.ServiceBean",
    "cluster": null,
    "connections": null,
    "delay": null,
    "document": null,
    "executes": null,
    "export": null,
    "exported": true,
    "filter": "",
    "generic": "false",
    "group": null,
    "id": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService",
    "interface": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService",
    "interfaceClass": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService",
    "layer": null,
    "listener": "",
    "loadbalance": null,
    "local": null,
    "merger": null,
    "mock": null,
    "onconnect": null,
    "ondisconnect": null,
    "owner": null,
    "path": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService",
    "proxy": null,
    "retries": null,
    "scope": null,
    "sent": null,
    "stub": null,
    "timeout": null,
    "token": null,
    "unexported": false,
    "uniqueServiceName": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService:1.0.0",
    "validation": null,
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "warmup": null,
    "weight": null,
    "serviceClass": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.provider.service.DefaultDemoService"

The key is the Bean name of ServiceBean , ServiceBean's properties compose value.

Endpoint : /dubbo/references

/dubbo/references exposes all Dubbo's ReferenceBean that are declared via @Reference annotating on Field or Method :

  "private com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.consumer.controller.DemoConsumerController.demoService": {
    "actives": null,
    "cache": null,
    "callbacks": null,
    "class": "com.alibaba.dubbo.config.spring.ReferenceBean",
    "client": null,
    "cluster": null,
    "connections": null,
    "filter": "",
    "generic": null,
    "group": null,
    "id": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService",
    "interface": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService",
    "interfaceClass": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService",
    "layer": null,
    "lazy": null,
    "listener": "",
    "loadbalance": null,
    "local": null,
    "merger": null,
    "mock": null,
    "objectType": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService",
    "onconnect": null,
    "ondisconnect": null,
    "owner": null,
    "protocol": null,
    "proxy": null,
    "reconnect": null,
    "retries": null,
    "scope": null,
    "sent": null,
    "singleton": true,
    "sticky": null,
    "stub": null,
    "stubevent": null,
    "timeout": null,
    "uniqueServiceName": "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService:1.0.0",
    "url": "dubbo://localhost:12345",
    "validation": null,
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "invoker": {
      "class": "com.alibaba.dubbo.common.bytecode.proxy0"

The key is the string presentation of @Reference Field or Method , ReferenceBean's properties compose value.

Endpoint : /dubbo/configs

/dubbo/configs exposes all Dubbo's *Config :

  "ApplicationConfig": {
    "dubbo-consumer-demo": {
      "architecture": null,
      "class": "com.alibaba.dubbo.config.ApplicationConfig",
      "compiler": null,
      "dumpDirectory": null,
      "environment": null,
      "id": "dubbo-consumer-demo",
      "logger": null,
      "name": "dubbo-consumer-demo",
      "organization": null,
      "owner": null,
      "version": null
  "ConsumerConfig": {
  "MethodConfig": {
  "ModuleConfig": {
  "MonitorConfig": {
  "ProtocolConfig": {
    "dubbo": {
      "accepts": null,
      "accesslog": null,
      "buffer": null,
      "charset": null,
      "class": "com.alibaba.dubbo.config.ProtocolConfig",
      "client": null,
      "codec": null,
      "contextpath": null,
      "dispatcher": null,
      "dispather": null,
      "exchanger": null,
      "heartbeat": null,
      "host": null,
      "id": "dubbo",
      "iothreads": null,
      "name": "dubbo",
      "networker": null,
      "path": null,
      "payload": null,
      "port": 12345,
      "prompt": null,
      "queues": null,
      "serialization": null,
      "server": null,
      "status": null,
      "telnet": null,
      "threadpool": null,
      "threads": null,
      "transporter": null
  "ProviderConfig": {
  "ReferenceConfig": {
  "RegistryConfig": {
  "ServiceConfig": {

The key is the simple name of Dubbo *Config Class , the value is*Config Beans' Name-Properties Map.

Endpoint : /dubbo/shutdown

/dubbo/shutdown shutdowns Dubbo's components including registries, protocols, services and references :

    "shutdown.count": {
        "registries": 0,
        "protocols": 1,
        "services": 0,
        "references": 1

“shutdown.count” means the count of shutdown of Dubbo's components , and the value indicates how many components have been shutdown.

Externalized Configuration

StatusChecker Defaults

management.health.dubbo.status.defaults is a property name for setting names of StatusCheckers , its value is allowed to multiple-values , for example :

management.health.dubbo.status.defaults = registry,memory,load

Default Value

The default value is :

management.health.dubbo.status.defaults = memory,load

StatusChecker Extras

management.health.dubbo.status.extras is used to override the [StatusChecker's defaults] , the multiple-values is delimited by comma :

management.health.dubbo.status.extras = load,threadpool

Health Checks Enabled

management.health.dubbo.enabled is a enabled configuration to turn on or off health checks feature, its' default is true.

If you'd like to disable health checks , you chould apply management.health.dubbo.enabled to be false:

management.health.dubbo.enabled = false

Endpoints Enabled

Dubbo Spring Boot providers actuator endpoint dubbo , however it is disable. If you'd like to enable it , please add following property into externalized configuration :

# Dubbo Endpoint enabled (default value is false)
endpoints.dubbo.enabled = true

Endpoints Sensitive

Dubbo endpoints contain some sensitive information and significant opeations , thus it's sensitive , that means endpoints maybe protected and authorized if security resolved.

If you consider it's fine to be public , you can add following property into externalized configuration :

# Dubbo Endpoint (default value is true)
endpoints.dubbo.sensitive = false

If Spring Security were resolved , configure more :

management.security.enabled = false