Dubbo Spring Boot 工程

Dubbo Spring Boot 工程致力于简化 Dubbo RPC 框架在 Spring Boot 应用场景的开发。同时也整合了 Spring Boot 特性:

Dubbo |ˈdʌbəʊ| is a high-performance, java based RPC framework open-sourced by Alibaba. As in many RPC systems, dubbo is based around the idea of defining a service, specifying the methods that can be called remotely with their parameters and return types. On the server side, the server implements this interface and runs a dubbo server to handle client calls. On the client side, the client has a stub that provides the same methods as the server.

当前工程是支持 Spring Boot 1.x 的维护工程


您可以为您的工程引入最新 dubbo-spring-boot-starter 的发布,增加以下依赖到工程的 pom.xml 文件中:


如果您的工程遇到了依赖问题, 请尝试添加如下 Maven 参考到工程的 pom.xml 文件中:




如果你需要尝试最新 dubbo-spring-boot-project 的特性,您可将当前工程手动 Maven install 到本地 Maven 仓库:

  1. Maven install dubbo 2.6.2-SNAPSHOT
  2. Maven install 当前工程

Maven install = mvn install


版本JavaSpring BootDubbo


如果您对 Dubbo 不是非常了解,耽误您几分钟访问 http://dubbo.io/。了解后,如果你期望更深入的探讨,可以移步用户手册

通常情况 , Dubbo 应用有两种使用场景 , 其一为 Dubbo 服务提供方 , 另外一个是 Dubbo 服务消费方,当然也允许两者混合,下面我们一起快速开始!

首先,我们假设存在一个 Dubbo RPC API ,由服务提供方为服务消费方暴露接口 :

public interface DemoService {

    String sayHello(String name);


实现 Dubbo 服务提供方

  1. 实现 DemoService 接口
        version = "${demo.service.version}",
        application = "${dubbo.application.id}",
        protocol = "${dubbo.protocol.id}",
        registry = "${dubbo.registry.id}"
public class DefaultDemoService implements DemoService {

    public String sayHello(String name) {
        return "Hello, " + name + " (from Spring Boot)";

  1. 编写 Spring Boot 引导程序
public class DubboProviderDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        new SpringApplicationBuilder(DubboProviderDemo.class)
                .web(false) // 非 Web 应用


  1. 配置 application.properties :
# Spring boot application
spring.application.name = dubbo-provider-demo
server.port = 9090
management.port = 9091

# Service version
demo.service.version = 1.0.0

# Base packages to scan Dubbo Components (e.g @Service , @Reference)
dubbo.scan.basePackages  = com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.provider.service

# Dubbo Config properties
## ApplicationConfig Bean
dubbo.application.id = dubbo-provider-demo
dubbo.application.name = dubbo-provider-demo

## ProtocolConfig Bean
dubbo.protocol.id = dubbo
dubbo.protocol.name = dubbo
dubbo.protocol.port = 12345

## RegistryConfig Bean
dubbo.registry.id = my-registry
dubbo.registry.address = N/A

更多的实现细节 , 请参考 Dubbo 服务提供方示例.

实现 Dubbo 服务消费方

  1. 通过 @Reference 注入 DemoService :
public class DemoConsumerController {

    @Reference(version = "${demo.service.version}",
            application = "${dubbo.application.id}",
            url = "dubbo://localhost:12345")
    private DemoService demoService;

    public String sayHello(@RequestParam String name) {
        return demoService.sayHello(name);

  1. 编写 Spring Boot 引导程序(Web 应用) :
@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = "com.alibaba.boot.dubbo.demo.consumer.controller")
public class DubboConsumerDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {



  1. 配置 application.properties :
# Spring boot application
spring.application.name = dubbo-consumer-demo
server.port = 8080
management.port = 8081

# Service Version
demo.service.version = 1.0.0

# Dubbo Config properties
## ApplicationConfig Bean
dubbo.application.id = dubbo-consumer-demo
dubbo.application.name = dubbo-consumer-demo

## ProtocolConfig Bean
dubbo.protocol.id = dubbo
dubbo.protocol.name = dubbo
dubbo.protocol.port = 12345

请确保 Dubbo 服务提供方服务可用, DubboProviderDemo 运行方可正常。

更多的实现细节,请参考 Dubbo 服务消费方示例


如果您在使用 Dubbo Spring Boot 中遇到任何问题或者有什么建议? 我们非常需要您的支持!


Dubbo Spring Boot 采用多 Maven 模块工程 , 模块如下:


dubbo-spring-boot-parent 模块主要管理 Dubbo Spring Boot 工程的 Maven 依赖


dubbo-spring-boot-autoconfigure 模块提供 Spring Boot's @EnableAutoConfiguration 的实现 - DubboAutoConfiguration, 它简化了 Dubbo 核心组件的装配。


dubbo-spring-boot-actuator 提供 Production-Ready 特性:


dubbo-spring-boot-starter 模块为标准的 Spring Boot Starter , 当您将它引入到工程后,dubbo-spring-boot-autoconfigure 模块会一同被间接依赖。


The samples project of Dubbo Spring Boot that includes two parts: dubbo-spring-boot-samples 为 Dubbo Spring Boot 示例工程,包括:

Dubbo 服务提供方示例

Dubbo 服务将会通过 localhost 的 12345 端口暴露服务,并且提供 JMX Endpoints。

Dubbo 服务消费方示例

Dubbo 服务将被 Spring WebMVC Controller 消费,并且提供 JMX 以及 Web Endpoints 端口: