Apache Dubbo SPI Extensions

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  1. a98b86a Bump org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 from 3.8.1 to 3.14.0 (#330) by dependabot[bot] · 8 days ago master
  2. 92a9754 build: CI support unit test on Windows platform && Add Dependabot config (#309) by aofall · 8 days ago
  3. 7674dee The Task Of [Feature] Move Rest Protocol to SPI Extensions #13958 (#306) by 王聪洋 · 8 days ago
  4. cbad15d fix: redis connection do not close and return to connection pool (#311) by aofall · 10 days ago
  5. f38363f fix test lib (#310) by 王聪洋 · 12 days ago


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The purpose of dubbo-spi-extensions is to provide open, community-driven, reusable components to build microservice programs with different needs. These components extend the core of the Apache Dubbo project, but they are separated and decoupled.

Developers can flexibly choose the required extension dependencies to develop microservice programs based on their needs. The available extensions are as follows:Developers can flexibly choose the required extension dependencies to develop microservice programs based on their needs.

For version release notes, please refer to the documentation:

The available extensions are as follows:


Thanks to everyone who has contributed!