Dubbo Native Integration Test Quick Start

Building Test Image

cd dubbo-samples

For users in China, mirror acceleration can be utilized:

docker pull ghcr.m.daocloud.io/graalvm/native-image-community:17-ol7
docker tag ghcr.m.daocloud.io/graalvm/native-image-community:17-ol7 ghcr.io/graalvm/native-image-community:17-ol7
cd dubbo-samples

Running Test Cases

The script run-native-tests.sh is used to execute a single test case, a list of test cases, or all test cases.

The script kill-tests.sh is used to forcefully terminate all test cases, stop all dubbo containers, and all processes of run-native-tests.sh and scenario.sh.

Note: After interrupting the execution of run-native-tests.sh with Ctrl+C, the kill-tests.sh script should be executed.

Running Methods

  • Running a Single Test Case

    ./test/run-native-tests.sh <project.basedir>

    For example, to run the dubbo-samples-native-image-registry test case:

    ./test/run-native-tests.sh 2-advanced/dubbo-samples-native-image-registry
  • Running a Specified List of Test Cases

    TEST_CASE_FILE=testcases1.txt ./test/run-native-tests.sh
  • Running All Test Cases


The principle behind running all test cases with run-native-tests.sh:

  1. Search for all native-case-configuration.yml files.
  2. Fork multiple processes to run the test cases sequentially.

Adding Test Cases

Ensure that the versions in case-versions.conf are correct: dubbo.version=3.3.*, spring.version=6.*, java.version= >= 17.

The test case configuration file should be named native-case-configuration.yml and placed in the basedir of each project that requires testing.

The basic usage should remain consistent with the quick-start guide, with details directly referable to the official documentation on Support for GraalVM Native Image.


  • The native-case-configuration.yml file should add config timeout: 600 because native testing requires packaging a native Image, which is time-consuming. The default timeout may not be sufficient for the packaging process, leading to premature timeouts.

  • Ensure that project dependencies meet the minimum version requirements. Use the latest version of maven-compiler-plugin to prevent unnecessary issues, and use the latest version of native-maven-plugin for better support. Refer to the example in 2-advanced/dubbo-samples-native-image-registry/dubbo-samples-native-image-registry-provider for version details.

  • For normal application main startup classes, the pom.xml must include a profile named native, which will be used during the packaging and compilation phase. Projects that require running unit tests should have a nativeTest profile. Refer to the example in 2-advanced/dubbo-samples-native-image-registry/dubbo-samples-native-image-registry-consumer.

  • The matching rule for test classes (includes) is “*IT.java”,The default matching rule is:“**/*IT.class”. In the native test scenario, this is activated through the configuration of the test plugin.


    Corresponding to the native-case-configuration.yml configuration is

        type: nativeTest
        basedir: dubbo-samples-native-image-registry-consumer
            - "**/*IT.class" // Configure the matching rules of the test class, this is also the default value

    If the unit test runs incompletely you need to check these configurations

  • Examples that rely on zookeeper need to configure the zookeeper address in the native-maven-plugin channel, otherwise the actual zookeeper address may not be requested.

        <extensions>true</extensions>  <!-- required -->
                <zookeeper.address>${zookeeper.address}</zookeeper.address> <!-- external zookeeper address -->

    Correspondingly, it can be configured like this in application.yml

        address: zookeeper://${zookeeper.address:}:2181

    In the code, the environment variable can be used to retrieve the value:

    private static String zookeeperHost = System.getProperty("zookeeper.address", "");
  • The test case running logs are stored in the directory specified by ${basedir}/logs/${sampleName}/*.log. For example, in the case of dubbo-samples-native-image-registry:

    dubbo-samples-native-image-registry // basedir
    ├── logs
       ├── dubbo-samples-native-image-registry-consumer.log // Consumer native build and runtime logs
       ├── dubbo-samples-native-image-registry-provider.log // Provider native build and runtime logs
       ├── dubbo-samples-native-image-registry-test.log // Native test build and runtime logs
       ├── scenario-builder.log // Logs generated from native-case-configuration.yml
       ├── scenario.log // Overall runtime logs for all cases under this basedir
       └── zookeeper.log // ZooKeeper logs
    ├── mvn.log // Logs for building the source code with mvn
    ├── version-matrix.log // Logs for version matrix
    └── version-matrix.txt // Actual dependency versions for running examples