| # maven ignore |
| target/ |
| *.jar |
| *.war |
| *.zip |
| *.tar |
| *.tar.gz |
| pom.xml.tag |
| pom.xml.releaseBackup |
| pom.xml.versionsBackup |
| pom.xml.next |
| release.properties |
| dependency-reduced-pom.xml |
| buildNumber.properties |
| .mvn/timing.properties |
| # https://github.com/takari/maven-wrapper#usage-without-binary-jar |
| .mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar |
| |
| # eclipse ignore |
| .settings/ |
| .project |
| .classpath |
| |
| # idea ignore |
| .idea/ |
| *.ipr |
| *.iml |
| *.iws |
| |
| # temp ignore |
| *.log |
| *.cache |
| *.diff |
| *.patch |
| *.tmp |
| |
| # system ignore |
| .DS_Store |
| Thumbs.db |
| |
| # generated code |
| **/dependency-reduced-pom.xml |
| |
| # Binaries for programs and plugins |
| *.exe |
| *.exe~ |
| *.dll |
| *.so |
| *.dylib |
| |
| # Test binary, build with `go test -c` |
| *.test |
| |
| # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE |
| *.out |
| classes |
| |
| # Gopkg.lock |
| vendor/ |
| |
| logs/ |
| .vscode/ |
| coverage.txt |
| |
| test/jobs |
| test/nacos-mysql |
| version-matrix.txt |
| target-jacoco/ |