tree: b6b06e2328fee3d5ca632df8b2597ee7e22b4715 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .husky/
  2. cypress/
  3. public/
  4. src/
  5. .eslintrc.cjs
  6. .gitignore
  7. .lintstagedrc.json
  8. .nvmrc
  9. .prettierrc.json
  10. cypress.config.ts
  11. env.d.ts
  12. index.html
  13. package.json
  16. tsconfig.json
  17. tsconfig.node.json
  18. tsconfig.vitest.json
  19. vite.config.ts
  20. vitest.config.ts
  21. yarn.lock



Vue3 Vite TypeScript Ant Design Vue AntV|echarts lodash i18n colorful theme


This project is the front-end of dubbo-kube.

  1. home
  2. services
  3. traffic
  4. test tools
  5. metrics
  6. kubernetes


# add vite vue project
# Vue CLI is the official webpack-based toolchain for Vue. 
# It is now in maintenance mode and we recommend starting new projects with Vite unless you rely on specific webpack-only features. 
# Vite will provide superior developer experience in most cases.

# note your env version
# node v18.0.0
# yarn 1.22.21

npm create vue@latest


yarn format

# run it
yarn dev

# main com
yarn add ant-design-vue@4.x


  1. todo

if a function is not complete but show the entry in your page, please use notification.todo to mark it

 * this function is showing some tips about our Q&A
function globalQuestion() {
  devTool.todo("show Q&A tips")
  1. global css var

    // if you want use the global css var, such as primary color
    // create a reactive reference to a var by 'ref'
    export const PRIMARY_COLOR = ref('#17b392')
    // In js
    import {PRIMARY_COLOR} from '@/base/constants'
    // In CSS, use __null for explicit reference to prevent being cleared by code formatting.
    let __null = PRIMARY_COLOR
  2. provide and inject

    must define in ui-vue3/src/base/enums/ProvideInject.ts

  3. icon:

    <Icon icon="svg-spinners:pulse-ring" />
  4. api

    Agreement: if your api's path starts with mock, you will get a mock result

    1. Declear api

      import request from '@/base/http/request' export const getClusterInfo = (params: any):Promise<any> => { return request({ url: '/metrics/cluster', method: 'get', params }) }
    2. Declear mock api

      // define a mock api
      import Mock from 'mockjs'
      Mock.mock('/mock/metrics/cluster', 'get', {
          code: 200,
          message: '成功',
          data: {
              all: Mock.mock('@integer(100, 500)'),
              application: Mock.mock('@integer(80, 200)'),
              consumers: Mock.mock('@integer(80, 200)'),
              providers: Mock.mock('@integer(80, 200)'),
              services: Mock.mock('@integer(80, 200)'),
              versions: ["dubbo-golang-3.0.4"],
              protocols: ["tri"],
              rules: [],
              configCenter: "",
              registry: "",
              metadataCenter: "",
              grafana: "",
              prometheus: ""
      // import in main.ts
      import './api/mock/mockCluster.js'
    3. invoke api

      onMounted(async () => { let {data} = await getClusterInfo({}) })
    4. decide where the request is to go : request.ts

      // request.ts
      const service: AxiosInstance = axios.create({
          //  change this to decide where to go
          baseURL: '/mock',
          timeout: 30 * 1000


  1. In html template

  2. In ts

    if you want to make your var to i18n, make sure your var is a computed

    let label = 'foo'
    let labelWithI18n = computed(() => globalProperties.$t(label))


  1. Define a router

    // router/defaultRoutes
      path: '/home',
      name: 'homePage',
      component: () => import('../views/home/index.vue'),
      meta: {
        icon: 'carbon:web-services-cluster'
  2. Config route meta

    // you can config your route with this struct
    export interface RouterMeta extends RouteMeta {
      icon?: string
      hidden?: boolean
      skip?: boolean
    // icon:  Show as your menu prefix
    // hidden:  Do not show as a menu include its children routes
    // skip: Do not show this route as a menu, but display its child routes.
  3. Config a tab route

    Note: /tab is a middle layer for left-menu-item: must use LayoutTab as component; must be true

        path: '/tab',
        name: 'tabDemo',
        component: LayoutTab,
        redirect: 'index',
        meta: {
            tab_parent: true
        children: [
                path: '/index',
                name: 'applications_index',
                component: () => import('../views/resources/applications/index.vue'),
                meta: {
                    // hidden: true,
                path: '/tab1',
                name: 'tab1',
                component: () => import('../views/common/tab_demo/tab1.vue'),
                meta: {
                    icon: 'simple-icons:podman',
                    tab: true,

Build and Deploy

  1. Build

    yarn build
  2. Deploy

    Copy the dist folder to the path app/dubbo-ui/dist/

    # run the following command in the root path of the project
    rm -rf app/dubbo-ui/dist
    cp -r dist/ app/dubbo-ui/